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DO you support the minute men

Do you support the minutemen

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MattK said:
April- I was doing more of a hypothetical than he said... If you use the word "beaner" what would you construe the meaning to be? In other countries it may mean something entirely different but I can only think of one way to interpret the word. Maybe you feel it has a different meaning...
Keep dancin' boy. But if I said the word "beaner" it could mean many things other then those found in your limited scope of knowledge.

Take some advice and seek medical help...alzheimers is a real disease, and if I was you I'd definately get checked.

Dont you remember that I didnt vote for either shrub or lurch? I couldnt, neither were worthy of my vote.

FCB, I dont dislike shrub, just dont like his politics, dont like the fact he lies, dont like a flat economy, dont like his lack of environmental concerns, dont like the fact he's run the deficit up to the highest in U.S. history, dont like the fact he's killed a pile of people in a war he trumped up because of a family feud, and the fact he's not real bright.

I'm sure he'd be a swell guy to sip a few PBR's with while bass fishing...but he isnt the type of person I want running the country.
No Buzz, I remember that you didn't vote for either major party candidate. You are still chasing windmills. I apologize. That's not fair. I admire your supporting the candidate that you believe is best for the job. It's just that I have a bit more skeptical view. I don't think that there is enough money or enough votes to help anyone out of the mainstream get elected as president. So I chose to vote for the what I was as the lesser of the two evils. If you look at the spread in either numbers of votes or percentages, you'll see my skepticism was justified.

Never have been one to waste a vote on a political long shot. Not that that is not a worthy ideal, it just doesn't fit in my plan.

With all of this in mind, my remark about the elitist stuff still holds.


Buzz rolls through the Democrat talking points like a cheap partisian hack, then says he's independent. All you do is bash Bush and other Republicans and give Democrats a pass for equal or worse political desicions. I call B. S.. Your a closet Kerry man fess up. At least Matty has nuts enough to admit he voted for Kerry.

So Buzzard, if neither candidate was "worthy of your vote", who was when voted your absentee ballot? Or did you even vote?
DanR55- Although I did the same as you, voted for what I perceived as the lesser of 2 evils. I commend those that vote for who they really feel would be best. If everyone did this, maybe there would be some change for the good. Just as a footnote, I believe that did happen with Teddy Roosevelt. If I'm not mistaken, he was an independent candidate he was part of the Bull party...(that carried a big stick).
I don't thinkTeddy was elected when he ran with the Bull Moose party.

" The Bull Moose ticket polled some 25 percent of the popular vote. Thus split, the Republicans lost the election to the Democrats under Woodrow Wilson. The Bull Moose Party evaporated and the Republicans were reunited four years later."
Matt, you are close. Teddy was elected as the candidate of the Bullmoose party. That is the only non-partisan candidate elected as president since the inception of the two party system. Actually, reading the history of paritsan politics is an interesting read. Filled with weasels and worms and changes and double talk. From the days of the Torys and Whigs to the Democratic Republicans and the Bull Moose party. Right up to and including the present day.


Did you cut and paste your talking points from the website? For a current update of talking points just click on "Talking Points for Loonie Liberals", under the "We Need to Win Without a Message in 08" section. Your talking points are starting to get stale.

You didn't vote in last election did you? I knew it. Bitch, bitch, bitch like a cranky old woman, and never bother to vote!
little twig in a ram- You're ranting sounds like a lesson from the EIB...Listen to you or the drugged out Rush...same thing.

Maybe you should see the same Doctor that Danr needs to visit...the alzheimer specialist...

I wrote in and did vote absantee though, I actually mailed my absantee ballot from Twin Bridges Montana. I have voted in every election since I was old enough to vote...local elections as well as national. I even gathered signatures for a ballot initiative to stop game farms in MT.

I think the right to vote is absolutely not to be taken for granted...and I excercise my right every chance I get.

Sorry you're offended that I pointed out all of shrubs insane politics...the truth is a bitch isnt it?
So Buzz,

Who was worthy of your vote? Or are you too much of a puss to let anyone know what kind of quack was worthy of your write in vote? You bad mouth everyone elses choice for President. Surely you can publicly endorse a person "worthy of the vote" of the supreme BuzzH. I don't think you voted. Prove me wrong.

Matt the Mouth,

You need some new material. It wasn't funny 5 insults ago. Your ranting sounds like a U M graduate, who's only source for news comes from air america, mad magazine, and michael moore documentories. You and Buzz are truely from the same inbred gene pool.

What makes you believe that I wouldnt take the time to vote...the one thing every American can do to make changes in politics?

Why is it so hard for you to grasp that I wont cast MY vote for a dimwit from one of the two political camps that, in my opinion dont do much good, for the welfare of the U.S.?

Go ahead, keep casting YOUR vote for the flunkies like shrub, you get what you deserve. Unfortunately, a bunch of people get what they dont deserve their bodies blown apart in the sand. Its a damn shame that the loud-mouth flunkies like YOU arent the ones who are having to carry out shrubs non-sensical politics.

By they way...I wrote in H. Norman Schwarzkopf for the second if its really any of your freaking business.

Now, go rally for your boy...his approval is down the drain.
Buzz states:

"What makes you believe that I wouldnt take the time to vote...the one thing every American can do to make changes in politics?"

So how does voting for someone who is not even running for President "make changes in politics"? I would think that if you wanted to "make changes" you would select someone who could, and then promote them. BTW what's Norman's stance on dam breeching? That it's an idea promoted by a bunch of quacks? Yep, I bet he supports it all right! Buzz, I ain't buying your koolaid ( that's my p. c. way of calling you a liar). You just like to play it safe, and vote for someone that has no chance of being elected because you can't handle someone else critizing your choice. How's it feel to be a pussy and have NO VOICE?
BHR- Please explain the "great political moves" YOUR president has done and how they have in turn benefitted the United States. Thank you in advance for your great information.

Do some research, you'll find H. Normans stances on environmental issues make some pretty good sense. Being an avid outdoorsman, who hunts whitesheep, (instead of killdeers like shrub seems to prefer), I bet he'd be more likely to have a basic understanding of the plight of PNW wild anadromous fish than shrub.

As to who is the "pussy"...nothing like being a follower, something you know all about. It takes a lot more courage to stand for your ideals...RATHER than just give in and vote for someone who you think may win. I've given up long ago on selling my beliefs, morals, and ethics down the river for something as trivial as partisan politics. Glad you feel the need to support them, because I dont, and never will. Dont worry, you wont be swaying my opinion or or how I vote, my choice. The important thing is to excercise the right to vote.

I'd rather my vote was one of discontent over a two party system, that in my opinion is a mess, than just voting for someone simply on the likely hood of whether or not they "win" . Its pretty obvious your vote is more aligned with who will "win" than who will do whats right. I dont believe that Kerry was any better...Wesley Clark would have been worthy of my vote...but he didnt make it. Hopefully, one party or the other (or a third party) will eventually run a candidate worthy of my vote...until then, they, like you, can bite my ass.

By the way, question for are we ever going to get a legitimate 3rd, 4th party if nobody ever promotes them? Secondly, there are other avenues to get your voice heard...thats why we have a house and senate...or did you forget about that since your 6th grade political science class?
WESLEY CLARK? Is that General "Load me on that helicopter and get me out of here. Those wounded men are going to die anyway" Wesley Clark? Ah Buzz, you've really put your foot in it now.. He rates right up there with Hanoi Jane on my list of heros..

"I bet he'd be more likely to have a basic understanding of the plight of PNW wild anadromous fish than shrub"

I bet Norman would not support dam breeching, and I don't need to do any "research" to make this statement. In a past post, you mentioned dam breeching would proceed once "shrub" was out of office. Name a candidate (even a quack) that would make this happen. I don't mind a person voting for a 3rd party candidate to make a point. But voting for someone who isn't even running makes no sense.

I think right now would be a perfect time to come up with a third party. Leave the looney left to Howard Dean and the Democrats and the religous right to Tom Delay and the Republicans. Target the 80% in the middle and call it the "Common Sense Party". And no, dam breeching is not on the Common Sense Party platform. You need to talk to Howard about that one.

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