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DO you support the minute men

Do you support the minutemen

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Your support for Wesley Clark is telling. Wesley was brought in to the race for one reason, and mission was accomplished for his purpose. BTW, what was Wesley's stance on dam breeching?
BHR- Sell me some Kool aid. Please explain the "great political moves" YOUR president has done and how they have in turn benefitted the United States. Thank you in advance for your great information.
Listen to you or the drugged out Rush...same thing.
Come on now Matt...
You need to listen to some one yourself before you make judgment calls....
I would bet the closest you have ever come to listening to any of the AM talk stations is wayward, uninformed opinions your buddies from UM were spouting... :)

If you really have a problem with what Rush say's, the best place to air your concerns is to call him directly... Call him on a Friday, he opens up the airwaves to any one then and moves people with opposing views to the front of the line.

I would like to see how your empty arguments hold up against the individual you are so easy to bash... :eek: :)

But then again, it is easy to spout stuff with out having to actually produce isn't it.. ;)
The minutemen will claim Victory for their cause...[soon to be announced] They the founders/leaders will head to Washington D.C. to testify before congress.

About 750 have been on patrol so far this month and about another 150 are coming to finish up the month [done April 30th]

Border Patrol has reported that illegal arrests have dropped from a normal 1,000. a day to about 20 a day [98% reduction]... The project has been a great success.

Despite being goaded and attempted other "trickery" from th A.C.L.U and hispanic racist hate groups [la raza etc.] the minutemen have taken the abuse over and over without offense... glad i left [ i might have snapped and kicked someone ass.]
LMAO.... The MinuteMaids claiming victory ....... LMAO! Uhhh, yeah...right... :rolleyes:

MinuteMaid math.... 750+150 = 1000

Hey CJ, Where the fugg did you learn to do your MinuteMaid math??? Ha ha ha.... :confused: So far everything they have "claimed" has been full of crap and inflated. Only an idiot would believe anything from a person who calls Condi Rice a Communist..... |oo
Well, HoseB, if anyone around here could recognize an idiot, it would surely be our Supreme Idiot.. The Duke of Doubletalk, The Marquis of Misinformation, The Prince of Pointlessness, The Punjab of the Unsupported Claim, our own Jose Queervo, ElkGunner or which ever of his multiple personnas decides to shine today.

Sometimes I believe if it took an IQ of 75 to send a ton of feces around the world, you couldn't send a fart out of Your Own Private Idaho.

You have the debating skills of a qumquat and the informative capabilities road apple. You really are a lacking human being.

Thanks for the giggles..


I feel pretty much the same about your posts...provide a few good best.

Oh, and as to Wesley Clark...seems YOUR opinion is pretty much a non-issue.

Not bad for a chickenshit 4-star general:

"US Army, 1966-2000. Vietnam War veteran (awarded Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, Purple Heart and other military medals). Graduate: National War College; Command and General Staff College; Armor Officer Advanced and Basic Courses; Ranger and Airborne Schools. Director, Strategic Plans & Policy Office, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1994-96. Commander-in-Chief, US Southern Command, 1996-97. NATO Supreme Allied Commander and Commander-in-Chief of US European Command, 1997-2000. Presidential Medal of Freedom, 2000. Retired at the rank of 4-star General.

EDUCATION: B.S., US Military Academy at West Point, 1966 (graduated first in his class). M.A., Rhodes Scholar, Oxford University, 1968."

I wonder how Shrubs military career stacks up?

Surely, you can provide a link to back up your boy...
Shrub= "C" average, national guard (somewhat), multiple business failures. I can now see why (with that resume) he became President.
Hey DanR,

Which do you seem to think has impacted you most? The Alzheimers or just plain Senility??? I used to think it was the Alzheimers that is getting you, but now I am thinking more and more you are just Senile. Can you help us out with the answer on that???

So if Wesley Clark is right up there with Jane Fonda on your list of heros, where would you put somebody who washed out of the Guard (assuming he ever showed up) and couldn't remain eligible to fly planes? And then left Texas to go to Alabama to work on some losers campaign??? That was pretty noble service....

Keep on making your lightweight comments about the Marquis of Sade, or whoever you are idolizing this week. In the land of idiots, I assume you reign supreme. Any bets that ElkCheese will agree with you???? LMAO!!!
Buzz, I don't normally talk down about general officers. Most of them earn at least to some degree, their rank. I've worked with two different Army officers who served with Gen. Clark. They both had the same thing to say about him. He acheived the things he did over the blood and bodies of the men who served under him. I can't respect a man who does that. I've served under one like that my self.

All kidding and BS aside, try to find some of the reports that were fed back when Wesley Clark was contemplating a run for office. See what some of his subordinates had to say. If you find those and read them and still disagree, well, it won't be the first time you and I have disagreed. Please, just for your own information, make the effort.
Hoser, I suffer from none of the maladies you seem bound to attribute to me. I don't understand why you have to be such a nasty little qumquat. Why can't you be a little more mature, like Buzz. He gets mean and nasty, but I can at least respect his attitude and his views as being genuine. With you, it's like watching a puppy nip at the big dogs tail.

I don't believe that our discussion or at least my comments showed any propopance for anyone. They were related strictly to Gen. Clark and my opinon of him. Why do you keep dodging the issues and trying to change the direction of the debate?

The issue at hand is not my health or you considerable medical diagnostic skills or lack there of. Try to keep up or we will have to set you back on the porch.

Thanks Qumquat..


No disrespect, but you're getting your info second hand from SUBORDINATES, pretty much goes without saying that they all wont "like the boss".

I just find it pretty entertaining that you give your boy a pass on his lack of anything associated with even a decent military background...but rail a guy that actually served.

Can you name me a general in the last freaking history of war that hasnt "achieved what they did over the bodies and the blood of the men who served under them?" For christ sake Danr, the job of war isnt a tea party. People die and thats a fact, and why it shouldnt be waged for grudge matches or measuring cups or political gain or money...

I cant name any generals, but maybe you know a general or two that some how have managed to wage war or military operations without getting some of their own men killed. Kind of goes with the territory if you know what I mean...

You've been spoon-fed your mush for too long...the brainwashing has had its way with you.

As to Clark, what I know FOR SURE is his official record...anything a subordinate says is just unsubstantiated hear-say.

The proof is in the puddin'.
You're right, you are the "big dog"..... I humbly bow to your greatness..... :rolleyes:

(And by the way, thanks for confirming the Alzheimers diagnosis.... Now you think you are a dog, and you are talking to Qumquats.... Hellllllllllllllooooooo, anybody home??????) LMAO!!!! :D :confused: :rolleyes: :D
Blose/Hose/a/b....You have a hard time adding subtracting...try a little understanding of what numbers your working with first... then you might get it right..

So when are "YOU" giving out your Soc.Sec.# to the illegals so they can put all that money in your account [Yea i thought so]

Minutemen= success.....why..

#1 worldwide press coverage [exposed liberal press]

#2 500 new border patrol agents [ more coming]

#3 exposed borders

#4 exposed "real" racists [hispanic groups,A.C.L.U.]

#5 Minutemen growing and expanding to other states

#6 Still talk of the town [border states] etc.etc. [Lou dobbs/cnn/...hannity/colmes...etc,etc,]

#7 All polls overwhelmingly favor Minutemen project. hump

Face the facts...The minuteman project has been a success...the message is out, and the people of this country are fed up with Illegal Immigration! :)
Buzz, I guess you were never in the military. I can't expect you to understand the way it works. The true measure of any unit commander is the opinion the troops he commands holds of him. The General Schwartzkopf for instance. Most of his troops would die for him if it was necessary. They loved the man because he loved them. He truly felt every wound of every troop under his command. Your boy, on the other hand, demanded the he be flown out of a hot LZ rather than let the helicopter lift out wounded troops. That's just for starters. If that's a man you want for Pres.. I'm not sure how else to explain it.

Any of you other vets out there want to chime in on this? Explain to this REMF what a commander in the field is SUPPOSED to be.


PS... Qumquat, you just settle down and eat your poridge.. Be a nice little hoser..
Shrub= "C" average, national guard (somewhat), multiple business failures. I can now see why (with that resume) he became President.

Why don't you submit your resume.... I'm thinking it will lack every thing that the above has on his... ;)

So if Wesley Clark is right up there with Jane Fonda on your list of heros, where would you put somebody who washed out of the Guard (assuming he ever showed up) and couldn't remain eligible to fly planes? And then left Texas to go to Alabama to work on some losers campaign??? That was pretty noble service....

Or some one like yourself who has done nothing for any one unless there is a "personal" gain attached...

No disrespect, but you're getting your info second hand from SUBORDINATES, pretty much goes without saying that they all wont "like the boss".

LMAO and now that is calling the kettle black... :D:D:D
It was a couple years ago and the name Rush came into a post in the SI section and it was you that came up with two pages of cut and paste... stuff... found second hand from some wacko web site with out you even getting any of it first hand or having any idea of what you were talking about when you posted, except for shear hate for some thing you have nothing to do with.

(And by the way, thanks for confirming the Alzheimers diagnosis.... Now you think you are a dog, and you are talking to Qumquats.... Hellllllllllllllooooooo, anybody home??????) LMAO!!!!

Now that is an intelligent come back for some one that holds them selves in such high esteem for self proclaimed overall intelligence...
Hey buzzer.. Seems like a lot of people making statements about things they know absolutely nothing about.. Eh? Where did you get all of your information on assessing the competance of military unit commanders? Do some checking and then come back and we'll talk.


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