Caribou Gear Tarp

DO you support the minute men

Do you support the minutemen

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Ten beers said, "you only know one meaning for the word "beanrer" as well?

Ten beers, another example: you cant spell because you:

1. Lack an education
2. You're a dumbass
I wasn't aware that spelling was required around here???... Maybe your weak response is related to your other inadequacies...???
Ten beers,

Normally its not, just when you request definitions of words, it helps if you spell them correctly when using

Maybe thats the trouble you're having finding the definitions of all the big words you're being exposed to in SI...

Oh, and some more advice...being able to spell correctly will help you in 4th grade next year...
Buzz- I'm sure TB knows what he is talking about. For example when this was posted:

Originally Posted by Larry Landgren
I agree with WH, if the beaners are in the way bomb there ass and if there lucky enough they might get the main beaner of all " Jose queervo".

I'm positive Larry was talking about a coffee house in Michigan, a finnish rock n' roll band or possibly a type of coffee. Isn't that right TB?

I now believe you Buzz, TB is a dumbass.
Ten Bears said:
MATTy, you could start to broaden your horizons here.
BUZZ, please feel free to use this previous search, but for those that don't even look, here is a definition from MATTy's beloved
1 entry found for beaner.

n : a baseball deliberately thrown at the batter's head [syn: beanball]

These are for those who only know one definition for the word "beaner", but are not racists.
Buzz- the way his mind works is amazing (not in a good way). It does explain a lot though. When everyone is talking about poachers...he thinks it is either a:

*Any of various elongated marine fishes of the family Agonidae, chiefly of northern Pacific waters, having an external covering of bony plates.

or possibly

A vessel or dish designed for the poaching of food, such as eggs or fish.

Or it could be that he is just a dumbass.
So is a sin to say beaner, but you 2 penisleeches can call people dumbass?

n : a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he does not hold

one who puts on a mask and feigns himself to be what he is not; a dissembler in
religion. Our Lord severely rebuked the scribes and Pharisees for their
hypocrisy (Matt. 6:2, 5, 16). "The hypocrite's hope shall perish" (Job 8:13).
The Hebrew word here rendered "hypocrite" rather means the "godless" or
"profane," as it is rendered in Jer. 23:11, i.e., polluted with crimes.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Main Entry: hyp·o·crite
Pronunciation: 'hi-p&-"krit
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English ypocrite, from Old French, from Late Latin hypocrita, from Greek hypokritEs actor, hypocrite, from hypokrinesthai
: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
- hypocrite adjective
MichaelR- Of all the things I am a Hypocrite is not one of them. If you were to read all of the posts as opposed to the last 5 you would realize I never professed to be anything. In fact, I admitted that there was a time I didn't think about racism or off color remarks. The difference is I now know differently. I was very careful to say I would say what I felt about a person but There are boundaries I won't cross. I haven't said one thing and done another. It is funny Matt was quoted from the Bible.

MichaelR, it is nice you can use a dictionary though. Congratulations! Now if you would like to remark on whether "beaner" is a racist word or not, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You in advance for your further wisdom.
Ha Ha Ha.. Matty just keeps dancing around the same pole. Careful you don't get dizzy Matt. Then maybe being dizzy makes it easier to be you.

I keep looking at the poll results and that red line just keeps getting longer than the purple one. 41 Yea's and 5 Nea's.. Looks like the Yea's have it.. 8:1. That's quite a ratio.

AM I sure it ISN'T? No Matt, quite the opposite. Politics is the art of evoking emotion to support your cause or oppose your oppenents cause, in the majority of the voters. Very few politicians concern themselves with facts or issues. They play on least the smart ones do. I mean, how the hell else would Ted Kennedy keep getting re-elected? No one in their right mind would vote for an old drunk, murdering pervert like that if they gave it careful thought for any period of time. Of course emotion is ruling politics. Ha!Ha!Ha!..

Finally something I agree with Danr on...which is the exact same reason why I wonder why anyone with a freaking half a firing brain cell would ever re-elect shrub.

His record as governor of Texas should have been enough to run anyone down the road. His first term as President proved the case he acted the same way in national politics as he did in State politics.

Why would anyone vote for someone AGAIN after they know the deficit is at an all time high, the economy is as flat as a pancake, etc. etc. etc.

Speaking of old drunks...didnt GW drive drunk through a hedgerow in Maine????

Danr, I agree...hahahaha people really do act on pure emotion...including shrub.
Buzz-Dubya was not re-elected on the economy or any other real issue. I think the vote was for the troops in Iraq and most people felt that changing in the middle of that mess would hurt the kids fighting there. He sure didn't get elected on immigration policy or the economy. Americans are much more pragmatic than given credit for. The next election with Hillary will be the interesting one. Bet she joins the minutemen and watches the border before the election.
If you stop and consider all of the options, it's easy to see why Buzzard would have considered Kerry a preferable alternative to GW. Since they are both extremely arrogant elitists, who believe that no one is as smart or as capable as they are, those boys would make a great pair.

I just hope for Buzzards sake that he has chosen a better life mate than John Kerry did.

BuzzH said:
Danr, I agree...hahahaha people really do act on pure emotion...including shrub.

Yes they do .....including you Buzz .

You have some great things to say but they're not being heard , your best points get morphed into a personal attack of the pres.

What's up with that Buzzly ? Is it because he's taller than you and could kick your ass or just cuz he's from Texas ? :D

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