DO you support the minute men

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Me too, CH. It's really hard work and I thought I was doing a pretty good job of it. Guess not.

It's an example of "I can say whatever I want, but you'd better watch what you say" hypocrisy.

I've not heard you use the word "nigger", other than perhaps in quoting another post - but it's okay to call you "white crap."
Calif. Hunter said:
It's an example of "I can say whatever I want, but you'd better watch what you say" hypocrisy.

My mom has a saying I'm, sure you have all heard

"The pot calling the kettle black."

It appears to me the persons calling racist the loudest needs to go look in a mirror.
CH, Given an option, I prefer "white bread" or "honky" or "Juerro" to "white crap". I've never seen crap that was white..

Danr- Political sensibilities may just be in a person's mind but the most powerful weapon on this earth is words...

If we were talking about England I might agree with you. If we were talking about South Africa completely different Political sensibilities apply also. We're not! In the United States it's not proper to walk up to a woman and say "hey nice ass". If you do and you get slapped, well you should. It's not proper. Same thing with race. Times have changed and people shouldn't have to deal with it. If you want to...have fun. Like I said free speech applies. I like the fact I have political sensibilities. I don't talk to people negatively based on race or gender. I like to be polite to those that deserve such treatment. To those who don't deserve such treatment, I will get personal. The one thing I won't do is get personal by bringing race into the topic. Again, my political sensibilities tell me it's off limits. I believe it has made me a better person but you are certainly allowed your own beliefs.
Matt, you have just illustrated my point beyond my best hopes. You see partner, in England the word fanny has nothing to do with a woman's butt. Rather it address the opposite side of her anatomy.

My point being that words, like attitudes are adjustable from both sides. Communication requires two sides and an exchange of ideas. It's in that exchange of ideas that intention is communicated and it is intention not words that are important. Taking exception to a persons words has nothing to do with the person talking, but more in the person listening to the words. Political correctness is just words. Becuase someone never calls a Mexican a beaner or an Italian a WOP or an Irishman a Mick or a black man a nigger, doesn't not make that person tolerant. What makes that person tolerant is what the truly believe and how they treat other people.

Thanks for helping me illustrate a point.

DanR- You're welcome for the help. So DanR when you wrote "beaner" did you mean someone who wear's a beenie or someone of Mexican dissent?

You are correct, eventhough a person doesn't use derrogatory terms doesn't mean he isn't a racist but if he uses those terms in a derrogatory way it removes doubts on whether he is or not.
Matt, When I wrote beaner, I don't think I meant anything other than beaner. A word. Not a title, perhaps an adverb. One who beans. Perhaps a pronoun. What specific instance are you refering to? Was I quoting someone or was I advocating something? It really doesn't make any difference to me, because I don't hold any predjudice based on nationality, diet or past time.

DanR- So DanR, "beaner" means nothing when you write it? It is simply a word. I could replace it with a big blank? You are a joke! Although, I would have to agree with you. The more I read your posts all your words seem to have that same meaning. I could replace them with a big blank and get as much out of them.
No you could not replace it with a big blank. You could, however replace it with stringbean, greaser, wop, mick, yid, juerro, chiquita bonita gordita, cavron, pinche gringo, or whitebread. You could replace it with any word and they would still be nothing more than words. The reason being is there is no insult or degradation intended. Why is that so difficult to understand? What if I called you Honky. Would that be an insult? Would you take offense?

I just did a google Image search for "beaner" and this pic came up as a result
If you called me that, I wouldn't think you meant it in a nice way and therefore would think it derrogatory. Read Hangar's post, I believe it sums up racist words quite well. If you need more explaining than that. I feel sorry for you.
Matt, I don't need your sympathy. My understanding and command of the english language are quite sufficient. Thank you for the concern. I'm sorry that you have such a problem with words and judge things from such a superficial point of view that you no longer assess anything beyond the spoken word. You would be in real trouble if you ever found yourself in a place where people don't speak a language that you understand.

LL that's funny.. Bush as a beaner. Wouldn't that be a kick?

DanR- why would bush being a beaner be funny? I guess I don't understand as "beaner" means nothing, it's just a word, right?!

Oh, and as it is an internet post, please explain how I can judge based on the "spoken language".
You're not expected to understand the spoken language from an internet post Matt. I'm using your explanation of how you interpret words to draw a conclusion about how you might react if you suddenly found yourself in a sitation, let's say for sake of argument, in the highland of Viet Nam, facing a village chief who is of the Hmong people and speaks no English and little French. Everything they say to strangers seems to be a threat. That's the custom among the Hmong. It's thier way of showing honor to guests. Seems complicated, but that's how it is. My guess is that you would be in real trouble. That's OK.. I doubt you will ever go there.

To quote a line from one of my favorite movies, "I've enjoyed our conversation".


I can't find the post your are referring to where Dan has used the word "beaner" in a derragotory manner. Was it in this thread? Point me in the right direction.

Maybe I am reading this wrong, and it is not about a specific incident and I am looking for something that is not there?

Thank you,
JoseCuervo said:
That is funnier than hell, DanR using his Gangsta accent..... Nothing more repulsive than some 60 year old piece of white crap trying to be "hip".... Yeah DanR, I bet you roll in the Escalade with 50 Cent!!!!


Could you point out to me where DanR used his Gangsta accent?

The mental image I am getting of Dan impersonating a Gansta is a hoot. Would be much improved if I could have the original script.

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