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DO you support the minute men

Do you support the minutemen

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AZ hunter who care.....The same thing happened to us last week... nothing but praise and thanks from frontline B.P. agents

When we were stopped at the checkpoint north of Huachuka City last week... I showed them my Minuteman badge and i said you don`t think we would help smuggle illegals do you? 2 agents said no sir... and thanked us for coming down ...then 2 more emerged from their trailer and came over to shake our hands and tell us how much they loved us down there... they said we will no doubt help them get more funding for men and equipment...we in turn thanked them and said they were the one who are defending our country... and they will get as much help from us as we can....I think thats cool that you got a heads up from a "suit". very cool. :cool: hump
exuse my language for what Iam about to say,

So if a african american calls his friend a " NIGGER" is he being racist ?

and you guys know as well as I do that they always call each other that.
BuzzH said:
WH, I dont think anyone will argue that ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are in fact breaking the law and a problem.

That said, no group of HUMAN BEINGS need to be referred to as beaners, wetbacks, etc. or deserve to be hanged, beaten or shot because they "may" be an illegal. How do the experts on this thread tell the difference between an illegal and a legal immigrant???? Yeah, thats what I thought....

Buzz it easy if the minutemen see people any people coming out of the desert towards the American border.. then they cross that border... they are illegal....

Buzz how do you think the Marines should handle the illegals on the base?

If they kill one with a bomb are the libel?
Here is a better example [general] Chris Rock and Richard Pryor use the "N" word throughout their comedy routines...... they are very funny... :D :confused:

Question are they racist? :confused:
Washington Hunter said:
:rolleyes: Matt, you've got to be kidding. Just because someone uses a particular word to describe a race of people doesn't make that person a racist. Give me a break.


You seem confident in your abilities to not see any of the authors of the racist posts as being racist. Can you explain what a racist is, if not someone with comments/thoughts/feelings as being discussed? If somebody says they should all be lynched, doesn't that sound racist?

Please help those of us who don't know what racism is understand what to look for.
cjcj said:
Gunner posted a bunch of bullshit... There isn`t even a "HINT" of racism in 90% of those posts.

Which 10% have racism in them, according to your view of the world?

Watch CJ's answer, as even HE sees racism in some of the posts that you don't see racism in.
cjcj, yeah, you see a guy strolling across the desert in Nogales, you have a pretty good idea.

I guess I was thinking more along the lines of knowing the difference between an illegal and a legal immigrant living in the U.S. How do I know if the Mexican American cleaning my hotel room is an illegal or a legal?

Thats the point, people are slapping labels on an entire race of people based on the "fact" they're or not. You cant tell the difference, I cant tell the difference, and neither can mouth-pieces like Larry.

Why cant we just stick to "illegals immigrants" instead of all the trash talk BS and have to listen to the racists defend their comments???
Jose, yes you are right..there were some comments and things said that could be considered racist. I simply chose to ignore those because I assumed they were only said in jest. It would be better for those inclined to use those words and statements that could be seen as racist to keep their comments to themselves and off a board such as this that is open to the public. I will agree with cjcj though and say that the majority of what you posted as being racist was not in fact racist. We really do need to stick to the issue here and some people need to be more careful what they say.
Hose B... Gunner why don`t you address the 90% of your quotes that have nothing to do with race? |oo

I think a "racist" is someone who "persecutes" or "discriminates" against someone because of their race, skin color,etc. but using a "slang" term to me isn`t racist in general, it can be yes or no depending on "tone" and direction.

I don`t see any racist people on hunttalk......Are you a Racist because you go after fat people.....i say no ..but where do you draw the line? you and others use the term "racist" way,way to loosely ... and it would seem that you percecute fat people/white trash etc.? Are you guilty of racism? whats your definition? :confused:

W.H. is correct we are off topic. [again]
BuzzH said:
I guess I was thinking more along the lines of knowing the difference between an illegal and a legal immigrant living in the U.S. How do I know if the Mexican American cleaning my hotel room is an illegal or a legal?

That person would be neither, as a Mexcian American is a US citizen.
Sorry, I couldn't resist. When I read it , it came off as a riddle.

While you have no authority to do so, you could politely ask to see their id and whatever permit they have to be in the US. Some of those fake id's are very high quality, but if they say "made in mexico" on the back its a good indication they are illegal.
AprilW- with the amount of businesses going to other countries, I wouldn't doubt the back of a Social Security card says made in china. That's on the real cards.
TB- Discrimination or prejudice based on race. Pretty simple definition that even you can understand. A quick test of the word. Walk up to a group of 20-30 US citizens of Mexican dissent and call them a "beaner". If they don't say anything, it probably wasn't a racist word. Good luck!
My opinion, since no one asked for it... :cool:

Any time someone utters a derogatory term that refers to another's race, it says nothing about the person or persons they are refering to. It does say a hell of a lot about the person that says it. I once told my 11 year old son that I would rather hear him say the f-word than any derogatory term used to disparage another's race. And he knows what will happen if he drops an f-bomb. Everyone, with a few exceptions, deserves the basic amount of respect. This issue falls in that category. When using a derogatory racial term in reference to people, you are saying you do not respect them for the sole reason that they are of that particular race.

On a personal level, one can become accutely aware of this issue after being the target of racial and discriminatory behavior on two different occasions.
The thing is, many immigrants who are legal citizens of this country, should not be. I'm thinking of the ones who were born here by a mother who was not here legally. Not sure if this has anything to do with what we're discussing, but it's just a thought I had. This is a loophole that I'm sure the Mexicans are well aware of and take full advantage of. This is kind of a bad deal for the people who came into this country honestly. I think I read something a while back that somebody was trying to change the law so that a baby being born in the country wouldn't automatically become a citizen. Does anybody know anything about this? cjcj???
Racist.. Let's see, if referring to a group of people as "beaners" makes me a racist, does calling women "chicks" or men "dudes" make me sexist? What if I call Irishmen "micks", does that make me racist? Or if I call Jews, Yids or Hebes? Does that make me anti-semetic? What if I call and Irishman married to an Israeli as Yid-Mick? Do I get labeled as an anti-semetic racist all at once? The point being, it takes more than words to be a racist. Calling Catholics "makeral snappers" doesn't make me anti-Catholic does it? Or does it? You simple minded PC people really need to grow up and get a life.

Show me in the Constitution of the United States where it says that everyone shall be free from insult or where it implies that everyone will agree or get along? Sometimes things just get pushed too far.

danr- actually the constitution provides defense for free speech. (first amendment). Not all of what a person says is in the realm of free speech but definitely all your remarks would go under that category. Of course, the KKK and Aryan Nation also have the right to free speech. They also are just words...are they racist? Remember, they are only words (show me where in the constitution where everyone shall be free of insult). Words as much as actions are considered racist (in some cases more than actions). You probably consider me PC. I wear that as a badge of honor. It means that I don't look at a persons race or culture to make a decision. It means I take (at least a little) time to think about my words, who I am speaking to, and what I am saying.