DO you support the minute men

Do you support the minutemen

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I look at it like this.

Around here We plant Bitter brush. Is the Majority for it, Hell yes.
Are we making a Difference..... if you REEEEaaly think about it we're not. We can spent 5 weeks planting bitterbrush for the Deer habitat and in one day a bulldozer down the road wipes out twice the habitat that we just did.

Personally If wwe wanted something really done we'd have to stop the building and such.

I look at the Minutemen like that. Sure they are doing a feel good project. Sure they are making people aware of this "problem". Sure they are doing good for that section for the 5 weeks they are there.......

But are they fixing anything ?

Good luck to the guys that have the time or take the time to watch the borders.
WH, among the other tools the liberals use is misdirection. You ask them a direct question and they "weasel word" it. They pick it apart and take the individual words and try to make you think that the question is misstated.. rather than just accepting the question for the generally understood meaning. This is also a tactic that lots of lawyers like to use in court when they defend drug dealers and other undersirable types.

For the most part, I just choose to ignore that tactic and concentrate on harrassment and diversion. If you poke long enough, you'll find something that will make them react.

JohnSWA said:
So let me get this straight. The only laws that matter, are the laws that YOU care about?

Yes, the only laws I care enough to SUPPORT by actively funding, marching, writing letters, etc. etc... are the ones that "matter" to me. If CJ and the rest of the 199 Man White Trash March want to go march on the "dessert", then they can SUPPORT their cause.

And when I see all the racists and bigots "support" the 198 Man White Trash March then I am pretty sure that is not a group I want to be associated with. If you choose to be associated with Hate groups, that is your choice. Just don't expect support.
Washington Hunter said:
Jose, what are you saying...that I cheat on my taxes? I don't think so. Only took two deductions, my mortgage interest and my property tax. How many deductions did you take that you didn't deserve?
Then I think you missed some opportunity. I believe in Washington, you can deduct your vehicle registration. You should also deduct Charitable Contributions, assuming you care enough to give to organziations helping to make the world a better place. (BTW, I am guessing the Minutemaids aren't deductible.)

No, I am not saying you cheat on your taxes. But right here, in front of everyone, I will admidt I do sometimes exceed the speed limit....

But WH, when you read the posts of some of the "supporters" of the 197 Man White Trash March, don't the words "bigot" and "racist" come to mind???
The vehicle registration fee in Washington is now only $35. So even if it is deductible it wouldn't make any difference (or enough to worry about.) I do donate quite a bit of junk to Goodwill throughout the year but don't bother deducting any of that. Too much hassle just to save a few bucks.

I suppose the biggest difference between exceeding the speed limit by 5 mph and some Mexican dude crossing the border illegally, is that one is a minor traffic violation and the other is a felony. :eek:

To answer your question, no I actually never think of the words "bigot" and "racist" when I read any of these posts. Nobody is trying to stop anybody from coming into this country legally. If that were the case than those words may come to mind. But since all anybody wants is for the federal government to step up to the plate and enforce the law, instead of ignoring the prolbem, then all that comes to mind is people who care about this country and don't want to see the rights of the citizens trampled on.
Cameron Hunt said:
Oh I forgot also that their mission was given a slap in the face about a week or so ago when the lettuce farmer bitched to the feds that all his migrant farm help was being sent back to mexico and that he was losing millions of dollars. Guess what, that check point south of his farms was closed so that the crops could be harvested. Bet cj didnt like that one....... but that is old news and I am sure I missed a post about how wrong it is to let this go on.

What in the hell are you talking about? are you saying that These people were LEGAL? |oo

You are Gutless Cameron you called me a "racist" and couldn`t back it up, hump

Same thing with Hose B.. Show me why i am racist? If i say Mexican/Latino/hispanic, German, Italian or any ethnic label...does that make me a racist? What race is an Illegal? |oo

Loose your ass in a debate....throw out the old "Race Card" typical stupidity. |oo... I may be alot of things but i am sure as hell am not Racist or a bigot in any way,shape or form. Gunner you don`t even know if i am caucasion [yes i am] but you only know it because i`m honest enough to tell you.........Its pretty sad that anyone who comes out against "illegal immigration" runs the risk of being labeled a bigot or a racist.....damn pathetic.
CJCJ, you can't be catagorized by the bleeding hearts if you don't have a label. Racist was the one that seemed to fit best for this occassion since I suppose the majority of the illegals who come across are Mexican. From what I hear though, there are Chinese, Bulgarian, Peruvian, Guatamalan, Paraguayan, a couple of confused Japanese and maybe even a lost Malaysian or two that sneak into this country through the border between Mexico and Arizona. So I guess by that standard, that makes you a multi-racist.
JoseCuervo said:

As far as "breaking the law", aren't there laws broken every day"? Some I care about, others I just don't get too worked up over.... Do you uphold EVERY law, EVERY day??? Be honest now, April 15 is coming up......

My Sweet and Dearest Sexy Bitch Gunner ~Robert is a good Guy and no he does not break the law with the exception of not always wearing his Seat Belt! But other then that he is one of the most Honest and law abiding men I know!

Sweet Cheaks (gunner baby) I do Support the Cause and Yes I would donate my OWN money to Support the minute men, Even though they are not my Children. :rolleyes:
I support their efforts to bring the isssue to themedias attention. I can't be racist, I'm multi-ethnic. If I were a racist, I'd have to hate myself.
Washington Hunter said:
To answer your question, no I actually never think of the words "bigot" and "racist" when I read any of these posts.

WH, what about some of these comments????

Larry Landgren said:
I agree with WH, if the beaners are in the way bomb there ass and if there lucky enough they might get the main beaner of all " Jose queervo".

Larry Landgren said:
I have lots of mexicans that work under me, and yes the major majority or good hard working people but the ones that steal company tools and company vehicles are nothing but beaners in my eyes.

Larry Landgren said:
Thats all you got to say bean breath ? who cares about english and literature bull shit . .

Larry Landgren said:
Come on bean breath I know you can due better than that.

Curly said:
In the United States of America almost all of us speak english. English should be the official langauge of the U.S. Other people that come here should be expected to learn our langauge in order to communicate with us.

cjcj said:
Matt can`t understand how Raul Grijalva a "hispanic" in a predominatley hispanic district keeps getting elected... Note to Matt go study the case of Wash D.C. mayor "Crackpipe" Marion Barry [black man/black city] Gets caught smoking crack, is caught in hotel with coke whore,.snorting coke. keeps getting elected.

Delw said:
Hey drunk mexican , surely you can find a pic of a minuteman on a ATV, then you would have something to really bich about

WH's OutdoorsChick said:
Give the Minute Men guns then Pedro, then they can shoot them :D

BigHornRam said:
I say hang all the illegal SOB's!

AZ402 said:
quoting somebody else.....
When 1,000,000 Talliban cross the border and poison our country, will we believe it. Hold on, let us check with CNN to see if it is true. Did anyone get any footage of the two planes that flew through the towers, hold on, this is only a HOAX, I am sure there will be a thorough search of the capitol for anthrax before the dead beats sit down.

Where are the huevos??????

No Presidents daughters have been raped yet. No Senators or Representatives children are on drugs or bumped off by the Mex. Moff.
Washington Hunter said:
WTF??? ILLEGAL immigrants have civil rights??? :confused:

SageGhost said:
hey jose , is your GREEN CARD expired yet??

Illegal tags , no bonus points required , problem solved .

SageGhost said:
mexico is letting murderers , rapists, and other scum of the earth migrate to the U.S
ringer said:
Well, Jose, how do you explain the recent report that 62% of the emergency health care in California are taken by illegals and the system is bankrupt? Do you advocate Americans rolling over and opening the bankrolls up to pay for services for illegals? ... Maybe your relatives could try to qualify for legal entry instead of creating an environmental and economic disaster. The education and health costs alone offset any perceived economic gain from lower labor and product costs.
Hey Jose.. Did you ever consider that a great number of those derogatory remarks are addressed at you rather than at those coming across the border? Escpecially the "bean breath" remarks. I find than very funny.

I would also take issue with the term "illegal" or Illegal alien" being racist.

I do see lots of good questions in these quotes. Most of which, I notice, went unanswered. Why don't you answer the questions first and then you would probably be too busy to worry about racism or predjudice. Or not as the case may be. I've noticed that lots of attorneys spend time looking to predjudice whether it exists or not. I guess they figure they can make money off of someone.

I support the Minute Men. They are called "Illegal" because they are illegal. Anything that brings some attention to a problem that has been blatently ignored for this long is fine by me.

Oh yeah, "Illegal" is not racist or bigoted, it is a truism.
danr55 said:
Hey Jose.. Did you ever consider that a great number of those derogatory remarks are addressed at you rather than at those coming across the border? Escpecially the "bean breath" remarks. I find than very funny.

How old and senile are you???? Are you sure a "great many" are questions??? I only see 4 with question marks, and most of them are rhetorical.....
Washington Hunter said:
So if the people of this country ask to have the laws enforced it is racism??? :confused:

wow I guess my brain just doesn't work the same as yours. :D

No, but you made the statement that the words "racist" and "bigot" don't come to mind when you read the posts. And I find that amazing that BHR can want to lynch people, and you don't see racisim. Larry makes his statments, and you don't see bigotry.... WHOC wants to have them shot and you don't see bigotry... Curly wants Jim Crow laws returned and you don't see racisim... Sage Ghost assumes everyone with a Hispanic last name is here on a green card and you don't see bigotry....

I guess you are right, my brain just doesn't work the same as yours.... Which one of us has the "open" mind?
Washington Hunter said:
Jose, I think the difference is that I don't take many of those things they say seriously, because I know they don't mean it literally.

You don't think many of those statements are rooted in racism and bigotry? How much of DanR's education was prior to the Civil Rights Act of 1964? When somebody is suggesting lynchings, you really think they shouldn't be taken seriously? What about the guys down in Jasper Texas, should they have been taken seriously? Or the guys in Wyoming? Or the guys in Mississippi. Or the guys in..... When somebody labels people who work under them by their Race, as opposed to their skills or ability, that isn't racist?
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