DO you support the minute men

Do you support the minutemen

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Get the point bean breath, no body gives a shit what you post or you think. your just as much of a pain in the ass as your butt buddies ( the illegals) And by the way Iam 1/4 mexican so I can say shit like beaners and not be racist. If you would get off your fat ass and talk to a couple of hispanics that were born and raised here in the united states you would find out that they hate the beaners and wetbacks and they refer to them just as I do.
Originally Posted by Curly
In the United States of America almost all of us speak english. English should be the official langauge of the U.S. Other people that come here should be expected to learn our langauge in order to communicate with us.

I do not see any racist remarks in this quote My Love Dumpling perhaps My Love googles are getting the best of ME!!!!

Originally Posted by WH's OutdoorsChick
Give the Minute Men guns then Pedro, then they can shoot them :D

That was pure sarcasm baby cakes!!! I will make sure to put Sarcasm next to my messages from now on, so I wont confuse you Love Muffin, Sweet bottom!!!!!! I hate for my Gunny Bunny to be upset at me… I will try to be a lot more subservient in the future to your masculine needs!!!

Hey Bean Breath.. I believe you are the one becoming senile. I was talking about remarks and somehow that became questions. Exactly what are you trying to say?

I guess the strain is becoming too much for you or your frustration is showing through your thin veneer.. the truly desparate child is coming out. Are you getting boxed in Jose? Is even WHOG, as nice a bad girl as she is, starting to press you into corners and identify the true defensive nature of your attacks? Do you feel as thought the world is against you? Are you being persecuted? I wonder why you feel that way? Why do you think?

Perhaps you're just not used to a woman talking to you and using words of adoration. Maybe the men should call you Luv cakes? Would that be better?

Matt would you and hose "b" please show me why my post directed at educating you how Raul/Barry get elected is racist or bigotry? Come on show me or are you guys to scared? [ i thought so] you have avoided answering it at least twice..

Here is a fact for the both of you ..IF ITS THE TRUTH TUFF SHITSKY.
cjcj- I haven't called you racist. If you put all of your comments together, I would think you don't like Mexicans but as to one comment that would point to that. No, I haven't taken it that way. I would say however that most of Larry's, some of DanR's, Ringer's and Curly's statements are. If you use the word "beaner" to describe someone who is of mexican dissent (legal or illegal), you're probably a racist. If you say "all those illegals down in south phoenix" meaning all the people of mexican dissent who live in south phoenix, you are probably a racist.

Here's a test to see if the words you say are racist. Get a job with the government and go to a person of Mexican dissent and say those statements...if you would get fired, it's probably a racist statement.
Hey Matt, is it tough being so politically correct? I don't have a racist bone in my body. I hold no enmity for anyone based on thier name, place of birth or heritage. National origin is of no concern to me with regard to people. Each person is an individual. Good or bad.. and individual.

I frequently use humor to expose things I believe are silly. Mexican-American, African-American, Irish-American, are all equally as stupid to me as are BEANER, COON or MICK. (No, I won't use the N word even in jest as I find it personally degrading and of extremely poor taste unless it's used in familiarity with some who is an intimate. ) When are people going to realize that these are titles that set them apart from Americans? Until people are satisfied with who they are and don't feel the need of a special title to set them apart, then we will continue to have problems.

Keep in mind that this in not to make light of the deviant behavior that creates groups like the KKK or the Aryan Brotherhood or any of the other groups that preach hate and foment anxiety. Those people are entitled to thier opinion, whether I agree with it or not and I will defend that right regardless.

So let's can the racist BS and move on to something fun like picking on Hose B...

OK Matt... i will first say that i am sorry if i wrongly accused you of calling me racist... but i must tell you i have friends who are hispanic [Saldana] is the last name of one of my best friends....If you heard him talk about illegals you would gasp.... is he a racist? Can a member of one`s own race use ethnic slurs that pertian to his race, and be a racist? what do you think?

Matt do you understand how Grajalva and Barry keep getting elected?

Now for that chickenshit phoney Hose "B" he has implicated me as a racist [many times] but he can`t back it up [as usual]

And some of the posts of the other guys quotes are pure bullshit [no racism] maybe a couple borderline [if your an oversensitive wuss]

Is it too much to ask for a Mexican American to not be referred to as a "beaner"? How do you know which are legal Americans and which are "beaners"? Do you have a secret danr radar that you detect that with?

If you dont think the labels, slurs, etc. arent racism you have your head up your ignorant old ass.

Oh, and by the way, this is a classic here:"When are people going to realize that these are titles that set them apart from Americans? Until people are satisfied with who they are and don't feel the need of a special title to set them apart, then we will continue to have problems."

To some people keeping their heritage alive is important,and many are perfectly content with who they are, and proud of their heritage and their "title". The last thing they need is for some fat old man who thinks he's Sigmund Freud to tell them they should give up their "title" just so YOU feel more comfortable.

Nothing better than Danr the great preaching intolerance in the land of the free...what a jerkass.
WH and DanR- If you use a derrogatory word for a culture or ethnic group, it is racist whether you want to say it's all in fun or not. Until all of "that" is gone there will always be racism. I'll be honest with you and say I've at different times told jokes about certain ethnic groups. They are racist jokes. I'm making fun of a certain group of people. I can tell you something else about those jokes, I look back and know they're racist because I would never tell them in front of someone of that ethnicity. Any more I am a person who has become a lot more pc for that reason. It may be funny at the time but I have come to realize that racism can be both an action and wording. I also know it isn't that funny anymore because even a little joke keeps it alive. DanR- I would agree that you have a right to say anything you want joke or not but that doesn't make it "right".
The whole point is that racism never even should have been brought up here. We are talking about people crossing our border ILLEGALLY. Some think it's ok or it's not a big deal, after all look at all that cheap labor these people provide. matter what you think about it, it is STILL illegal! What is wrong about wanting the government to enforce the law? At a time like this especially (we are in a war) I would think secure borders would be a top priority for our government (and the military.) It is just ridiculous to say that anybody who is against illegal immigrants is being racist. :rolleyes:
Ok, guys, not only do most people support the actions of the minutemen, But what happened Saturday night on the Naco, AZ line might suprise you. I was down on minuteman patrols Saturday night. At about 9:50 Saturday night, a BP excursion and a unmarked BP Tahoe, stopped in front of our truck. Out stepped a heavily armed BP agent from the Excursion, and out stepped a guy in a suit and tie from the Tahoe. We got out to see what was going on. The guy in the suit introduced him self as BP sector(douglas & naco areas) chief. He said he stopped by to see how we were doing and introduced him self to us. He thanked us for our help, and told us that our efforts were working. He then wished us well and drove down the line of minutemen stopping at each outpost to say thanks.
He had to show up at night to avoid being seen by the media and the ACLU clowns.
Gunner posted a bunch of bullshit... There isn`t even a "HINT" of racism in 90% of those posts.

Go read them anyone...where is it? words like Mexican/Hispanic/Latino/Illegal/Drunken/etc.etc.etc. Oh yea i forgot he Gunner thinks ATV is a racist word....thats what Hillbilly College will do for you...OOPS i said hillbilly thats got to be racist?.... Buzz i think you have used the word "Redneck" watch out you could get labeled by Hose "B"/ A.K.A. GUNNER.
WH, I dont think anyone will argue that ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are in fact breaking the law and a problem.

That said, no group of HUMAN BEINGS need to be referred to as beaners, wetbacks, etc. or deserve to be hanged, beaten or shot because they "may" be an illegal. How do the experts on this thread tell the difference between an illegal and a legal immigrant???? Yeah, thats what I thought....
WH- I'll say again that I didn't call anyone racist for wanting illegal aliens to be taken away from the United States. I would agree 100% with that. They are illegal and should be treated as such. However, when the words "bean breath", "beaner", etc etc. are used. They by themselves or with an entire paragraph are racist remarks. Just call them illegal aliens, why bring in those names unless there is a hint of racism (in fun or not)?
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