DO you support the minute men

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When you know something about hunting...come back and we'll talk.

I'll research military research hunting matters...fair enough?
Another topic you very obviously know nothing about.

What a dumbass.

and I see you have added a lot of your great intellect into any of the topics for the last six months

So I guess that makes puts you into the same catagory...
What a dumbass.
Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!.. What a great dodge.. Misdirection is still the best response for the inept debater. Well done Buzz. If you prefer not to pursue the subject, redirect it to something unrelated. You are amazingly arrogant young man.

You get pushed to the put up or shut up point and you shut up.

danR55- You must hold the military in little regard. You must think anyone who does the promoting of personell must be complete idiots because obviously someone felt that he deserved to be a 4 Star General. So you can go from a 1 star to a 2 star to a 3 star to a 4 star general without really deserving it. An aweful lot of people in the military who know very little about promoting personell? Give me a break. You do not attain that type of rank in the Military without a lot of people thinking and knowing you are something special!
Matt- Not really wanting to weigh in on this thread from the standpoint of knowing anything about Gen. Clark ...good or bad... but the statement that
You do not attain that type of rank in the Military without a lot of people thinking and knowing you are something special!

That doesn't mean that he or anyone else actually is something special. Look at the disdain some people on the board have for Bush...doesn’t he hold the highest office in the country yet many feel will standfastly say that they think and know he isn't competent.

We see MANY people in all walks of life being promoted right up to their level of incompetence and I'm sure you've seen it as well when you stop to think about it! Again, not taking sides here, just making a point :)
Matt, I am not trying to indict the military board of review, although with some of the people who have been promoted to general officer ranks, including my uncle, I have to take exception. Having grown up in a military family I KNOW that politics in the military is the same as anywhere else. That is not the issue here. The issue is the reputation of one officer and the opinion of the men who served under that officer, of his fitness to command. If you nor Buzz are willing to do the research and at least read the opinions of these men then I would conclude that your opinions of this man and his competance are not worth the words you are typing. There have been several general officers who have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that they may be military commanders but that does not qualify them as good officers. Many excellent commanders who have proven the the opinions of the men under them will define their compentance as commanders. Gen. Colin Powell among the first who come to mind. Not everyone under him agreed with his decisions, but not a one of them would question his ability as a military commander.

So as you and the others have so frequently opted, either learn about what you speak or shut the hell up. If you've never been in the military, you have not got a clue of what you are talking about.

MarvB- There is a big difference between an elected position (Bush) and an appointed position (4 star general). One tends to be more of a popularity contest than the other.
That wasn't the question. The question was "How are general officers appointed"?

You stated in a previous post that they are appointed and not voted on. I presumed that you knew the process. Please enlighten us.


So, you actually think that I should believe the word of a few of Clarks subordinates who are probably pissed off because they didnt get the same rank? What kind credibility do these subordinates have? Oh, I see, you KNOW them...met them at a cocktail party and believe everything they say. Things they say about a MAN you dont know and one you've never served with or even met...

Right then, I'll trust your drinking buddies over an official record of a persons career. Are you shitting me?

By the way...whats pretty apparent is that a guys military career (or lack of in Shrubs case) has very little if anything to do on their ability to become POTUS. IF a strong military career was a prerequesit...your boy would have never had a prayer.

Another interesting thing is how once again, your boy gets a pass, but you rail the career military person...HMMMMMM??????

What do you think Shrubs subordinates or Peers think of his great military career...assuming of course that someone actually saw shrub in a uniform...which is open for serious debate?

You're a hypocrit of the highest order...and I dont give a crap if you're uncle was George condemn one guy and give another a pass for the same thing...all because you find a need to justify your vote for POTUS.

Go chase your tail some more.
Buzz, Where did I say that I approved of Bush's military career? This isn't about Bush, it's about Clark. Why do you keep going sideways about it? What do you know about Clark? Have you done any research about anything I've said or are you shooting from the hip? Hmm?? Have you investigated anything? Have you done any research? I would have to say that since you have nothing but namecalling and rhetoric to throw out, that you've read nothing. You know nothing about anything other than what you believe and that is based on exactly what?

Once again the arrogant elitist....and you call me a hypocrite. A bit pathetic. By the way, tell us about your time in the military and what you learned from your tour of duty. Please tell us...


You made the back them up...remember how it works?

I've read plenty about Clark...funny thing is I cant find one shred of credible evidence that supports anything bad about him. Please refute the bronze and silver stars he received and that pesky purple heart...all given because he didnt deserve them...right? Isnt that what your drinking buds would say? You know the disgruntled 60 year old Gomer Pyles bitching about a 4-star.

While your drinking buddies may be very entertaining...I dont find them very credible. Sorry if this offends you Danr, but I dont find you or your sources (which I havent seen as of yet) very credible.

Danr, you're pretty pathetic yourself...if you have such high morals and ethics and a strong military career is important enough for you to argue about and run a 4-star through the ringer over...why did you vote for shrub?

Doesnt make sense does it? Apparently its a new found "care" of yours that only manifests itself when you find the need to rail a career soldier who doesnt fit in with your partisan political view of the world. I bet if Clark was a Republican and Shrub a democrat your views would be 180 degrees of what they are now. Hell, its a guarantee they would be. You've been blinded by the right, drank the kool-aid and been spoon fed your mush. Any republican is given a pass by Danr, and thats a fact. You'd defend the devil if he was republican and tuned in to the EIB network.

By the way, your time in the military is of no significance in this discussion...or my lack of military time. Non-issue and totally irrevelant.

You made the comment that Clark had a poor military background, I posted the facts on what he's done...please refute the facts. If not, the discussion is over.
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