COVID-19 Links, facts and discussion. Politics and hyperbole welcome.

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I’m curious how many of you have done “social distancing” with a first degree relative (especially parent/ grandparent). It’s a tough call when to not see you own close kin.

Haven’t been close to my parents in eight days. My dad really wants to see his nine month old grandson.

Didn’t shake any hands with customers last week. Used hand sanitizer everytime I left a gas station. Didn’t eat out any. Pretty much only touched my wife and son.
Interesting read, another American co looking to help, and wtf screw China...

I’m curious how many of you have done “social distancing” with a first degree relative (especially parent/ grandparent). It’s a tough call when to not see you own close kin.

Not happening. Just got off the phone with my 72 year-old mother and reinforced that nobody, not even her grandkids, are to come to her house until this passes. Fortunately, she is tougher than a Himalayan sherpa.
Interesting read, another American co looking to help, and wtf screw China...

Funny how someone in here said they could provide all the masks we needed cause it’s just cloth, rubber bands, and staples and clearly the government was the hold up.
I'm in the dog house.

My 68 yr old mother in law was bound and determined to have a b day party for kids today.
My father in law is 68 also, but a diabetic.
I put my foot down
I have been finishing up some small jobs. I tell folks to crack a window and I'll jump in. Been chlorox wiping my hands, but I'm out in public some. Told their daughter, the Mrs. it wasn't happening. And they all can tell me what a dumbshit I am in a few months in person.

Unfortunately the only harder head from that family than mom in law, is her daughter. I'll be sleeping on the couch.

Im still afraid the cure is worse than the disease.

But I'm not going to be the one to let them find out
Not happening. Just got off the phone with my 72 year-old mother and reinforced that nobody, not even her grandkids, are to come to her house until this passes. Fortunately, she is tougher than a Himalayan sherpa.

NOT EASY. Praying for your’s and all the other families as we get through this.

I may be maintaining a level of skepticism in regard to how bad it actually is, but I’m as careful as anyone who has bought in completely. I don’t see any point in risking it until we really know. As far as work goes, I’m self employed and work outside. I have been touching only my truck and my own tools except a couple gas station, bank and grocery store stops where I use hand sanitizer before and after. I feel like I’m one of the most skeptical on this site, and yet I’m completely blown away by college kids partying at spring break, and moms that want to through birthday parties.
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To me the most valuable aspect of this thread is the documentation of real-life impacts like those above; biological, economic or both. Not as a way to complain, but just to see the effects from angles that we never would’ve known about or considered.

For instance, my youngest has a severe cleft lip and palate and has had many surgeries already. Because of travel restrictions and closures we are missing her next appointment with her treatment team. Not life threatening, but her front four teeth are dead and literally falling apart. She’s having some pain but what do you do...regular dentists won’t touch her mouth because of all the plastic surgery that she’s had. It could be a LONG TIME before she can get the next procedure needed, which affects speech development, etc. Important stuff for a preschooler. She’s the toughest kid I’ve ever seen, but I feel for her. Even before the doc called to cancel we were going to call it off though, too much to risk.

Just an example of how it’s all connected. We have it very good compared to many though. Definitely avoiding trips with kids to grandparents, April flights already cancelled. Like granddad used to say, just gotta keep looking up...
I’m curious how many of you have done “social distancing” with a first degree relative (especially parent/ grandparent). It’s a tough call when to not see you own close kin.
Facetime. Also, one set of grandparents lives 1/2 mile away. They walked by on the street and the kids talked at them through the front window. Probably 25’ separation. That’s the closest they will get.
Funny how someone in here said they could provide all the masks we needed cause it’s just cloth, rubber bands, and staples and clearly the government was the hold up.

Rather than derail this thread I just sent you a pm.
I’m curious how many of you have done “social distancing” with a first degree relative (especially parent/ grandparent). It’s a tough call when to not see you own close kin.

I am usually at my mom(72, diabetic) and dads(74, healthy) probably 3 times a week, my mother in law(66, cancer survivor) babysits our 2 year old and we are usually there at least a day a week....father in law(67, high bp, rheumatoid arthritis). My dad is my best friend. I haven't saw them in person in over a week. Any of them. It's tough, but I'll do anything to keep them safe.
The attached graphic caught my attention earlier today. I have seen a lot of people of all types express concern over the lack of clarity and consistency of instruction to the public. I'd give credit for the graphic if I knew who made it, but couldn't find that info.

On a related topic, I just noticed the WHO is shifting their terminology away from "social distancing" to "physical distancing."

The WHO has shifted to recommending “physical distance” instead of social distancing to help prevent transmission of the virus, officials said. “We are changing to say ‘physical distance’ and that’s on purpose because we want people to remain connected,” said Dr. Maria Kerkhove, a WHO epidemiologist. , near the bottom.

If you're a details geek like me and want the entire background, you can read the transcript of the press briefing where they talked about the decision here. It's on page 6, under the 00:19:31 heading. It appears people on Twitter are adopting the term.


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I’m curious how many of you have done “social distancing” with a first degree relative (especially parent/ grandparent). It’s a tough call when to not see you own close kin.
Easy for me as my parents died years ago, FIL died last year, but my MIL is 88, last year lost her husband, she had 2 hip replacements and a double mastectomy, all within 3 months!
It would be so unfair if this virus took her, so nobody visits her, and she understands, we just introduced her to video conferencing, she likes that new skill!
I’m curious how many of you have done “social distancing” with a first degree relative (especially parent/ grandparent). It’s a tough call when to not see you own close kin.

My mother and grandmother live 15 minutes from me. Normally i see them several times a week. However right now i have to suffice to calling them daily instead.
With my job i feel like its not a matter of if i am exposed its just a matter of when.
Easy for me as my parents died years ago, FIL died last year, but my MIL is 88, last year lost her husband, she had 2 hip replacements and a double mastectomy, all within 3 months!
It would be so unfair if this virus took her, so nobody visits her, and she understands, we just introduced her to video conferencing, she likes that new skill!

I had to talk my mother through getting facebook messenger going on her computer so she can video chat with my boys. One time that I am grateful for technology.
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