Caribou Gear

CO 2nd season elk get together?


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2009
South East Colorado
Hey all...

I've seen a bunch of posts lately about guys wanting to get together to hunt elk. I was thinking about MAYBE doing a group hunt with a few guys during Colorado's second season (October 21-29) in southern Colorado. It's a unit I'm not all familiar with, but near my house, so I'll be able to get down there a couple of times. I also have a bear tag that lets me hunt all of the rifle seasons (edit...I misread the regs and can only hunt the bear 2nd season, but I'll get down there to check it out), so I was planning on getting down there for part of 1st season. I was thinking about getting a small group together to hunt and camp and sit around the campfire. I will warn you, I'm not the greatest elk hunter in the world, so don't rely on me for a bunch of insight and advice. I plan on getting to the area a couple of days before the season starts to find a good spot to camp that's big enough to support a small group. I have 9 acres at my house, so we can do last minute sighting in for rifles. I have a cold room in my garage to butcher and a couple of freezers to get meat frozen for your rides home. I have full camp kitchen gear, as well as a porta crapper and portable shower. You would just need to bring your own camping gear. The weather is very unpredictable here, so it could snow on us, or rain, or be 70 degrees. We are all adults, so I don't expect anyone to demand an alcohol free camp. If you don't want to drink, then don't drink. I plan on having copious amounts of cigars and good food and laughs and stories around the campfire. I don't want to see any judgmental people. I don't get around the greatest, and I know some guys can hike for miles, but I don't want to see anyone giving each other crap about their hunting style or physical abilities or equipment. I would like to see us all sharing camp duties and not leaving a couple of people doing all the cooking and cleaning. Everyone bring food to share, especially local foods to where you're from for us all to experience.

This is a MAYBE, since it just kinda popped into my head the other day. I'd like to see what interest there is and get an idea of how everyone would get on and if this is logistically even possible.

I have a 5 bedroom 2 bath house, so I can put up a good number of people. I have a bedroom with a double bed and set of bunk beds, plus a couple of rooms with queen size beds. Depending on how many are here, someone would get stuck in my daughter's old room that's girly as hell lol

I was thinking that if anyone wants to bring a spouse or significant other, that would be cool too.

OK, I've rambled on...just kinda throwing ideas out

Let me know....

It's an OTC bull tag
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Wow, John, what an offer. I would take you up on this but already heading to the "hills" of your beautiful state for a 2nd rifle season hunt. Closest I might get is Colorado Springs as I pass through.
I think that's a great idea John. I have a deer tag in utah for the same dates this year, but if it happens 2018 rather than 2017, I'd put in on the calendar. Whats southern to you, Saguache, Conejos, Durango?
Sounds like a great time. I've got a pronghorn hunt right before, and a Coues hunt not long after, so probably can't take the time off. I hope you guys have a great hunt and camaraderie though.
Very generous offer. Not in the works for me but just wanted to say how nice of a post that is. To Open your home to strangers with common goals and good times, reason why I like and fallow this forum as I do. Maybe future plans would work out better, best of luck to you this fall.
Hey John. That's a great idea. I have a late season cow tag so I can pick up a otc bull tag for second season. I already have a 2nd season buck tag for further to the North but if I fill that in a hurry I would definitely come down. Shoot if nothing else just meet up with some good folk.
That's very nice of you, all booked up for this year but I would do next year. I love to meet new people.... I hope your plans work out, good luck.
Quite the offer! We are already going to me in MT cutting our teeth in the Madison Valley. However, next year may work, my partner is retired DNR officer and a NG CSM. He has enough stories to fill two campfires at the same time. It's actually hard to get him to stop, but they are pretty funny. He has 10 points and wants to do a 1st season 49. I don't know if he will draw it, but I was thinking of tagging along and grabbing a OTC 2nd season or mule deer somewhere.
What a kind offer! I'll be in Western CO for first rifle season this year.
Hope you get some takers and have a good hunting season. Good luck on your hunts this Fall.
Looks like I have a few takers for doing it next year. Sounds good to me! I more than likely won't be hunting next year due to shoulder and a brutal knee surgery coming up, but I'd still be more than happy to host and give intel from my time this year and what I can get out for next year. I'd have no problem playing camp host and camp cook. The HT bear hunts have been so good for me on so many levels, I want to give back in some way and continue getting people involved. I still want to get something going this year, so by all means, get ahold of me!!
Sounds like a great offer to me John... I will PM you for more details... I also offered up my upstate/northern NY paradise to you and all of those following for a whitetail/black bear hunt for whoever would want to travel Northeast!
I nominate Cushman for the 2018 HT disabled Veteran hunt recipient. In our network we should be able to find him a spot be public or private that we can push is wheelchair up to a bull.
I'd take up that offer for next year. I'd love to go this year but I'll already be hunting deer in 3/301 near Craig during that time.
I would definitely be interested next year, my oldest son getting married in November, $$ is tight,had the rotator done this year in feb.,still have some pain, hope your surgery goes well!
Looking at going back to Unit 80 for second season this year. If you're close, I'd buy ya a cup of coffee. What part of "East" are you heading to?
Hopefully you can get a good group together to make this work. Sounds like a great idea.
If it happens in 2018 I would definitely be interested.
If we can get a good group of guys together, I wouldn't mind doing it again like the HT bear hunt :cool: But, I'm not going to consider it a HT hunt until I get Randy's blessing....just a get together of like minded people

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