Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

CO 2nd season elk get together?

No doubt! With as many guys that responded to this thread and got ahold of me in PM, I think I might split it up and do a week of archery and a week of rifle. I'm thinking 3rd season might be a bit better with hopefully a little snow. If I do the same area, archery is OTC and there are always leftover cow muzzleloader tags. The non residents can also get cow only OTC archery to save some money. With upcoming knee and shoulder surgeries I don't know if I'll actually hunt, but I would love to play camp host and do the cooking and taking care of everyone.

John, you going to get the shoulder done first so you can work it to rehab your knee? Just wondering as that is the route they had dad go. Wish it wasn't so far for you to come out here. We need a new camp doc/cook/tender to help ours. He is getting grumpy talking to himself all the time and doesn't like to have a beverage by himself.
John, you going to get the shoulder done first so you can work it to rehab your knee? Just wondering as that is the route they had dad go. Wish it wasn't so far for you to come out here. We need a new camp doc/cook/tender to help ours. He is getting grumpy talking to himself all the time and doesn't like to have a beverage by himself.

Yeah. It's my right shoulder and I'm right handed. In certain motions my shoulder is non functional. I can live with shots in my knee for a while more if I take it easy, so we're putting the knee off until my shoulder is rehabbed. I would love to come out and cook!! Idaho is on my short list of states to hunt with the disabled veteran program you have.
My son will have the same tag I had this year for next seasons archery.I'd definitely stop and hang out a little.If you pick a good deer unit for the hunt I'd look into drawing a tag.
Both of my shoulders are starting to give me trouble.Hope your surgery works out.I'm a little nervous to see the Dr,but the pain is getting bad
John and crew, it sounds like you guys had an awesome time and even got to see some game, sucks I couldn't get the time off for that week. Cant wait to watch some of the videos and see the pics of the place. Look forward to getting out west myself and doing a life long dream of mine...

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