CO 2nd season elk get together?

OK, I've got 2 guys from here coming. I have a couple of maybes from other friends. I have a former Marine buddy who will come as well. I think what I'm going to do is forego my 2nd season elk and bear tags. I already have a muzzleloader cow tag, so I think I'm going to grab an e/s archery tag to go with it and hope either a muzzy or archery bear tag comes up in the leftovers. I figure I can get in there and learn the area a bit and have an idea of what's up during archery. I've gotten some good intel from a fellow HTer as well. So, I will be able to play more of a camp host/cook/bartender/barista/cigar supplier role during second season for everyone.

I'd still love a couple more guys to come on out :cool: OTC tags and a good success rate for 2nd season. I think it's 28% if I remember correctly.

That's just over-the-top "good on ya", John.

I've got a 2nd season Buck tag and nephew and I will be 'float-hunting' out of the raft (not many oppty's for that in our fair state) or I'd be interested in helping out, too.

If this becomes a thing, I'd love to come down next year.
That's just over-the-top "good on ya", John.

I've got a 2nd season Buck tag and nephew and I will be 'float-hunting' out of the raft (not many oppty's for that in our fair state) or I'd be interested in helping out, too.

If this becomes a thing, I'd love to come down next year.

I just added a 3rd guy!! From what I can gathering talking to them, it should be a pretty good camp and experience. If this does work, I'd like to continue it. There's a bunch of you guys that can make it next year that I'd love to meet :cool:
Kudos for putting this together John.

I don't rifle hunt elk, or I'd be in.

Hope everything winds up even better than planned. :)
I don't usually rifle hunt elk either, but I saw so many posts of guys wanting to get together and whatnot I decided 2nd season would be cool since it's OTC and usually better weather. I'm still hunting archery elk this year and a muzzy cow to get a lay of the land and poke around a little in preparation for this group event. I decided to forego my 2nd season tag since I still want my first bull to be with my bow and turned in my bear tag, hoping I can get an archery or muzzy in the leftovers that sold out. I'm looking forward to this, especially since it's way out of my comfort zone. The HT bear hunts have been amazing for me, so I'm hoping I can bring some sort of happiness and comerodery (sp) to other guys, especially guys that have never hunted elk or been in the mountains.
John, You're the man. I'm seriously considering this as an option for 2018 when I turn 40. With a back injury I don't know how much more hunting I have left (hopefully a decade+) but I'm getting tired of NM not giving me a bull to draw.

John, You're the man. I'm seriously considering this as an option for 2018 when I turn 40. With a back injury I don't know how much more hunting I have left (hopefully a decade+) but I'm getting tired of NM not giving me a bull to draw.


You need to talk to Hank, I think you guys are in the same neck of the woods.
I just moved to colorado a couple of months ago and already have my calendar full, but I would be very interested next year.
John, there is hope for you yet to get that branch antlered bull with archery. Here is proof!

I am hunting unit 81 in bow season but I will be happy to come help you get one
during second rifle. I'm retired and very fit. I can help with whatever you need!
Hey everyone. I've got a couple of newer guys interested that have never hunted elk before. Should be a pretty good time. We'll all be learning together. This is no gimmee hunt, and don't look to me for advice LOL I've never seriously hunted elk during rifle seasons. I hope the guys I've been talking to behind the scenes come on and get more active in the forum and look around for some hints and tips. Randy's youtube videos are a great place to start. I'm looking forward to campfires and cigars and whatever adult beverages you guys partake in (or don't) and copious amount of coffee :cool:
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Cush, keep me in the loop for next year. I can help with some logistics on this side as well. We are contemplating changing our 2nd season yearly camp to 3rd next year. I would look at just doing deer up there and swinging for elk with the HTers
Well, it's finally time! Meeting up with 2 hunttalkers this weekend for second season. Me and Roger have been cooking up a storm and Doug is flying out. We are going to eat like kings! 3 bull tags between us and I also have a bear tag, so hopefully something hits the ground. If nothing else, 3 total strangers are going to get together and have a great time.

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