Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

camp pics

it was on sale and it was from dicksporting. just down the road from me about a mile. i'm not sure what name it had on it. But it was a change/racthed seat. no rails nothing.maybe it was a clearance sale to get rid of them, like I said i'll check this weekend. But i'm was thinking last night Dave. That stand we set up for you that I don't like for a climber cause it is to light. I think this weekend I will go out to the camp and see what it would take to weld to metals on and use it as a single strap on stand. or screw acouple hole and try it that way, just depends how it is made for strength.
Hi Guys, I had a good weekend. Sat was a little ho-hum but Sunday I took Val (wife) and grandson ( Matt) to the coast for a flounder fish expedition. It started pretty slow for a couple hours then it picked up and we all were catching fish. All we caught were flounders and smelt. The grandson started to get bored when Val and I were doing all the catching and then I described the technique and he caught on real quick and did great. I think I created another fishing fanatic. A future fishing buddy I am sure. Anyway we got some more fish for the freezer.


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mooseheadred that looks like you had a great time for sure. It is real nice to see people getting the kids involved in this stuff. Where were you folks as we were coming back from deer island on Sunday? We went camping over there on Friday night and the fog rolled in about 4 hrs after we arrived and rolled out again on Sunday as we wanted to pack up and get on the road.

Figures. We did however in the breaks of the fog see some porpusise, some minky whales and seals.

A good weekend despite the fog.
You didn't happen to see a bunch of Motorcyclists. We could hear them a long ways away, then we saw them going by on the road about a mile away. There was a pile of them. Don't know where they were going or where they came from, but it was a noisy racket.
Man, we got into alot of sun down there. Our faces are all burnt and the wife's legs got burnt because she wore shorts. We didn't notice the burning because we were fairly cool because of the sea wind. Nothing too serious, but I know we couldn't go back there for a few days or wear the thickest sunblock.
I'll probably take my father down there for the next trip, hopefully we have good weather this weekend.
Trent, I am trying to think what we did with your pack sack. I know we talked about it last fall. I thought if you left it here it would be with your tree stand in my garage, but I don't see it there. Do you remember if we did leave it here or your mothers?
I thought it was there. Call mom and said you will swing over one of these days to check. nice to see the weather is great there. Today is open for hunting license. I got to wait, buddy call me up and ask what two zones to put in for. I told him and he call back said he got both doe tags for both zones. He said he cover the bill if I want to go get mine til pay day. Will see, Bruce that stand is a gorrilla and they mark it up from $29 to $49 on sale for $39 laffs. Dave I get a few stand over to moms place. One is to heavy to carry around all the place. I'm going to take a pic of one befor I change it over to a chain on. it is a climber and I'm to make it chain on. If it works I will send you a befor and after pic. Then we can do it for one that is there. and if we put it near other people and it disappear we know to keep the good ones farther in. Hate to think people do that, but then again our camp been broken into a few times as well over the years. Later guy
Nope didn't see any motorcyclist where we were. Glad to hear you had fun but not glad you got burned. Take care of it and watch out for next time. like you I have to live and learn the hard way.
Got my license today and I got both zones I put in for the doe draw. So as of now I got 3doe tags 1buck tag A buck/doe tag two fall turkey tags and two spring turkey tag and a bear tag to boot. Now it is the wife turn this friday to see if she gets the two zone permits for doe. the rest are there to begin with. The price is the same as last year. $68 Allso it covers next year fishing license til sept. for any kind of fishing. trout to bass to salmon.
We have hit the fall of the year for sure. I had to be in two places at once last night so I had Hopesman and Eastern take the archery group last night while I went to a meeting about another Firearms and Hunters safety course that will be going on in the first of September.

I did drop by and they seemed to be having a good time popping balloons and in general having fun. We leave on Saturday Morning to go to Old Town for a fun 3D shoot and all the guys going are really looking forward to it.
So I guess they had a good time shooting and tonight is Football with my son. Yup that has even started again.
Lets see if I can get this all in. We were up and on the road at 6 am (all times are Eastern times). We were in Old Town Maine by 8:45 to get registered for our 3D shoot against the Christian Bow hunters of America (CBA). We had only 4 able to go from our group with Hopesman, Lookinforsunrise, myself and one other gentleman from our group Arrows4Christ. We split up in two groups with 2 of us from our group in each of the group of shooters so we could get to meet some other believers in God like us. We shot, We laughed, we cried at lost arrows and had a good day all around. We did keep score and the way we scored it was smallest circle was 11 points and out from there was 10,8,5,0. It looks like if we added the scores up we may have been in the lead but we were out for more fun than anything else. I only ended up with a 226 and Hopesman did much better than that scoring somewhere in the 256 range I think it was (he can correct me if I am wrong) and I have no idea what everyone else got and it doesn't matter. The CBA have two chapters to there group and one chapters had 4 shooters and two of those were kids. That was great to see. The other chapter had two of the three that had to back out with one was sick and the other had bow problems less than 24 hours before the shoot. We will have to meet them next year.
We all agreed after some lunch and a quick little bible study that this is something we want to have happen every year. If we start organizing and getting the word out there we think we can get more to come and hopefully a lot more kids.
Back on the road and we were home again by 7 pm and just about exhausted as the day was hot and seemed to drain the energy out of you.
Good morning.
I have to admit that the numbers have drop off for the month of August but we continue on with the loyal. Maybe that should be addicted? We had some fun just shooting out the center area of the targets and then we moved into the balloons again.
On the weekend one of our shooters was having some trouble but we worked on it a bit last night and he seemed to come around quite nicely. He was hitting balloons at the end as well as the two of us. We did have to move his sight a little bit and that made a big difference.
It was however another good night of practice. I think once we get settled into the school year the numbers will begin to pick up again and then let the games begin.

Mooseheadred you are going to have to join us one of these nights you know that don't you?
Yes Still, I am getting some hunting mojo going, but since its still fishing season its hard to commit to hunting. Still not fully entralled with archery. All it would take would be a two tag season, one for archery and one for rifle, then I would jump on board. I would have a hard time not hunting during rifle season if I arrowed a deer in archery season. I love to get out. Last year was one of my best seasons and I didn't even get a deer, and I think it was my best because I got to hunt until the final day and enjoy the excitement.
I suppose I could get into it and make a hunting excursion to NY every fall, but most of the time ( being self-empoyed) I don't have the spare time. Its hard just taking a day here and there the last couple weeks of our season. I'm glad we have Sunday hunting this year. I wasn't for it at the start, but it does help me spend more worry free time in the woods. Ah, I can't wait.
I know what you mean about arrowing a deer and then being done but there are partrige that taste good too and will make it fun to be in the woods as well.

I watched the father in law be self employed for a lot of years so I have some idea what you mean there too. He is why I did not want to be self employed.
well last year was not a problem. the year befor was not a issue. humm I think 2005 was great as well. for taging out on. I guess when you are crazy like us and up and out befor daylight. ( in most cases in a treestand) and there til dark befor we come in. After time something bound to cross our path. I'm telling you this course is tiring, I'm not even half way threw it. I just log off to relax my eyes and figure I come in here for a moment. Then i'm going to make some chicken dip for tomorrow at the camp. Then i'm off to the store to get a few things. and after that I will spend a few hour learning more. Go to bed get up leran some more then off to the camp around noon. for a rest and some cold ones. I see my new cuddeback at the end of this course. so there for i'm keeping at it. And you know dave if you get into the bow thing you can come here and help me fill the frezzer up. get alittle spoiled with all the deer here befor heading back home for a harder hunt. Oh did I mention that the wife went off to a reunion in California? I'm a free man for a few days. And it helps me get this test done as well.
Just you and a pot of chicken dip, LOL. Don't get sick on that stuff. I can't wait to try it. Would it be any good on fish?
I am headed out this am for a breakfast with the boys then they are going to the gun show. I'm not going because I don't need anything ( except a good shotgun), but I'm not in the buying mode. Tonite I am headed ( with wife and grandkids) down to my brothers for a corn boil and fireworks.
Pretty quiet elsewise. Talk later guys. See ya.
have a great time Dave, both with the boys and the corn boil. I'm almost done the course I hope to be done tomorrow night. will see. Bruce you and the "Back Yard Rebel" must be all sight in for this season again. Done any early scouting? going to hunt the same area that you post the pictures of. Try getting out just befor night and see where the doe are coming out of the most. Go this early that way you can get into the woods far so you can get a chance of that buck. He seem to be coming out after dark so you need to go in after him. Good luck with hunting season Bruce.
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