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Back to the real world and we continued to hold our shoots. We only had five of us shooting tonight and my shoulders are saying I shot way to many arrows. We had a great time and got to practice some more with the recurve but seemed to be off tonight with the compound for some reason. Overall everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and some shooting got done.
Every arrow shot is still practice.
A couple time Dave :D Did you eat at the resturaunt there in cabelas bruce. The one that is here in PA had so many wall and full body mounts was crazy. Some where back on these pages you can see the picks when we went. I agree with dave that the prices are alittle higher on most items there. But it is real cool to go to, we are thinking of going back there again just to get away for a weekend. Your family look like they had a great time and you'll remember those times the most.I too went out and shot a few arrows last sunday. pick up a new target and after a few shot I was hitting my notches and breaking them so I stop. My mussel are not use to it. guess I need to scatter my shots so I can save on wear for this upcoming season. I got to can's of sent Dave and a shirt for free. Always like those free things. I sent a email about the feeding thing. Yet to get a reply back. maybe today I will or maybe she is on vacation for this week. Well it is hump day and I need to get ready for work.
I honestly think I am going through hunting witdraw. Lately all my dreams have been about hunting. I think more bunny hunting this comming winter and a spring bear hunt may help curb the urges.
We took the show on the road last night so technically there was no backyard ............... well not in my backyard anyway. I went out to a spot called Tay Valley Bible Camp and we got set up outside were we would normally shoot. As we started we noticed a few rain drops hitting us and when we turned around you could see this massive rain cloud coming our way. Luckily they have a barn that has a small gym like area and it is about 10 yards long. We made a quick decision to move inside and began to shoot. It started to look like the rain was actually going to miss us when all of a sudden the heavens opened up and you couldn't hear the voices from people around you very well for the all the noise the rain was making on the tin roof. We were glad we were inside at that point.
The kids and adults alike had some fun and I noticed that most of the kids would come and say hey thanks for coming and doing this for us. I am telling you it makes you feel good.
My friend from Pennsylvania was up and was unable to bring his bow this year so we invited him along and he seemed to enjoy himself. I took my recurve as we try to shoot with the other once in a while and I look at my friend and said "go ahead with the recurve". His eyes lit up and he had some fun as he got to shoot a bit before he has to go home. He even helped out with the shooting line and helped a couple of kids get going with there shooting.
Another good night was had by all but I see my son loosing interest in shooting and I don't know how to get him back.
Hi guys, How did you fare after the long weekend? We went to a Family picnic/birthday party gathering at my brothers on Saturday and then to a pool/music party on Sunday, but the real fun was Monday when my son, son-in-law and I went flounder fishing. We had a ball, caught alot of flounders. I was busy trying to fillet them as fast as they were catching them. They finially stopped when they ran out of bait. The pic of them ( on the ground) is some of them. Already had some filleted and we went back out after this photo. Only caught 2 scalpun, 1 ray (see photo) and about 6 smelt, the rest flounder so, Trent I guess we will have another fish fry this fall. O' yes, saw the bull moose in the am when we were headed fishing.


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:eek: i'm hungry and this is the first thing I see after a long day at work. just three months to go and i'm ready now. We will eat sleep and take to the wood with fish in hand and mind laffs. That last feed that you cooked up was great. I'm going to make some home made chicken dip that you will have to work out some kind of deal for me to give up the recipe. I know everyone at work all 10 or so want it so bad. I even got some asking me to make a double batch and they will pay me for it. Wife start it out and I made the last bunch and it was as good. So other then this dip, i'm bring dip for snacking. just wonder what it will taste like cooking from the woodstove.
Everything taste better after a good day in the woods hunting or on the lake fishing. You should know that Trent. Shame on you. I hope you guys have a great time up here and it sounds like we will be crossing paths again Trent. I will be headed for NY state while you are on your way up here. We will get it right some year so we get to meet up and have a coffee.

Also last night we had a small shoot at the church.
There were only 3 of us shooting last night as the vacation season is in full swing. I think for one more week the numbers will stay down but then things should start to pick up. We decided to have some fun and one person would shoot first and then the other two would try and get as close to that arrow as they could. This made for some fun and laughs as we stood there looking for a black arrow in the black ring on a target with the owner of the arrow laughing himself silly.
We had fun shot a lot of arrows and every arrow shot is still practice.
some day it will happen. coming to ny for turkey or just deer bruce.dave I yet to get any reply back for using apples and salt licks for hunting there. I think she and the other person I was talking to on the phone was mistaken when they said it was legal. Well today will be the first day I'm driving to work since monday. I've been biking from here to work and it only takes me 15 minutes top to get there. The only reason why i'm taking the truck is my boss wanted me to make her a double batch of chicken dip. Hard to travel that by bike.Well it is friday and the weather out side is on the cool side for a change, going to make a great night tonight at the camp for a sleep. Wife just got up so time to go, have a great weekend all and stay safe.
Trent they were right. Here in New Brunswick you can put out salt licks, apples or both if you want and hunt from a stand or blind that look right at them. Not an issue.

The place I hunt in NY you can put stuff out (apples, corn etc) but you can not sit in a place that you can see those food placements.
That was the first one we ever caught, so I don't know much about them. They have a fairly large mouth underneath, which with the use of pliers the hook come right out. As far as stingers, I am not sure, I just let the son-in-law play with it, LOL.
I was very pleased with my overall shooting last night. Hopesman was out and we put out way more targets than only two people needed. LOL
We even got Hopesman's broadhead target out and shot a few at it. Which I did my regular of peaking to see where I was hitting and one I stopped that the shots were good. The real shocking thing for me was the 40 yard target.

I have worked on the 40 yard all summer and started last night on it. first two arrows were fired at it and we were not sure where they hit. When we got up to them I had a 9 ring at 6 o'clock on the bag and an 8 ring at 6 o'clock. Stunned I went back and repeated with 3 more (I think) in the 8 ring and a couple more in the 9 ring with one almost cutting the 10 ring. I began to tire and the shots were not that great but it was fun. We each put some nice shots on the repaired bambi target at 30 yards and I will be trying bambi at 40 eventually.
We learned the Broadheads and the field points were hitting right on. No difference out to 25 yards at least but that was using the 85 gr boss bullets of which I only have two. I would like to get more of those and I have the 85 gr Magnus stingers waiting for me in Houlton. I still like those broadheads for some reason. I still have to see how they fly.
Another good night of practice.

OH yea I actually had a couple of great groups at 15 yards with the recurve as well and that was after I was tiring.
Thats the same here in my part of NY. Just can not sit over it. I'm thinking on trying this new thing call ( C'Mere Deer) I watch alot of video from all over and they make this bait seem great. But then again it is what they want you to beleave to buy it. Any way I been saving gas since I got a mountain bike. It takes me 15 minutes to get to work. I bike tuesday wednesday thursday. I had to take the truck friday cause I had to many things to drop off.On my way home I turn at the light just out side on the house and signal to turn in the drive. I look up and here come a car whooping around the corner to make the light. So I loosen up and hold on as he rear end my truck.We were both ok and I'm glad I never took off that hitch (And never will). he hit that and bent my bummer alittle. but his car didn't do so good. I had witness say he was not paying attention and he state he was at fault.Other then that my weekend was pretty quite. Oh by the way thia 18th is our deer drawing. last year it was $54 I wonder due to oil prices will they up that to. You know the cost to haul paper and put it into the machine Laff.
New arrows

I think I got a good deal on these arrows. They are Easton ST Excel 500 that I got for 44.50 for the dozen shipped and handeling cost included. I think that is not bad. Three had been cut to 28" but I use a 26.5" arrow so that will not be a problem at all for me.


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Are they carbon ? I pay $39 total,for 12 aluminum.And they had the fletch and insert attach J/K. I think I will pick up acouple of Cmere Deer. A liquid and the "Cmere deer 2gallon three day harvest". Well if that special is still on for that tree stand for $29 and I get my $10 rebate back soon. I think I might sneak under the raidar and swoop it up. shhhhh don't tell the wife. I'm enjoying the ride to work and back on the bike. need the excerise ALOT.Dave it's been a week, whats you up to? I'm going to need a run down on what I have there in my back pack as well. You can email me or lay the item out and snap a shot and email. I for get what I have there, I need to compare what is here so I can start packing what I use there and keep out the thing I need here. Have a good one all.
Trent those are carbons and are very expensive up here so it is a pretty good deal. Where in the world are you getting a stand for $30 and what style is it?

We had fun at the church last night as we got some ballons out for the shoot. Mooseheadred you are going to have to join us one of these days.
$39 2117 aluminum cabelas. Didn't I leave it at your place dave my backpack. Maybe I didn't. I will have to call home and find out.
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