camp pics

Looks like you had a great time Still. Are many arrows lost at a shoot like that? Where there are no back stops and the tarkets look pretty small to me.
Boys did we ever have a great weekend weather wise. Hope the rest of the summer is like that. I took my wife for a bass fish on Saturday and we hit the jackpot. I was busy taking fish off her line for a while.


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We actualy came out with extra arrows. The guys that would miss would end up finding someone elses arrows as well as there own. LOL They liked that. The only problem then was if it was spined for their bow or not.

That first picture looks like a big fish. Did you weigh any of them to see how big they were?
We are now into July and we are getting hit with some hot weather. What can you expect now with people on vacation and using there pools. They are not going to leave the coolness of there house to come shoot..... Right?

Wrong. We had 11 shooters tonight with some being hunters and some just being folks that enjoy to shoot. We have been challenged by the another group in Maine to a fun archery shoot (3D of course) and we already have one team of five ready to shoot and want to make a weekend of it.
I am a bit overwhelmed to tell you the truth with the success of this group or club what ever you want to call it. I love the fact that trad and compound shooters are shooting together, helping each other out and all around having fun.
I worked on the QAD rest again and leveled it all up like all were suggesting and ............. well the noise is still there but I don't think it is as bad as it was. I am still shooting well with the bow so I don't know just leave it alone I think.

Well I need some sleep so I think I say that all is going well with Arrows4Christ archery group to say the least. Thanks for all the support and kind words.
Didn't weigh any of the fish, Still. The biggest fish was 19", but I didn't have a scale for weight. I caught it on a 5' ultra lite with a berkley lizard. It felt like a 10lb fish with that riggin.
Fantastic weather, the fish were taking hot and heavy in the mid day heat and sun shine, which debunks the theory ( somewhat) of fish only take early and late. It was more of a fun fish with the wife. This weekend is supposed to be perfect as well, and we are going to the salt water for flounder.
Good to meet you DaveHawk.
wow quite place in here lately.DaveHawk pull up a chair and stay awhile. Everyone busy I see. I guess with all the fishing your doing for this fall dave and the practise bruce for the fall as well. Oldest daughter boyfriend let me use his digal camera. I got it set up right now and if it works ok then I may pick one up. I kinda wonder about it as I play with it a few times befor seting it up. Guess this weekend will tell the tale. It is a moultree game cam and some people swear by them. I see there is a new cuddeback out there Call the (cuddeback capture) looks some what like my film one does. $199 is the cheapest out there so far. maybe they will drop a few $$ befor my trip. Dave can you price me some plywood, I figure if I call the border about bringing wood across and there is to much paper work then I will get it there. Well guys let me know what new in NB, later.
I asked my brother in law on the trail cam thing as he has owned and used several types, and he preferred the Moultrie. Not sure what model he was talking about.
Plywood goes high to higher. Any idea what you need, as I may be able to pick up some scrap somewhere?
I took a friend ( Cub's father-in-law to be, as Cub is now engaged to get married next year Aug 15th) for a bass fish on Saturday. He never saw a bass before, let alone catch one. Anyway, with having a low pressure system move in the day before I knew the fishing wouldn't be great but we did manage to catch some bass. He had a ball when he caught one as they would dance and jump. Most were caught on rubber and light biters. It was a fine day as it wasn't windy and a little overcast to keep us from getting too sunburnt. Not too many photos but I'll post the biggest of the day. It was pushing 18", most of the fish were around 12" or less. The pic with the smaller bass in it was his first bass ever.


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good to see you got some fishing in dave. ever filet and try one in a deep fryer, yum yum. We got osb board here that I call press/flake board. it sell for $7.65 a sheet. I'm doing the inside of my ceiling with it here at the camp. I figure if I put a good paint on the outside it would not swell up. Well we will see about the moultrie cam this weekend. I might buy one later or not at all. need to see whats hanging around in the areas we hunt. Allso there was a few trails in that road we was in and met (Dale) on his side by side.
Thats where I'm interested. I was there the week after deer season and the place was tore up. Its like that every year. This year with the season being a little later will hit it right on there.
I'm not sure of the press board on a ceiling. I think it might sag later. Maybe if the trusses were 16" centered and if you strapped 1" x 3" (facing floor) you might not have a big problem later.
Back in town, tired out, been on vacation down to scarborough Cabelas and was disapointed. Lots of stuff just not the stuff I wanted from their cataloge. Oh well then over to Concord for the daughter to go to the planetarium that was named after the school teacher that was in the space shuttle that exploded, left there to go to North conway to shop, rained every day we were there. The tent trailer held up well though. left there tuesday night and back over to Augusta for a night, then up to Houlton drop off the wife and son at a friends house and set up the trailer for them there. Daughter and I had to come home as we have to go to work for tommorow and Friday. After we get off work on Friday we will be hitting the road again to go up to Houlton for the night and back home with all the family and trailer for Saturday night. I am tired just thinking of all the driving we did but ....................... It was a blast. The first family vacation in a while and my daughter says we have to do it more often.

go figure.
Hope you saved some time for deer season, Still. Family outings are always great, but hey, you gotta love that fall hunt. Should talk them into going camping in the fall.
Well Dave we got to get set up on that spot there for you. And where the oldtimers park there truck awhile ago. There was a road that went in a few hundred yards. I think I might scout the woods there as well this year. Need to get me (some how) another treestand that will keep me out there longer. Your going to like these rail climbers I got.
I finally took the time to upload our vacation photos and I will now try to tell the story.

We left at noon on Wednesday the 16 and when we reached the boarder had to stop to get some information on the Canadian side and my daughter got a little camera happy.

Back on the road and traveled down through Maine until we reached Scarborough Maine.
We checked the map to find the most important part of the trip.

You guessed it Cabala's






The whole family tried the laser shooting range, Yup even the wife did it.

I was a little disappointed though as I went the store expecting to get certain items I had the cash for and could not find any of them. they were specific items and the worker said that the same thing happens a lot as the store can not hold all that is in the catalog. so order it and have it sent to the store to make sure you are going to get it. Ow well it was still fun. We also hit the Texas road house in Scarborough and had them sing happy birthday to our little girl. At 15 she was not impressed. LOL

Day two, Thursday was on the road again and head out to Concord New Hampshire to go see the planetarium that was named after the school teacher that was killed during the shuttle explosion.
Part 2



They even had a display were you had to try to land a shuttle.

Onward to North Conway and our camp site for the next few days. Still sunny at this point.

A little sight seeing




Then the shopping began and the rain let loose for the rest of the time we were in New Hampshire.


Part 3

But between rain storms we did get to do a bit of stuff and the hole time we were there they had lots of stuff going on for the kids to do.




My son won at the tug of war basketball by the way. LOL
We got to go Go carting and that was fun as well.

We camped at the Saco river Camp Ground and this was the view up and down the river which we did float a couple of times on tubes.



Ouch I didn't see anyone take that photo but we did even sneak in a camp fire.
When we hit the road for home on Tuesday the 23 I think this was the view I had in the rear view mirror.

out the front

and I started to go a little loopy.

All in all a good vacation and the seal of approval came when my daughter at 15 years old looked at me and said "Dad we have to do this more often"

I just about went in the ditch.

so that was our 2008 vacation. I hope you enjoyed.
Looks like you had a great trip. Memories forever. We used to travel with a hardtop camper as well. Also used it in hunting season and had many a good time. So Cabela's was a let down. I don't have an urge to go there as I have been in Bass Pros at Trents a couple times. Cabelas has alot more mounts, but I think Bass Pros probably had better prices and alot of specials.
Well I didn't fish this last weekend. Did some golfing, cleaning up around home and other stuff. This weekend coming we have a family picnic/birthday party on Saturday and then Sunday we go to a pool party, Monday will be spent getting some stuff together for a community yard sale on Tuesday. No fishing in sight, LOL. I don't know how long I can go without fishing. I kinda have the itch to go salmon fishing as I hear this is a phenominal year. We will see.
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