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camp pics

Tonights backyard shoot went well but there were only three of us there.


and myself. Second pic is of the alignment of the QAD rest and It is hard to tell with the string going through it but it looks good at full draw.


I worked a bit on the 20 yard target and things were going OK but there seemed to be something happening but I could not put my finger on it. I was not getting the groups like I did last night. I am also noticing a bit more rattle tonight. What is going on.
We continued to shoot and I was getting worse. Hopesman was the one to see it as he asked me about a statement on here a while back. He asked if the fletches were hitting the slide bar or the cables before as they looked very close again. When I inspected it he was right on the money the fletches were hitting hard on the buss cables. Why though??????? After looking it over hard I noticed the slide bar was loose. Did I forget to tighten it down? I must have so I lined it up again and shot for a while. LOOSE again. tighten it again.

At this point we tried some shots through the Chrono. Remember the old chrono and specs were
324 grains on a 26.5 inch arrow, 227.4 Ft. per second which gives me a 37.21 Kinetic energy number at approx. 58lbs pull.

The only things that have changed and I forgot about one of them was that the string was changed out and the new QAD drop away. Should get a little more speed but not much I am thinking. Check the photos or shot one


Shot two

And shot three.

Holy smokes a 14 feet per second on average increase. That seems like a lot to me. I am now at 41.8 for kinetic energy. NICE.

We noticed the slide bar was loose again so the lock tight came out and we put some on it. We all seemed to come into our own all of a sudden and were getting consistent groups so we thought we might as well show you how we were doing now.


After a couple more groups we called it an evening and figured we were all getting a little tired and the bugs were getting bad.
I think it was good night however and we will see next shoot if the lock tight is going to work.
Good to see your new attachment works well bruce. I try my drop away tonight. Love it, silent and clean shooting. need to set my sights again. But just after a few shots i'm pretty close to where I want it. I move my cam tonight as well, got it set right in the middle where the deer come threw the middle and out to where the stands were. I'm set here for hunting LOL. even thought it is a way off yet. Dave we need to come up with something for that stand to keep the wind from blowing across the bottom half. And I need the platform measurememt so I can place a matt on it to cut down on the noise. I figure burlap sacks or something to break the wind and hide you alittle more. We don't need to worry about the rail as far as lifting it up with my new ladders. I just set a extra one higher then the stand and step down into it. I got to work at the old site tomorrow and it is suppose to be hot. no A/C there under that tin roof. Good luck with the fishin this weekend. And good luck with the moose draw as well you guys.
Hi guys, I'm back with another fishing update. I missed telling you about last weekend ( I don't think I did ). Anyway, I have posted a photo of my son-in-law and my grandson holding a string of fish. They had a pretty good time. We caught them at a lake we call 'Cheesy Lake', kind of an inside joke, but it was a fine afternoon fish.
The other photos ( or lack of ) is from this Fathers day weekend. This is the annual bass fish trip that Larry, Tony, JC, Kevin and I take. We stay at Larry's leased camp at Oromocto Lake ( Harvey side). The camp is very small ( some have to sleep on floor and couch) but the camp has indoor plumbing, and electricity. We had a good time and something very odd happened. We were discussing the stories of there being trout in the Lake in a few select areas, but in all the years and hours fishing between us we had never seen a trout caught. Well the next morning Kevin and I were after landlocks and didn't I catch a 15" trout ( it was a big fish, deep and thick). We had quite a chuckle over that. The fishing ( bass ) wasn't too bad. The wind was fairly high so controling the boat made it a little harder to fish right. Kevin did get up there Friday afternoon and got out fishing before everyone else arrived. It was real windy then and he probably shouldn't have went out, but he did catch a nice 16" landlock which we roasted on the bonfire that nite. It was really tasty. Anyway, we had an enjoyable weekend. I hope you guys did as well. Have a good week.


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looks like a real nice pan fry you got there. Larry lease this camp or is the camp his and is on lease ground ? By the way is that your wheels in the first picture. I to was lay back all weekend right up to 12pm sunday. Then things change like a flip of a switch. But today is a new day and the temps here are alot cooler. high today is 67 and it going to be lower then that tomorrow. Good to have some nice outdoor temps. Not to much going on now, last night I order arrows from Cabelas at $39.99 and tax for a dozen. Thought it was a good deal for the one's I shoot with. Dave you need to get a pic of larry camp next time up. I see the dog there wanted to be in the lime light laff. That your new camp crib player. When is the big day for moose tag to be drawn ? Good luck to you guys and have a great week.
Yep'er thats my new wheels. All I have to do is put 'LT' tires on it because I have a flat pretty near every time I go over a dirt road. I have 'P' tires on it now. Nice tires and just about new, but they don't stand up to the dirt roads. I have to fix that problem real soon.
Larry private leases camp from May to Oct. It is really small. One dble bed, one single bed, one couch and not much floor space. But it is right on the lake and has hot wtr, shower, electric stove and electric fridge. He leaves his boat there in a cradle and it is very secure. Neighbours are good and quiet. Its a pretty good deal for him as he can leave everything there and just go there as he wants. I plan on going there again in Aug to try for landlocks so I'll take a few photos of camp and layout for ya.
Now I gotta plan on where to go this weekend coming. Fishing is still good for trout I imagine.
After my up and down day I had today I needed a good night of archery. I got it and needed it. I was all set to buy an older range finder knowing we were trying to get ready for a small trip to New Hampshire camping I decided to check with the wife and see if she thought we could buy the range finder and call it my birthday gift. She was right and I knew it that we could not do it right now and Eastern , The dirty rat, used my own words on me of "don't worry that was just not the right one. Another one will come along". I hate it when people expect you to do as you say. He was also right.

We had our shoot at the church tonight and I was wondering what we were going to get for people. To my surprise we had 12 I think it was and I think that is enough to keep it going for the summer. I know there will be weeks that there will be less than that due to vacations but that is OK I think. One of our shooters that is actually leaving us to move to Nova Scotia in a couple of weeks did up a mug for me. He etched it himself which made it even better. He said it was a thank you for starting the club and helping people get involved. I was deeply touched by his thoughtfulness. I hope you can see it all in the pictures and the extra bubbles are from the Diet coke and not in the glass. I really like it. Here are both sides


He also signed the bottom and dated it for me.

We had one of our shooters, that started back in January and took the bow hunter education through us, go bear hunting this year and didn't he get a nice 150lbs bear. He has it on video and he brought in so we showed it. He made a perfect shot right through the heart and had a full pass through with only about 50lb pull. Very impressed with his patients as well.

We had some new shooters and some visitors as another group had an activity at the church tonight so they came in to watch a bit. One of the guys is an archer and thinks he will start coming. He may even bring some of his older kids who all looked less than 10. Awesome I think. The new young fellow that started tonight couldn't stop talking about how much fun he was having and actually did very well.

One of the young shooters had taken the bow hunters education course but had not done his shooting test yet. He had only got a bow to shoot the night of the course and he was out again tonight so I tricked him. I let him shoot a few rounds on his own and then I went over and said. "Why don't you shoot at 10 yards as if you were doing your test and I will see what I see you doing wrong". He agreed and put 3 out of 3 inside the circle in a fairly nice little group. I told him I saw nothing that would have kept him from passing that section of the shooting test. I then said "Now try the 20 yard and we will see if we see anything there that is going wrong". This seemed to put all the pressure off his shoulders and he shot very well putting 2 out of 3 in the target. the third one he threw a bit so I could not give it to him. I looked at him and told him "Congratulations you just passed your shooting test with a 5 out of 6. Very nicely done. Sorry for tricking you but it did take pressure off you didn't it?". He agreed and the smile on his face said I did the right thing.

We continued to shoot and had a good night of fun by pulling out the Burlap small game targets at the end. Thanks again BT the group loves those things.

I was long winded tonight but it was an awesome night and I just had to fill you in. We hope to shoot out doors in my yard on Thursdays from now on as well as the Tuesday night indoor shoots. I love archery.
cool glass bruce, my wife made a glass as well and it was cool. Speaking of wife we went to your favorite place dave. And I had my meatloaf on a bun again. I tell you that place is full everytime we go there. I decide to get dersert first and it was hugh. So I took my sampler home for work today. Allso I order some arrows tuesday and they came here but I was not home. So once again I ask the older people next door if it was ok for them to drop it off there if I am not home. I can not beleave they got here that fast. But then again we thought it was coming by snail mail til I seen the "ups" note. Not to much else going on except I work at the old site again. And the weather here is "BEAUTIFUL" cool temps and I love nice here that I was out to the camp the last couple days working around my hunting stand. Dave you got a nice ride there, get those tire on it so we can do another double in deer season again. I hope to have a good digital befor then so we can see whats around a few areas. Your camera take a card? If so we will have to try it out as well. Maybe the card will work on my camera as well. Ok time for me to shut up and go, I hope to have some pics by the end of this weekend from my cuddeback film. later guys and have a great one.
The report tonight was that we had some fun as well as some practice. I did not shoot great and started to over analyze until Eastern came to me and said just shoot and enjoy yourself.
A while back HYH had sent some bows up to me and in the package were two small Brave Bows for kids. I found a home for one if you remember to a little girl that wanted to shoot with her brother and Dad but didn't have a bow. She grinned all night when we gave it to her.
Well the other night a son of one of our shooters came to the church gym to shoot and really took an interest in it. He said that some day he would have to get a bow. Something clicked in my head and I thought of the second Brave Bow that they said to give out. I mentioned it to Eastern and he thought he had a rest that would work on it so he brought it to my place tonight. I let them start to shoot while I got the rest on and I had brought one of the green re-curves home for the young fellow who came with his Dad to the backyard shoot. I had mentioned to his Dad about my idea and he loved it.
I got the bow ready and then went and shot a few and took some pictures of the unsuspecting little fellow who was just excited to be with his Dad and the guys shooting bows as you can see here.


I then went and got the bow and brought it out and began to explain that the bow came from Helping Young Hunters and that they wanted me to find a young person to give it to as there own bow. His eyes opened wide with anticipation of what I was going to do.


I told him the bow was his and the next few pics show how excited he was and he did shoot very well until he got so tired he could not pull it back anymore.






This is at 22 yard range. He loved that.


We continued to shoot and made poor Bambi look more like a porcupine than a deer.


Eastern was trying to see were everyone was hitting.

Eastern even brought his long bow for a outing and man he did well for only getting arrows to shoot properly from it on Monday night. He even got leaned right into it.


Notice the bows and set in there smallest or shortest on the far right and the longest bow on the left. By accident but it was cool.


We set the range up tonight to reach out to 40 yards and I hope to repair a 3d target on Sunday so we can have different distance shots to try. I will try and do a step by step on the repair.

I did notice something tonight on my bow that I am curious about though. Lets see if I can explain this one for you.
I noticed the Plastic slide on the cable bar has some slack in it or should I say has a gap between it and the bar. The hole in the slide that goes over the bar is right up against the bar on the right of the bow and on the left side of the slide there is a gap of at least a 1/16". We looked at hopesman's bow and his did not have this slack. We looked at the father of the young-fellows bow, which he also has a Martin and his seemed to have the same open area at his bar as well. I looked again from the back to the front of the bow and there is a definite gap as if the hole in the slide has become oblong or reamed out.
The question is this, should that slide have that kind of slack or do both the other Martin owner and I need new Plastic slides to put on the bar?

Now did any of that make sense?
:confused: got me, wow you seem to live for the bow as I do for deer season bruce. So do you dream about it :D Good to see you putting a smile on the little one face there. Well I went to "Dicks" to pick up field points. And man I got a good buy off the clearence rack. HD camo jactek for $11.25 and there was a few to pick from. So I got a spring/fall coat. Have a good weekend and inform us how the fishing went dave.
Hi guys, Had a beautiful day ( weather ) on Saturday. I took Cub's father-in-law ( also a good friend of ours) away for a trout fish. It was slow at start, only 5 fish up until lunch time, which became lunch, LOL. Cub and my son-in-law, Chuck met us for a shore lunch. It was perfect, no amount of flies and yet warm. The afternoon was better fishing as the fish started to jump for flies and got more active. We ended up with our limit to take home. I think I have one more trout trip in my schedule ( this weekend I hope), before I switch to salt water fishing, salmon fishing and bass fishing.
Take care guys.


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I finally get around to putting my weekly report on here and sorry for the delay.

On Tuesday, which was a great sunny day, I thought we did well as we had 8 or 9 shooters out. We got a lot of shooting in so we put out the small game targets and one fellow brought a paper deer target with him so we put that out too. The shooting at the point of putting these out improves almost every time for some reason.
The young man that passed his shooting test recently had his mom come to pick him up and she had the rest of the family with her. She asked at what age can people join the club. I love the look on peoples faces when you reply as young as they want to be. Then the look on there face when you tell them there is no sign up cost only a small donation each week. It now looks like we may have two more kids join us next week. Shooting every round in quick order makes it very tiring quickly, so I bowed out early and just enjoyed watching everyone shoot.
We leave on Saturday morning for our outing in Oldtown Maine and I had someone offer to come along with us and take pictures for us so I hope to have some good ones for you sometime next week.
Bruce have a good trip to oldtown. Hope that you guys don't have to much hassel at the u.s side going across.Well once again those look good dave. Been awhile since I had a fresh cook out. Not to much going on here. it is a steady rain (Which we need ). Other then that I was out and try my new target out. it is a deer target at that. plus I might try to use it as a decoy. I know you can not bait deer back home,but what about a decoy set up. Since you can use calls/scent to lure them in. I don't see any where in the old book I got here that you can not use a decoy. You guys got to find that out, so I can bring it with me. I do got plans dave to set up a real nice tree stand where that buck pic was taken. I don't think they will be cutting out there any time soon. Well time to go for now, later.
Wow what hit me???????? I am exhausted. We made our trip to Old Town Maine for our 3D shoot and we had a blast. I had a friend offer to go and take pictures of us and he says he took somewhere in the 400 range. I will try to fish through them and get some posted with a better report of how much fun we had. The proprietor wants us to come back and have a fun shoot against two chapters of Bow Hunters Of America that are in the Bangor region. We may take them up on that but we will see.
Keep watching for another post on this trip. I will not be at the shoot tomorrow night at the church as it is the Canada holiday and my 19 year wedding anniversary.
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