New member
Nice looking bbq fish there, And no luck on the turkey hunt saturday. I woke up to
on the last day here as well. So I grab the chain saw instead and did some cutting. After I may sure there was nothing in the fields. I got alot done for this up coming hunt. I went out to the camp friday night and decided to sit in the blind for the last hour of the eveing. Wish I had my 22-250 with me, I caught movment on the trail by the big field edge and it was a coyote and I made sounds of a destress animal and had him stop five times. Easy take donw shot but with out a weapon it would be hard. 1 for the coyote this round. And then about dark here comes a fox with something in its mouth. when I made the same noise he kick it in high gear.Today i'm going to head to bass-pro and see what I can get for my b-day. later and the nicer weather is heading your way dave, so like always it will arrive durning the week.