
camp pics

Hey guys, its been a while. heres some pics from this years bear camp

The first one is the valley we hunt. Where I am standing is the hillside where we put the bait. In the background behing the spruce is the spotting hill. when we see a bear (in the area where I am standing)....stalk is on.

Its a mix of bait/spot and stalk.


Some swamp donkeys in the pond in front of the cabin


Got some caribou also


Heres some cool pics of the Tanana river going out. In the morning it was still a solid piece of ice. this was roughly noon time. I'm still amazed of the power of mother nature.



It was a short 5 day trip this year but still had a blast.
Nice pics Joel, and welcome back. It is amazing how powerfull mother nature can be. At least after five days you was on the right side of that river and made it back. How was the bear hunt, did you see/get any? I notice there is some snow there as well. Wish I could of went after some of those snow donkey this fall. Well time to go, keep in touch.
Trent, in years past we used to use a boat but this year due to the ice we came in from the east (behind me in the pics). About 14 miles away is the highway.

Yeah, I got a pretty decent black bear. the picture is in the AK section.
Tnx for the pics Lilbiggun. What a fanatastic looking spot. I love that feeling you get when you know you are away in the wild, although your wild is alot bigger than our wild.
Hi guys, I got another pic of fish. I took the wife fishing last evening for a couple hours and we got a few ( she outfished me again). We let some smaller ones go. It was a beautiful evening, and the forecast for the weekend wasn't too good so I thought I better get out and feed my fishing habit or I would be grouchy all weekend.
The water is dropping fast here so there should be some fiddleheads soon. Oh ya, the gaspereaux are due as well.


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Well them fish look great dave. I hope you are stock piling acouple for this fall. You know I always want to try to see if there was anything in (MUDLAKE) maybe some day I will try it out. Well we just got back from the wife's graduation where she got her certivated. Now come Dec she will have her Assocated degree. I was telling the girls that i'm semi retire and come Dec I will be a full time bum. Wife can make the $$$ and I will guide on both side of the boreder. What else I was out to holand island this weekend. Saturday I was calling and had a turkey come from behind me and I got busted. Never seen what it was but I know that high pitch cluck indicate I was nail. I waited 30 minutes then got up and sat on the edge of a field and try a feww calls. Next thing I new I hear a turkey clucking back and there coming across the big field was a hen and she was on the move to my decoy's. I raise the 12 and got ready incase there was a tom/jake behind her,Nothing. So I play with her for a hour befor letting her go. I figuer what better then a decoy is the real thing and she was moving around plus clucking up a storm. She start getting to close to me evertime I call her back so after a hour I let her walk off. I had her about 15 feet away from my feet at one point. Today I got out and had a tom gobble about 30 yards up this straight road and I set up had him come on the road and start towards my decoys be a hen pull him away. I figure if I stay there long enought he come back. But time was not on my side as I had to get ready for the wife's thingy. Well this coming weekend is our long weekend and I'm hoping that the weather is great. Time togo and get dinner, good luck on the fishing dave and hope things are going great for the range bruce. Joel keep in touch and by all means lets see some pic.
Hi guys, that was the 'shortest' long weekend ever, LOL. I only got away fishing the one day and we had a fair day. It was cold, breezy and had the odd showers. Fishing was slower than what I figured. Caught a couple 15"ers, and the rest were 7" & 8".
The gaspereaux are running big time, and I took grandson to the river to practice him up on reeling fish in. He had a blast.
Anyway, its a short work week at least. This weekend is a weekend away with a couple of the guys.
Man I wish I was down there chasing turkey, Trent. I would really enjoy going to Howlands Island and seeing/hearing the turkeys.
Still, the moose draw starts today. Good luck.


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still got 11 days left to hunt dave, We both could split up and hunt in different areas. I'm going out this friday and checking another area that is farther in. I'm thinking of taking this thursday off but i'm not sure. I'll know more tomorrow morning.I allso pick up a new toy as well dave. I''l post a pic on here in just a few seconds after I take a pic and load it. ok after five minutes here is my new and inprove turkey getter.
sure you don't want to come dave laffs.
Dave you and the young fellow are going to have to join us some Tuesday evening at the church for a shoot.

Good morning. Rain and miserable here but the shooting last night makes up for it. We had a great group of about 12 I would say and some fine shooting was done by all. The young fellow that is trying to get settled to do his shooting test from the archery course is settling down and having some nice groups. His form is good and says he is having fun.
I am no longer the guy with the highest shot in the gym and when I get home I will put some dots a picture of the end wall to show you were they ended up. One was just lost concentration and was only about 6 inches higher than mine and the other. Well to his defense it was really not his fault. He had a string loop put on his bow and he was drawing the bow when it let go. He got a good smack in the face by his hand and the arrow took off and went up in the acoustical tiles way above the basketball net. We had to get an extension ladder to get it down and then even stand on the second to the last rung.

I finally settled in and did some good shooting. I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. I have been trying to get the peep and the ring on my sight to become one when looking through the peep and was struggling. Last night I noticed when I drew back and settled my nose on the string everything fell into place. When we started shooting the small game targets I was deadly hitting 75% of my shots in or touching the kill zone circle. I was very pleased with my shooting.

Again it was a great night and it looks like we will be going to Old Town Maine on the 28 of June for some fun.

Have a good day all.
Hi Still, There wouldn't be a ceiling tile safe if I went to your shoot. LOL. Thanks for the offer, but my son works away ( Moncton for awhile) during the week. Maybe I'll venture in next winter when my doldrums set in and I get a little practice before hand.
Nice gun Trent, thats a turkey blaster for sure. Wish I was there turkey hunting, but maybe next year.
Two more days till the weekend, yahoo!! It even calls for sunny and warm.
Double yahoo!!
LOL I will believe the warn and sunny when I see it.
Come on out anytime you want to. We have also started shooting in the back yard at my place on Friday nights for now. We will be moving to Thursday nights soon.
The new string is on and wow it took some time as we checked everything twice and thought every move out before we did it. I took before pictures of every thing and then an after couple of pictures as well.
We started out by changing out the split cable. I wanted somthing simple to try first and we wanted to have at least one cable on the bow at all times.
A few pics before we started.




Split cable going on.



Once we had the split cable on we thne took off the old string and measured things up. When we compared the two strings this is what we found.


Once we had both cables on we then started moving stuff from the old string and in the case of the loop I just put a new one on.

The end product looks great and hopefuly if there is no rain tomorow night we will see how it shoots.
Hi guys,
Give us some turkey stories Trent. How did the new gun work, any luck?
This past Saturday was another cold, damp, windy day of fishing. You will know the guys in the pic, Trent. Both are non-fishers and both did very good and had a great time ( even in the cold). Fishing is still slow, but showing promise.


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once again nice fish, "K" looks alot different since I seen him last. Remember last time we work on a building together he was looking at the lady in the pool next door. We got alittle blast at that day from the owner. Where was you fishing up towards the lakes? No luck on the turkey here, next weekend is the last chance and all that I see is hen. I had to stop and shoulder the gun cause a hen came out on the road about 20 yards ahead of me. I kneeled down as she cross and hope and waited for her partner. But she was a loner.I put the tree cam out saturday as well. Well see if there is anything left from the season out there. Our long weekend is over and it is time for work again. later
Its terrible having to go back to work isn't it. Especially when the days during the week are so nice weather wise.
Yes, 'K' isn't very healthy. He is up in Moncton today having a small medical procedure. But he is stricken with a bowel problem. His spirits are great, and he is a great guy to spend a weekend with as he is funny and witty.
Have a good evening shoot tonite, Still. I believe your shoots are Tuesday evenings? I would think attendance will drop for summer but will increase greatly prior to fall.
You guys have a good week!!
This week we had to cancel the official shoot in the gym as it was need for the annual general meeting of the church. One gentleman showed up at my place and we did some shooting as well as my son and a friend of his. We had some fun and did some good shooting overall. My bow got a little bit more fine tuning since the string went on and one more shoot with it to make sure it is on and then I am going to tackle putting the QAD drop away on.

Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words and for just reading my updates. it is really nice to know that others are interested in what I have attempted to do in getting archery into our church and community.
Rain, Rain go away. Come again some other day. Like on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or even a Friday, but not on the weekends!! Another wet weekend. I got out Friday evening just because of the forecast. I knew I had to get my fishing addiction taken care of, or I would be a bear all weekend. Lots of black flies, sunny and warm and I didn't get any fish till the sun went down, then got a couple
13" ers. I packed those in the freezer for the BBQ this fall Trent. Pretty quiet yesterday, I took the lady of the house shopping. Maybe today I'll get out and see if I can find some fiddleheads. I might be too late. We will see.
Any luck on the last day of turkey hunting Trent??


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