PEAX Equipment

camp pics

Thanks Trent and good luck to you as well.

58 more days untill I arrive in New York state.

The last hooray before school started was last weekend. Labor day weekend in Bangor Maine camping with my kids..... no wait my sister and her husband are going to join us...... no wait My parents are going to come with them as well. Looks great .......... wait what was that....... oh my brother, his wife and two kids are now coming as well............. What............ oh my cousin and his wife that live in Maine are coming on Saturday for the night........... 14 in total of us invaded Bangor Maine for the weekend. Pictures to come but we managed to have some fun played a game called washer toss and had a blast at that. Went a little tour of the water front in downtown Bangor and maneged to get rear ended by my nephew when the sky opened up on us mixing the oils on the asphalt in with the water and making the roads act like they had a sheet of ice on them. Yup almost $1300 to the new van. Everyone was OK and vans can be fixed so all is good.
Very tiring weekend but fun to get together with family. Kids loved it too so all is good.
My son and wife were back to school today and I am back at work as well to get some rest. Our daughter goes to school tomorrow to start her grade 10 year and I have no idea how she got that old so quick. picked up my new arrows, string loop material, broadheads, two camo tee shirts (long sleeve), gutting knife, camo belt, camo suspenders (don't want them pants to fall down and scare everyone) and a few other little trinkets. all in all a great time was had by all and the tent trailer has paid for itself already. The kids are already planning trips for next year.
I promised you photos so here they are.

This is at the tourist bureau in Houlton Maine and the kids forgot how old they realy were.


Camp site at Pleasant Hill Campgrounds in the Bangor area.

Lunch anyone.


How about some washer toss.

Being a horse shoe player in years past seemed to help my dad out a bit.

Notice the 2 washers in the box.


We even got to do a bit of go carting on the fastest go carts I have ever seen open to the public. about 28 miles an hour in the cool temps. My daughter was beating my brother in Law at this point. She is only 15.
Great way to end the summer Still, (except the auto damage). Sounds like you are all geared up for the hunting season. Did you get your doe tag?
Man, the mosquitos are bad here. You can't do anything outside in the evenings. They are vicious.
I don't know if anyone on here knows about a computer buy and sell website called Kijiji. We have it localy as well and recently one of the guys from the archery group told me there was a person looking for someone to teach there son archery or at least give him some pointers. I emailed the person and told them about our group at the church.
As it turned out the person was a single mom and she was the acting mother and father for this boy and she was looking for a male figure to be in his life. I have to look after my own family but I thought what an operatunity for this young fellow to see that there are lots of men that he can come to at our group. I mean there is 5 of us alone that originaly were in line to start the group.
I have yet to hear back from her about him comming tonight but we will see.

I also have a couple that the wife used to shoot bow years ago and still has her target bow. The husband thinks he wants to get into it and they think they will join us in the near future and the husband may want to buy a bow from one of the helpers at the group.

I am also will be working the next two weeks on a Firearms safety course, hunters safety course and on the 21 an Archery hunting saftey course.
Another evening of shooting in the books. The hustle that happens when school starts again has, I think, kept some folks away from shooting. I did however get to try my firenocks and love them but the batteries have sat for to long and I need to replace at least two of them. My bad for sure but I love the way they work and I have an extra battery so I can carry it in my pocket and shut off the lighted nock without taking my hole bow with me. They worked perfect on first try too. Luck or I just follow directions well I don't know. LOL

We also got a treat tonight. We got to see Easterns new bow up front and personal like. That thing is a true work of art and Eastern is truly shocked at the quality. It seams to shoot well for him and may what a looker in a bow.
Congratulations Eastern. you deserve it buddy.

Well ontill next week see you then.
Good to see you doing well bruce. And since I got off the phone with you dave here are a few pics of those turkey I just downloaded.
I can not wait til I try the new cuddeback out and save time on the film.


There is a few and here is a couple doe in which I have my arrow ready for. except the fawns :)
Someone should shoot those turkeys, LOL.
I had a few photos to send as well. Cub and I got away on Saturday for our last of the year fishing trip ( trout season closes today the 15th). We caught 8 keepers and 20 to 30 chub. We cooked up 5 of the fish in the boat and they were delicious. I'll send pics later as I forgot camera in Cub's truck.
Have a good week guys.

What a night of shooting. We had only 4 of us but I am confident that one of these days the numbers will be back and we will have full house. We shot anyway and man I have no idea what got into me. I think I did my best shooting that I have done in a long while. I was not over 6" away from any other arrow in the group and that was usually because I had the first two rubbing and on the third you have to see were it is hitting in relation to the other arrows so of course you peek and throw the third arrow. I was also using my luminocks to practice with them and once one was in the target I would get nervous and put the next one usually to the right by 6 inches scared of breaking one of the luminocks.

I especially felt like that was possible as I fired arrows down range and on one of them there was an awful noise of arrow on arrow. When we got down there to look I had actually but my arrow inside of the nock and punctured the nock. As it punched it the arrow turned to the side and came out of the nock only about a 1/16 of and inch from entering the top of the arrow and being a true robin hood. No damage to the arrow itself but I did destroy the nock and when I get a chance I will be posting a pick of it. Hopefully tonight the picture will be added. Keep a watch out for it.
your lucky bruce you just waste a notch. I got four arrow that are not any good any more. I think i'm off to the camp right after this post. We went to a potato fest today and they had a few atv running threw the bog. So I took acouple vids of them. once they load I will post them here. Allso my wife was at the eye dr today and a lady came in and sat down. I herd the dr ask her had she like to pay for this and I joke and said send the bill to bush. Lady said it won't do you any good. She was almost in tears and stated her son was kill yesturday in afghastan. Guess she not happy with bush right now and I felt bad and told her how sorry I was to here of her lost.Hits home when you see first hand what other do for our freedom. ok here is one download
ok second vid and have a great day all, Oh by the way I took that cam back dave. Took it out of the box and after looking it over I was not to inpress with the way it was set up. To much cheap plastic and would crack and break. Told you I'm picking over my trail cams. Two weeks time I'm getting my new digital and I can not wait.
Hi guys, I got my camera back and thought I would send a few pics I had on it. The pic with Cub with one fish is the second to last weekend. Fishing was poor. We fished two lakes and got two fish, both caught within 5 minutes from being on each lake then nothing for 2 to 3 hours each lake. Guess we should have went to 10 lakes and then we would have got our limit, LOL.
The next pics are of the last weekend. They are of 5 keepers that we cooked in the boat, man were they ever good. We caught another landlock and two trout after these pics, just never used camera on them. Caught alot of chub. But it was a great lastweekend of trout fishing season.


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Went moose calling last nite. I porobably scared every moose in the county, LOL. We did see a cow moose and a bear. The evening was cool but windy. The pic of moose is grainy because it was using the digital zoom.


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To tell you the truth I am not sure what is going on and it seems to confuse me but not worry me. There was only two of us there last night but I did get messges that some were sick, some just couldn't make it, some wanted to get chores at home done before the seeason opened, and some were headed out to go moose hunting.
The ones that realy confuse me are the ones that just come and shoot for fun. There are not coming back yet but tell me they will be back. I think that everyone is still trying to squeeze in as much as they can with the beautiful evenings we are having and not wanting to let go of the idea that fall is back and the cold is coming. I realy thing the numbers will be down untill after christmas to tell you the truth. Nothing wrong with that either as people are saying they are coming as soon as the are able.
Well did you guy see alot of moose going by? Did the two up past my camp have any luck Dave. I know if they didn't get one it would be strange. We all getting focus on deer season. I think this oct1 is opening bird and archery season as well right? I got to wait til the 18th for archery here to start. I was to the camp all weekend and it rain most of the time. Bruce have you switch over to the blade yet and if so have you taken a few shots? You know if you don't get the right balance it will make a world of difference. I found that out two weekends ago. I decided to wing a couple shots and my arrows was about a foot high to the left :eek: So I did some tuning in this past weekend with the real thing. Dose havick on a target but i'm more relax on the shooting preformance.So can one of you find out for sure either in writing or by a officer about the baiting thing. I hate to cross the border and find out you can not bait and loose my stuff when I can just leave it here. Time to get ready for work and keep me update on the moose.
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