Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

camp pics

Hi Trent, The guys did get a moose ( 4 or 6 pt?), I can't remember. I think they got it opening day. The season wasn't that great, but I haven't heard the final numbers. Saturday rained all day. Kinda glad I didn't go hunting this year.
Bird season starts Wednesday, I am not sure when archery season starts. If baiting isn't legal then there are alot of people hunting illegally.
Archery season starts Monday 6th of Oct.. Also you can hunt over bait, ie c'mere deer, apples, salt licks, corn, whatever.

I also tried the broad heads I will be using this year and they were right on the money every shot with my field points. A little luck on that or good heads I am not sure.

I am a member on another site that the fellow I go to hunt with in NY has set up and he does a lot of broad head testing. Things like flight, worst case senario shots (scapula) and how the head will hold up on that shot and post his findings. That is why I chose the heads I use. I am now using the 75 grain boss bullets and the 85 grain magnus stinger 4 blade. I love the way both shoot but the stingers have a very small cut diameter.
I don't care what anyone says, even though the numbers are down right now the ones that do show up ................ well we seem to have a lot of fun. We still do our devotional and still shoot away but there seems to be an enjoyable time. This was true last night. We only had 6 shooters total but we poped some balloons and had a blast of fun.
As long as your having fun bruce. Today I went out to the camp to pick up film from camera. As I got ready to turn and climb the hill there in the backyard was alot of turkeys. I drove up the hill and got out and remember that it opening season as of today. I left the gun home so I just got my stuff together and left again. Might take the 12 out this weekend and see if I can get one. I hope to have my new camera this friday, but thing may change by then.
Had to work the majority of the day ( My birthday as well) but I did get out for a walk and got a bird. Mom and Dad arrived for a special supper that my wife cooked up.
Good day afterall.

thank you noharleyyet, and your more then welcome to add to it. Sorry to hear of your lost.The healing time will start and you will remember him forever. I aways think that the big guy up stair need you when he come for you. so he on a mission right now. wow it is hard to beleave it is oct so fast. I just hope my vacation time slow down laffs. I got alot of deer pics and I'm beginning to think that the cmere deer not all that they make it out to be. But then again there is so much food source around they just eat anything. So it might work better back there this fall I guess. they seem to use the lower trail then anything. which is about 20 yards away. Better then the close trail which I would be making a straight down shot.pretty quite here just waiting for weekend and allso got to get the truck inspected. stay safe and have a good one all.
Everyone getting ready for the 18th? meaning who all hunts here in NY archery laff. Dave getting a few birds are you? Well just to let you know I went to basspro and pick up a cuddeback capture. I got it home and it is true about the fast triggering speed,pics come out great. Down side there is no way to lock it to a tree so that it is that much harder to steal. Allso it is a capture so onless you have a camera the is compatitable it will not show you the pics in the field. all three camera did not work, our old bulk video cam works but the battery needs to be replace and I'm not carrying that around in the woods. So the other option is to buy the 4-1 viewer from cudde that I found out was another $150 and change ontop of the $250 the cudd cost. Over time it would pay for its self but this kiddo return it. I allso don't like that it just straps to a tree and the caseing is plastic that would crack in cold temp. So there you have it and if you got the camera that works with it you are good to go.
Thanks for the birthday congrats guys. You know since my birthday is on the first day of hunting season I was always more excited about the hunting than the birthday celebration, but now ( 51st birthday) birthdays seem to mean a little more.
Anyway, Cub and I got away Friday 5pm for a trip for birds and some site seeing. He had my truck all packed so as soon as office hrs closed we were off. First we headed to Stanley as I wanted to travel the road from there to Boiestown via Parker Ridge. Rained hard till we got there ( 6:30pm) then we donned the hunters orange and uncased a shotgun. Travelled dirt roads till dark and only saw two birds. ( one for sure and one possible fly across road at dark). After dark we travelled from Boiestown to Upper Blackville ( Donelly Brook) where we set up truck to sleep in and also had a bonfire. Which was kinda hard account all the wet wood from the rain. Wasn't long before we tucked in. Cooked up breakfast in morning and were on way by 9am (sun getting up good). Saw 5 birds by 10:30am ( Cub got 3), but nadda after that all day. No deer, no moose, no birds. We travelled dirt roads to Doaktown, then to Dungarvon, then to Renous Highway back to Doaktown, back to Upper Blackville. Lots and Lots of miles and not that many hunters, but no animals. We did find a place where I was interested in going fishing next year. Peaked Mountain lakes ( Crown reserve--Fly fishing only). Might look into that next year. I have attached a couple pics. We had a grand time.
Have a good week guys. Good luck on the archery hunt if you get out this week Still. Keep us informed.


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Looks like everyone had a great weekend. I traveled up river on Sunday for my sons football game and he finialy came out of his shell. He clocked a big kid at the knees and brought him down all by himself. A beautiful tackall. then the ball is given to him on about the 30 yard line and in he goes for his first touchdown of the year. I was pumped as it looked like the feer of getting hurt was coming out of him. I loved it. No bird hunting yet but I hope to get out deer hunting tonight.
I had to work last evening ( visit clients) so I couldn't do any hunting, but that didn't stop me from seeing deer. I counted 11 deer in a 2 mile stretch. All no hunting areas (too close to homes). I even had a doe and 2 lambs within 20 ft of me at one stop when I got out of my vehicle in a guys yard. I even had my camera and I should have taken a pic.
Whoa, are the nites ever getting dark earlier. Pretty dark by 7:30. Doesn't give much time after supper to do anything.
Trent, Is it ok to take Cub and my grandson to your camp this weekend. The grandson is all pumped to go hunting with me. Thought we would spend Friday nite at camp and have a bonfire to roast some mellows. If your in the area, drop in, LOL. Calling for a good weekend weather wise, hope to see some birds.
How's the hunting Still? I keep checking your log for updates.
have at it Dave. Hope you get a few birds. Not much going on here. I'm heading to the camp after work tomorrow and spend the night. After that I am cooking a turkey saturday. Might head back out there after the meal is done and company is gone.
What a great weekend! My grandson (Matt) and I stayed at camp Friday nite. Had a bonfire and roasted marshmellows (yuck). Next morning Matt and I got away on my ATV for a bird hunt. Put 54kms on and saw 4 birds and 2 spruce. Got 1 of the birds. Got back to camp and had another bonfire to cook hotdogs. Warm and sunny. He tended fire while I did up some firewood. Went home around 5pm.
Sunday was a good day because we hosted the family Thanksgiving meal. I over indulged again, but it was worth it.
Monday, I took my father for a ATV bird hunt and showed him alot of fine country (78kms). We only saw 3 birds of which we got 1. Perfect day, cool but warm enough for ATVing.
Back to work today, but hey its a short work week, yahoo!!!
Still, I read you are seeing lots of deer. Always nice to see something. You probably wouldn't want to arrow something this early in the season.
Trent, I was into the area where Noel shot his deer a couple years ago. There is a new cut there, and a new moose stand. There were moose tracks everywhere throughout the cut. The guys didn't get a moose in season, so the moose must have came back in area since then because the sign was abundant. The cut is just at the end of the road, as soon as you entered the woods (crossed the little brook). The far end of cut actually hits the Tracy Brook trail where I used to moose hunt 4/5 years ago. Might be good for deer, not many yet but later in season if they start to yard.
Have fun guys, talk to you later.


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Meat in the freezer

All right guys I have set the bar for this year hunting. I was out in a nice frosty morning. First thing I had near me was 30 cows and they stay there for 35 minute. "It seem forever". After that I was looking behind me and turn and there was a doe and kid walking away in the other direction 7:57am. She could not of seen me or she would of been moving alittle faster. After that around 8:47 I turn and see a deer coming off the hill. I was not sure what it was cause I turn for the bow and stood up quick befor the deer got to close. I lean over to the side and I could see it was a nice size buck so stupid me went and pull back as it start to walk again. It seem forever for him to come a few more steps. I allmost undrew the bow at one time. My legs started to shake and he was just about to take another step and stop again. I'm at this time closing my eyes and shaking my head alittle and saying two more steps two more. Then he turn and start back the direction he came from. I grunted and he stop about 15 yards and look straight up at me. All I had was a white patch and I ancher the kisser to my lip and to dead aim. Release and off he went.First thing I did was sit my shaking butt down and try to controll my breathing. I thought it was a miss so I turn and look where he was and there was blood every where. I waited 15 minutes and got down and walk over to my arrow, it was cover and I just left it there and went to the camp to relax a hour and get a drink.I'm telling you one thing, for a animal that was throat shot he went at least at least 150yards. And here is how he was laying when I found him. Allso he had to of course drop at the botton of a hill. Which took me alittle over two hours to get him to the edge of the field to load him on. Time for a hot shower and i'm off to the camp for the night. I hope to get a doe or two in my site tomorrow.

Here is some pics from my new game camera I talk to you about on the phone dave--->




I'm liking this camera thus far. it is here right now til my bearsafe gets here this week.
Just got back from dicks and that was in last weeks paper the wildview. There is alot of $99 muoltrie at basspro. There is a I540 stealth cam Going for $69 I beleave. but they were sold out. guess you need to get a rain check for that one. I had to laff thought as I was looking at this new game cam that was made by remington. On the side there was pictures and in fine print at the bottom it said something like. "Images on box are not from camera" that was some funny chit.