camp pics

thanks mdcrossbow, and we will have a few steaks dave. just got home and the butcher call.Said it is ready for pick up.Bruce you better be leaving real early thursday in order to practice that night. you have to leave at least 4am to be able to shoot.allso I think I will see if I can pick the meat up tomorrow night (After Dark Of Course) that way I can see if I can drop another off when picking that one up.
get to many deer and turkey give me a call. i'm off today and back to work next wednesday for three days. And of corse it is going to rain tomorrow. Drive safe bruce and be carefull on the highway. if you have not yet got new wipers then it be a good idea. Allso when you stop at the tolls ask them how the weather is in the direction you are heading. they can be helpfull with that and any road construction. later all, and dave I await your travel info.
Hope that you are having a good time bruce. I was going to stay out til dark tonight and then come home and grab a few things and head out again. But since my morning was cut short as you will see sometime this week. I'm downloading the vids. Any ways what happen is I was out in the stand and seen a few turkeys yesturday and herd them again this morning. I watch a deer come running across the field and I new it was a little one. I got video of him right under my stand. And later I look up and see this deer and as it move I seen horns. I jump up grab the bow only to watch him bed down. I sat down and was ready to play the waiting game. I watch it head move back and forth. I herd something and turn and right under my stand was two little ones and they was heading in the direction as the buck beded down. Well one walk almost right on top of the buck and it turn its head then I thought it just drop its head right down. The little ones move off so I figure something was wrong, I got down and work my way over to it and sure enought it was dead. Someone arrow it so I waited for a hour and half and no one show up. I started to make calls and after calling shieff/police/dec and getting no answers :rolleyes: I decide that this deer was not going to spoil and since two and a half hours went by I was going to tag it. I back track the blood trail and nothing. So I call the daughter and her husband came up and said that the shieff said just use your tag if you are going to claim it. We start to drag it and finaly a hunter came out of the woods.Was a nice guy and he joke around said since we druged it that far that I could clean it for him as well, I told him if I clean it befor he got there it would of been gone. So after all the human sent in the area. I decide to call it a day and head back out tomorrow. here is a pic for now and the vids of him and turkey/bambie will follow some time this week. Dave it looks real good for us this seasn. (Knock on Wood) they are roosting on our side of the woods. lets just hope that it stays that way.--->
Neat vids, at least you are having action. Deer season starts today, and I am behind my desk at work. Saw 2 does/1 kid at my stand last evening when I went to replenish apples. I get there tonite around 5:30 till dark, and I should have a few pics. I'll try vids but I am not sure how to enter. I saw a few birds this last weekend. We spent a guys weekend out at Peltoma Lake. Did more eating then drinking though. Talk later.
OK lets see how much about the trip I can get on here tonight.

Thursday Oct. 18, 2007
Up at 5 am our time (4 am US time) and on the road at 6 am (5 am US time). We were hoping to be at BT's by 5 pm but by time we hit Bangor we realized we were going to be Earlier than that if the trip went smooth and it did.
Here is a shot of what we saw for the first 11 hrs.


Well we got to BT's ( with some help from him on the cell phone giving directions) around 3:30 us time. Out of the car grab the gear and get ready to go.



a few shots into the target out back of BT's and off to the woods we go.


In the heat of Thursday evening, Friday morning and an evening shower the deer never left were ever they were bedded it was just to hot. so nothing seen yet.


Thursday evening BT decides to check Hopesmans flight tunning and see what the flat trajectory was of his bow. All goes well with that so I ask if we can do the same with my bow. BT agrees. BIG, HUGE, COLOSSAL SIZE good thing we did.
We start and all is going well and after a reasonable amount of shots we think we have it and BT says "lets take one more shot". I am so glad we did it is not even funny. BT wanted the bow strings waxed as they did look dry so he did that for us. I stepped back and took the shot. a good foot high. What in the world happened here. more shots same results. we worked through it again and again to the point I was getting beyond tired from lack of sleep and we creep up on 11 pm US time (midnight our time). I am exhausted so BT starts shooting the bow and after a bit he sends me to bed before I fall over and get hurt.
I wake up worried only to hear that he figures I had shot the heck out of that new bow this summer as the string had slipped and stretched out to a point that 18 turns of the string were needed to bring ti back to tune. BT worked on that puppy all night long and never did get any sleep.

Like I said to hot on Friday and no deer seen.

Friday evening produced some cooler air with the rain storm moving through so we were hopeful when we got up on Saturday morning. into the stands before day light. as the day started to come alive more critters were moving in the woods. Around 7:30 am (I think it was) I hear what I think is a bow from were BT was or were Hopesman was. I stayed in the stand and about a half hour latter I thought I heard voices. Well no one came to get me so I began to think they were the voices in my head again.
Around 10:30 or 11 I see hopesman and BT on the ground with the great Boomer the tracking king. I start down and find out there were two shots taken one by BT and one by hopesman with both being a hit on deer.
Boomer heads out and as we come around a pile of brush I hear BT say " OH there it is" as the deer jumps up not acting like it was hurt in anyway and putting some fear in BT that the deer was going to get away. "SHOOT IT" I hear BT say but I have no arrow knocked so the deer jumps out the other side of the brambles. I head up around the end of the bushes with the arrow knocked and see the deer standing broad side. I come to full draw and realize that there is some grass and crap that be of concern to my shot. I stand at full draw deciding what to do when I hear my bow go off. I was concentrating so hard on were I was holding the pin I did not see were the deer was hit. A shot from Hopesman hits a limb and turns his shot into the knee of the deer. Darn bushes. The deer falls over and expires quickly. come to find out I hit that thing in both lungs and took the bottom of the heart just about off.
so one deer down. BT says that the deer is mine because it was going to get away if we did not shoot it.




We spend the rest of the day looking for the other deer that seems to have disappeared into thin air as the blood trail just disappeared. How that can be we were not sure. Skipmaster1 comes up with his dog and we can not locate that thing anywhere.

Sunday morning up at 3 am US time to get to skipmasters for 5 am as we had a 1 hour trip to his house.
Wet there and get set up to head to the woods. well off we go Hopesman with Rayzor tech to one stand and BT and I to some others. only thing was Skipmaster took us up Cardiac hill. Man that thing is steep. in the stand and settled before day break.


around 9 I would say I hear what I figure is just another squirrel but this time it sounds different, this has more of rhythm to the walk. I peek over my left shoulder. A spike is on his by just in back of my stand. I stand and start to turn to my right. I see the deer getting out to 10 yards so I decide to draw and get ready for the 15 to 20 yard quarting away shot that is about to present itself. I start the draw and because it has started to heat up my coat sticks to my shoulder and makes a noise. Crap he sees me, I decide to finish the draw, crap I hit my arm on my harness and have to push through the harness. I get to full draw and start to settle in on the peep and pins and I only need about another ten seconds to get the shot off. The Tail comes up and he takes off. I doe bleet and he comes to a stop but he will not come back.
I sit and the shakes start, I work my breathing to settle down,the heart is now pumping blood at insane speed. Around 10:30 I hear something so I look to my left only to see a deer go up over the hill at an extreme rate of speed coming out of the area I know BT is.
come to find out it is BT's deer that would not come back over to were I was and would not go up the hill because of a huge 6 or 8 pointer that I could not see because of the limbs in the way.


We retrieve the deer.

Hey that should be my deer.


Well we retrieve the deer and head to skips to eat and chat a while.



The evening produces last light for the finial night of hunting.


some quick shots of everyone with hopesman


and a pic of everyone with me. why does it look like we are all leaning on BT?


Back to BT's get organized for the return trip on Monday Cut the meat register the deer and get in bed around 11:30 I think. Up at 5 am US time and on the road at 6 am Us time. 11 hours latter and some driving changes, naps and stops to stretch we arrive home at 5 pm US time 6 PM our time.

I find out that the playoff game of football my son played in on Sunday was a win. I also find out he played a multiple position game on BOTH defense and offense. He was kicker, running back, half back, quarter back and I forget what else and got all the points for the team. he even kicked the ball that was suppose to be for a field goal but missed, but it rolled through the ends zone and out of bounds so a single point was issued to his team for that kick giving his team the win.

Way to go for sure. One proud Dad here.
great pics bruce and good to see that you had a great time. Like you said the weather was hot here as well. Deer was not moving as they was on opening day. Did you see any turkeys while you was visiting? Well time to go,need to put in three days of work.
Thanks for the update Still. Hope you had a great time and will have fond memories.
How did you make out crossing border ( going there)? Vanceboro or Houlton?
I am headed across Saturday morning around 7am our time at Houlton. I am looking forward to the vacation.
How's work Trent, LOL.
one more day and ,how do you say/spell that. "sailave baby" I went out after work tonight and was going to hunt til dark. But I decide to climb another tree and clean the branches off so you can crawl up it right behind me dave and we both can be tree hungers. after I got that done I had a hour or so to kill so I waited til almost dark. Then I climb down and check out the tree cam cause I move it and just like last year and the year befor there was a fresh scrape under this tree. And the film advance four more spots puting it at 22 pics and one of them is nothing. Think it is the same buck from three back? or is it a good place for them to mark there place. So then i'm out of the woods and it is just about dark when I here the hens clucking as they jump into the roost for the night.
Its F-R-I-D-A-Y, yahoo!! I love Fridays, but this one is special. Tomorrow is 1st day of vacation and I am on the road at 5 am. I have alot of work to be finished up today, but I know I will still drift away from work thoughts to other thoughts such as what to pack, etc. This day is going to go fast. Have a great day guys, I know I am.
Well the football team got there AAA....... bums wooped in a big way. but they atleast played hard and had some good chances. They were just outplayed through the hole game. Second place is respectable but hard to swallow for the kids. I think they may have been out played in the mind catagory the worst though. They figured they could not win from the start of the game.
Well it is wednesday oct31. We have herd and seen a few turkeys. I was able to take another doe on monday morning. Dave just loves the squirrles here and think we got to many geese flying around. Well time to head off for now, here is a pic of my doe.

here is me with it in my hand


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