Caribou Gear

camp pics

Cool pics bruce, I like those targets they have now where you are able to shoot at a moving animal. won't be long now and your kids will be bringing in the meat :) I know of the place your heading to, pending on where in Poughkipsee you are, your about a four hour drive from me. You'll be taking 95/295 then hitting 90 all the way til 87. pending on where this person live, it is a straight shot from there. Good luck on the trip and hope you don't have to much problems at the US side coming threw. I know of a couple people from the other site that live there as well. Dave what can I say :rolleyes: Every time I go out there those turkey are around. This time they connect with another hen and her little ones. I watch them walk by the blind area and from where they was and where the blind is, I think there be no problem for a shot.You still out filling the freezer with trout as well? Speaking of food it is time for me to get some grub, have a good one all.
Well there has been a snag in our trip plans and we are now waiting for conformation on some information that I found out today that may keep us from going. If we don't go I will use the vacation time during our season here. either way i get to hunt but a trip to to somewhere out of province would have been cool.
Wow sorry to hear that bruce, Hope that you are able to come down and have a hand at a deer and maybe a turkey hunt. Speaking of deer I been working at my old site since tuesday and I notice a gentlemen walking that morning where I use to walk every day. after that day and the next day I finaly got ahead of him thursday. I watch a buck in the field that I would not of seen if the dogs were ahead of me. Today is the last day for me to work down there so i'm going to try to get ahead of him again and take the camera. wake up dave, notice that there is not much actividity going on in here. Everyone gearing up for fall and taking care of the house work first.
Housework NO practice practice practice.

No actualy been very busy this week as a volunteer instructor at the firearms course and the hunter saftey course. even going to help with the bow course on sunday. Only have to go next week on Monday and Thursday not every evening of the week like this one.
I hear you there bruce.practice makes perfect they say. I was out at the blind last night and after twenty minutes gone by. I had four deer come in and climb the hill. One stay at the bottom till it relise it was to close to the blind and still alittle scare of the new object and bolted. causing the rest to take flite as well. If you look close and around the thirty second mark you can see legs of the third deer just befor the doe came out into the opening. To windy and alot of rain today for this kiddo to be thirty feet or so in a tree. I'm heading out there tomorrow morning and it is going to be a cool morning so i'm going to add more skin to my clothing wear.[URL=][/URL]
Nothing going on around here. Spent most of the weekend doing jobs around the home, which makes it better at hunting time, that those jobs aren't hanging over my head. Had the grandkids here Friday/Saturday nite, they are great kids. My grandson can't wait for me to take him bird hunting. I can't wait either. Sunday was my wife and mine 29th anniversary and she made me a fantastic supper and dessert. Needless to say I didn't get away scouting. I did see some deer ( see attached photo) down close to where I have a tree stand. Have a great week guys.


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happy 29th anniversary dave, how she put up with you all those years :rolleyes: guess sending you off to the camp help out alot :D . Nice deer pic you got there as well. i see they had a good year there as they did here to. i got out to my tree and up it by 5:50am. wanted to see what has been going threw the area. i was not disapointent around 6:30 two last year kids came threw. Then all hell broke loose around 7:53. first I see shadows then here come a doe and three little one. as they hit to the right of me i see movement and turn and here come another doe and three little one :eek: thought that was wierd as hex. and as they hooked up with the first bunch, there coming from the same direction was a doe and three more little ones :eek: and no I was not drinking that early in the morning. After they mowed around a few minutes they made there way by me and down the trail there was a doe and a kid as well. all in all there was sixteen deer right beneath me. and I got some of video but didn't want to move to much and give myself up befor hunting season. waiting for the video to load and i be posting my scouting trip.
Congratulations Dave on that many years and keeping your own sanity. If you tell her I said that I will deny it to my death.
Trent that many deer under your stand is just crazy. Also what city are you in? I am just wondering how close we will be to were you are on our flying trip down and back in October.
you would be about three to four hour from me bruce. auburn is the city we are in. Syracuse seems to be well known and it is 45 minutes away from me. I take it you are going to make it after all ? Make sure you bring the camera and get lots of picture. If it is to much hassel for flying you can buy the disposel camera any where. you flying out of bangor I take it as well ? Any ways I hope that you have a great time on your trip.

Sorry didn't mean to misslead you but we will be flying a little closer to the ground in a Nissan. Can you say Road trip? We both have cameras and lots of pics will be taken for sure. I don't know how much time we will have to put posts up while we are down there but we will see if we can't get a pic or two up.
Thats alot of deer under your feet Trent. You got the bug bad don't you, 5:30 in the AM. I'm still in bed snoring. LOL.
Hope you have a great trip Still, and put all that archery practice to good use.
I'm still in bed snoring, I know of the snoring lol. And i don't got it bad, just because I"m typing and have my bow on my lap every time means nothing :D can not wait til my vac gets here. good to see that you are still heading out for a hunt bruce. if that nissan clears the ground let me know and i will buy one. sreekers it is fairly big, seems like alot come in and view but are scared to post or don't know how to use the key board :D either way welcome to our little thread laffs.
Well I now have the licenses application for New York sent in and wait to hear back in about 10 days. I am excited about the upcoming season here and my trip into the US. Gonna be a great year I think.
huh license application sent in for new york? I went to walmart and they said all you need from another country is proof of license and id and pay for a nonresident license here. i'll check again tonight, you are in a different county/city so they might have different rule bruce. or are you talking about transferring your weapon?
Yea that is all we had to send in but if we wanted to apply for the wmu managment zones for extra tags we had to apply before Oct. 1 and we will not be there untill Oct. 19. So we figured we could fax in the information and because we are first time hunters in New York state we had to provide proof that we hunted before and that we had a bow hunters course. All is good and we had no calls about any problems but we will see. I will call them on Friday to find out if all went well with both of our licneses.
Well good luck to you Bruce, hope you have a great time and have no problems either way on your trip.Dave I was out this weekend and finaly there is four pics on the camera.Now as long as it is not squirrel lol. We will see what is coming threw and I allso reset it to 15 minutes instead of a hour. Til it fills up to fast again.Have a good weekend everyone.

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