Caribou Gear Tarp

camp pics

Well Hopesman was over today and we did a little shooting, tech the bows, did some fletching on his arrows and all around had a good time.
I have started practicing from the 3 legged stool I use in the open fields when i set up on the edge and have found this a good thing to do as it changes the way you feel in your draw and the way you shoot. sometimes it can even feel real uncomfortable.
Well we moved up on the deck about 7 feet of the ground and moved Bambi to about 15 yards from that point which is about the range we have from our stands that Eastern and I have set up.
This is were we shot from today.

Well I seemed to be on today as I put this group together.
A first for me.


We laughed about that as usually I put the last shot off to the side as I get stressed out trying to put that last shot in the same area. I thought just for a laugh I would try again.


The arrow that seems to be at an angle was that way because it actually hit the nock on the arrow it is leaning on. Wow it seems to be really coming together. I guess the break was needed to just settle everything down for me.
Well I didn't do much of the outdoor stuff this weekend, but I did get away for a ATV drive this evening. Not alot of animals seen. Did see 2 does and 2 lambs. No moose, but several 'Moose Hunt 2007' signs. I was in some new country and even ended up over to the Hanwell Road. I don't know the Hanwell very well at all, but it was very strange as right where I came out was where a young fellow died yesterday in a single vehicle accident. Someone had erected a small cross and a memorium. It was right beside a church and a graveyard. I can't remember the area as I hit the road coming from a different direction. Maybe you are familiar with the spot, Still. Anway, most of the animals that I saw didn't hang around for me to take their picture, but I did get a photo of a doe. She didn't seem to think that I could see her, and i just drove off after taking photo and she just stayed there.
Hope you all had a good weekend.


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that is a nice doe there dave, would look good in my truck laffs. That road you talk about where the church is I know of it. We went threw there on a road hunt and turn around and came back. I sent out my film the other night for two day process,it is $3 cheeper that way. Other then that there not much going on around here. Just like the rest of us i'm just passing time til fall.
Man oh Man am I pumped. I have an operatunity (and will be going) to go to New York state for a deer bow hunt this fall. Just trying to finialize things and will be on our way in mid October. I can not wait. This is going to be a lot of fun.
Still,Too bad you weren't leaving at the end of October (26/27/28) as I would bum a ride. Where abouts in NY you headed? I think you will see alot more deer there than here. Plus some turkeys. Best of luck and keep on practicing.
Just a under statement lol , you will see alot of deer here for sure. Kinda spoils you after you have shot at or kill acouple. then head back home and pray you see one durning hunting season. Good luck if you have the chance to come here. Southern zone for deer is Oct13. Let me know what part of the state you be a hunten in.
Buckle down guys cause it is a heat wave here and if it heads your way you are not going to want to go out side. I was planing to do some work to the truck oil change etc, but there be no way I'm going out in he!! to do that. if it is cool in the morning I will try it, if not then next weekend will be the date.
We will be heading to Poughkipsee area. Not sure if that is spelled right or not but there it is.

Well what a day today. Every year in September we have a field day they call it, for the kids up to age 17 that have passed the Firearms course and the Hunter safety course. We had trap shooting, skeet shooting, archery demonstration, fur bearers talk, 22 rifle shooting, black powder shooting, tree stand safety, short lesson on tracking, lazer shot program, and a first aid demonstration. Well we got a great day to do it on as it was in 90 deg F here today but everyone still had a great day.
Here are a few pics of my daughter doing some of the shooting.






In one of the photos you can actualy see the wad from the shotgun and her miss the skeet.

Oh and wish me luck as I will be doing my first teaching sesion at the firearms course that is going on and next sunday I will be helping with the bow hunters course.

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