camp pics

Well to keep you all updated it was another night of good shooting and some fine tuning for some. :(

Eastern continued to watch me shoot at first round and then said "I think we should try the last module on your bow just to see what happens." He continued "I think that you may be stretching just a little bit to anchor. I am not sure so were it only takes a couple of minutes and no press to change that module lets try it and we can always go back if you don't like it."

I remembered BT and Eastern both thinking I might be able to go to the last module a while back but we all kinda forgot about it. So I agreed lets try it.
Well I have to admit I think he was right. before I was hitting to the left as I was over stretching just a bit to get to the wall that BT had suggested I get to so I could settle the bow down. I was not quite getting there with the other module. Well I can get there now and BT you were right if you pull into the wall it settles things down for you. HOWEVER if you get to excited about this new found steadiness and start looking for the arrows on the target before they hit the bag......... :eek:...... Your groups don't improve much but they do do a little better.
Eastern noticed an improvement right away and It does feel more comfortable. I would have to say I like it. :(

We moved to elevated shooting tonight.
Eastern would shoot and then I would and then go look at what we got.


We even tried the old run to the truck and run back here go down on one knee and shoot the 30 yard bag. Stand here while I bug you with some blades of grass and shoot 40 yard. run up the stairs and shoot Bambi.
By the end of 4 arrows your breathing was up and so was the heart rate so you could feel your heart in your chest. ??? ???
Great practice for sure we even through in some sitting shooting as well.
I think what we will do from now on one night a week we will do exercises like this and one night we work on form, breathing and relaxing while shooting. Got to be on our game for the season and we find out about the doe draw tomorrow. :eek: :eek: :eek:

I am not going to be happy if I don't get one but all is good either way. I will be out there with bells on :eek:.. OK maybe not bells on but I will be out there during the first week of October seeing if I can't fill my tags and then hunt birds with my daughter for the rest of the year. I will carry the bow and she can carry the shot gun.

I can't wait.
I checked my license today and I did NOT get drawn for a doe tag.

I figure that my chances with a doe tag was about 90% of getting a good chance at at deer and now without the doe tag I figure it drops to about 10%.

This just stinks
I am going to have to go to my happy spot and shoot the living day lights out of our 3D deer tonight.
guess it is meant for you to take your first deer in archery a buck. GGGeeettt-rrrr-ddddoooneeeee hump need to check those fields out again prior to deer season to see what end they are coming out at and if any support antlers. Gett into the trail 200 yards that way you can nail that big boy coming out. Well Dave hope they do great and take one this year, last time Joe didn't do good at my old camp. maybe there luck will be better this year. I can taste moose allready.
Yeah youll miss by a few inches. Aim three to four inches low and that will put you close the the center. lilbiggun I hope that you are getting bored :D Cause i'm not bored looking at your pics you have.
holy smokes it was muggy here today. I thought this weather was gone and I actualy had to put the heat pump back on air conditioning today. What is up with that?
and that type of humid heat realy saps the energy out of you.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend all the same.
you got our friday heat bruce, it was hotter then you know what here. And come saturday I stay inside all day. to hot for this old boy, I watch tv and sat most of the day. I did get some cloths pack for my trip there this hunting season. Well time to go, not to much going on here. my plans are to set up blind long weekend and if it is hot like it suppose to be tomorrow I will be staying close to home.
You guys can keep the heat down there. I think we may have hit 70 today and I was sweating like a stuck pig. Yeah I know, I am a wuss:eek:

I'll see if I can scratch up a few more pics. I'm hoping to do a fly-in moose hunt this weekend or next so then I should have some new pics.
A few more pics. With this new laptop I dont have to many pics on it but we will see what I can do.

Heres a pic of the valley we were baiting griz in this spring. Basically its an oval shape. From where our outlook is its is about 600yards across, about 800 yards to the south and roughly 1300yards to the north. Its kinda comfortable on the outlook, but when you hunt with oldtimers, they like there comfort. Also this valley my buddy trapped 40 years ago.



Next couple are from the drive north. the locals seem to walk wherever they want. An RV almost took these guys out.



Another pic of snow vs machine. Another pic of the old alaskan highway. Temps were in the low 30's. Thats my kind of temps.

very neet pics. keep them comming

well the shoot went well tonight but I had to leave early so I could go to a meeting for the field day coming up for the kids that have passed the firearms and hunter safety course in the last year around our area.
We will have skeet, trap, rifle range, some archer, hopefuly black powder, first aid demonstrations, food, and more that day.
This year all I am doing is helping move the group that myself and my daughter will be in from setup to setup. I can't wait for this day with my little.......OK my growing up little girl. she will always be my little girl. Right.
Stilllearning, can I come? We went up a month ago to see my buddy one last time before he moved to idaho. He does the same as what your doing. teach's the younger generation on shooting. he set up the trap range and for the first time my wife and I shot trap. I wish I woulda done this 25 years ago.

We sucked at first but on the 3rd string my wife started nailing them 7 and 8 in a row. We still obviously have a long way to go but that day is costing me alot of money( ie trap guns, etc).

Good luck and hopefully they will have fun.
I like the photos Lilbiggun. Your hunting country looks alot different than ours. I can't ever remember taking a shot at an animal over 200 yards. Most of our stands/seats present a 100 yard shot at best. Looks like your valley was burnt at one time, but there is some green as well. Basically an area that combines hardwood/softwood is where i like to hunt, but there is usually nothing as wide open as that country unless it is a cut or swamp and most of the times the animals will just stick to the edge. Moose hunting is by draw here, chances are about 1 in 18 to get drawn ( 3000 drawn? out of 55,000 applications), hunt is only 3 days (last Thurs/Frid/Sat of Sept) and success rate is usually around 60% ( last year was 79% ---as the 3 days were good hunting weather). It would be nice to have an area with a selection of animals to hunt and different seasons. I will make note to take more photos this year to show the differnce in hunting areas.
Hi Still, I think Sept is a busy month with the safety courses and such. I think I am taking a friend and his son out on the Wildlife Heritage day and get his son used to shooting at some ducks. That time is coming fast, time to dust off the decoys.
Hello Trent, Its still warm here. Not much like hunting weather, but that change. Could be worse, my sister that lives in Cold Lake, Alberta said that it was only 10 C and pouring rain. They have had record amounts of rain this summer. That would be great for the ducks/geese out there if the grain fields can't be harvested, but its gonna hurt the farmers. Hows our turkeys doing? They getting any bigger. Gotta go.
Turkey are doing well, the little chicken are looking tasty. I the cooler weather heading this way for a change. Lilbiggun keep the pics coming in.By the way did I mention that the wife apply for another job with in the company. She was inform monday that she got the job and started yesturday. She has to travel 15 extra miles but she likes her new job.
I will bruce, her new job will be online banking. Instead of teller banking. Told her she could use my computer any time she wants to make tranferrs laffs.
How is everyone hoilday going

I got out saturday and did alot of work from 6am til 4 in the afternoon. cleaning up the two trails that was cover from fallen branches/trees. I took the ride on mower and cut the area. I set up the ground blind for turkey and allso made a box for the generator that the my beautiful wife got me for a early xmas present. First my morning started out watching two deer at the end of the field. one was like a brown with white streaks throw it, and it try mounting the other deer. It was a nice size deer and it didn't have any horns at all. Allso as it turn exposing its right side there was a large wound on the top of it hind leg. I could see threw the bino's that it was the size of a fist. I think it ran into trouble some where with either man or animal. Plus the defect look it had stop it from growing horns. Then after that there was turkey running around in the field. I think they get out there and eat the little insect first thing in the morning. After that all calm down I started the morning work. And as I was about done setting up the blind three to four deer came off the hill on the run. Not sure what spark them to move quickly. Ok here is a couple pics of the blind you will be in dave this coming season.