Kenetrek Boots

camp pics

Kinda busy around here ( not fishin ), blah. I didn't even get away salmon fishing, and it was pretty good fishing this year. Maybe I'll get away later on. Trent, you are correct in saying can't wait for vacation. I am looking forward to getting away to your place, talking 'turkey', and beating you at crib, LOL. I chuckle to my self every time I think of last years hunt and how it went down. That's the first time in all my years hunting that something like that happened. For those reading, we were in the middle of a cut and Trent had finished cleaning his deer, I had just come across cut with my ATV and was standing there joking with Trent and his deer when I looked and there stood a deer about 50 yards away, mind you we are 150 yards away from trees, therefore this deer is out in the cut. We never saw him get there and he must have been watching and hearing us, but this never bothered him. Any way that is how fast it can happen and I was able to fill my tag within an hour of Trent filling his tag in exactly the same spot. I wonder what new experience awaits us this year, and that is why I am looking forward to vacation.
We I tell you if that stuff was the cause of both those deer coming in. You know we need to pick some up here and see if it happens like befor. What still shock the hex out of me that my deer came from the far end of that cut and follow that sent that I set off. Hex if I new the wind was going to change direction I would of wait. Good thing it change after I set it off. And you could tell by the way he was swaying his head in the air detecting the aroma. Dave you get here that friday and we can hunt the wild life area til wednesday then it is close for that zone or we can stay where we was last year and hunt til nov 2 which is a week from the time you get here. Or we got a few other state areas I been to befor. But I think we will not need to go far from where we hunt last year. If it is like the rest of the years then there be alot of birds wondering around.
I didnt follow all 63 pages of this thread but here are some pics of our bear camps.

The first are of a camp we have been using for about 18 years now (I've only been going to this one for about 8 years). Its nice, a 24x24 cabin, propane lights and stove (an actual stove). weve taken alot of bears out of this camp.




The next couple are from this past year. we decided to try our hand at baiting for griz. Its a whole nother ball game. It was fun and learned alot and I think we may actually do it again next year if the program is still going.


and of course you need a big gun for hunting griz so here is our gun pit.

nice looking picture lilbiggun, I know it would not be hard to hang my hat in that camp either. All the pic from Alaska? One day to fill my complete hunting/fishing dreams is to go to alaska for a great time with friends on a fishing trip of a life time. I hear that the streams and rivers hold alot of trout. And the salmon in the ocean are to die for.But first I need to get in a elk hunt then the fishin trip. Welcome aborad and we hope to hear from you again. by all means keep those pic rolling in.
Nice pics Lilbiggun. That cabin looks like it would be the foundation for an excellent hunting camp.
pics from last night :D
First is just a shot at the 20 yard bag.:eek: the two down low were because I was in shock of the first two in the bull.:p Go figure.:D

this one is the broad head late in the shooting. I am pointing at the broad head and if you can see it just up from there and a little more to the left is an X cut in the paper. That was the first broad head. the other holes are field points for reference. Keep in mind also that the broadhead is 125 grain (all I have right now) and the field points are 100 grain.

Hopesman found one of my group on the deer. Remember these are with the 100 grain field points like BT (friend from another site)suggested.:D

Things sure did slow down in here, I think we are all taking care of a few things around the house befor hunting start. Aug 13 is when I can purchase my hunting license and see if we get any doe tags.I'm staying home this weekend and relaxing. weather to hot to do anything.Well almost time to wake up everyone and get some breakfast into our tummy, have a good one and like dave said, keep those pics coming in.
Been on vacation and at the inlaws cottage on Grand lake. Got up, ate, slepped Watched the kids swim, eat, have another nap, watch the kids swim a bit, have a catch with the son (football) eat, have another nap get up eat and go to bed. I LOVED IT. Then came home and shot some arrows last night as I was kind of going through withdrawl.
Ok, I'm bored, heres a few more pics.

The first is a pic of me and probably my best hunting partner. hes got me by about 35 years but I learned alot from him. hes now in the middle of a move to idaho. Idaho wins one and alaska loses one. Oh and this is also taken on the old alcan highway right after the boundry fire. shortly after this pic was take a herd of about 20 bou ran by us.


Heres some of the wildlife that would congragate in the pond below the cabin every day.


Heres a pic of an old cabin in the area. who knows how old it is but the trees growing on the roof tells me its not new.


Heres a pic of a sow with cubs who loved our bait. we shoved the bait under the fallen tree. boy, that litter could eat. I was happy when they finally moved out.


Finally a pic of my dad (who lives in KY) with his first bear. not the biggest but I cant be happier.

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