Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

camp pics

My brother-in-law here in Hoyt has a Polaris. Sharp looking, and its a few inches wider than the other makes. I believe it even has 3 seatbelts in front seat. He hasn't had any problems(had it for a year), but there is a local here who has had one for 2 or 3 years and it is always in the shop. Maybe its got something to do with letting his kids use it. I guess my suggestion for buying any ATV is to look at warranty, as I almost got caught replacing my own motor/trans except that when I bought ATV the dealer through in an extra 6 months warranty ( Honda warranty was only good for 6 months). I bought ATV in September and never put many miles on it till the next summer (after 6 months) and thats when I started to notice a problem. Long story short, I am not particuliar to any one make but I do see mostly Yamaha's being bought in the side-by-side mode. The other thing I notice is that like all ATVs, they all have their low base price but when you start adding options and assessories then the price gets pretty high. I am sure the prices down there are alot more reasonable than here. We seem to have to pay alot for our vices up here.
I have no word on anybody with a moose license here yet.
The salmon fishing in Miramichi has started pretty good and I was going to leave work early today and go up for a fish this evening and tomorrow morning but there is rain in the forecast so it looks like I better stay working for now.
They are $9000 at the basspro shop, but the price is to high cause we all know they up it higher. A atv sales for $4500 to $5000 there as well. payments are $139 and change a month. Warranty it to the max is the way I see it, that way you put it threw the wear and tear and parts are free to exchange then you know what to look for. I'm not sure its been a year and I'm making sure what I want. Maybe I will get some pics with $$$ down there next time.I didn't put in for my moose license but I did for deer tho.
I was out today and my shooting realy stunk. I did get a few good shots in at 20 yards. But it still needs a lot of work. It will come though. I will be shooting again with Eastern on the weekend and I think if I am smart I will give my shoulders a rest as I am not used to shooting every day plus racking the back yard for a lawn, and seeding it, and then rolling it, and then sanding a shelf down and then priming it and then putting a coat of paint on it. Usualy I push a mouse around a desk every day. ;D ;D ;D ;D

Here is the pic for 20 yard shots



OOOPPPSSS kinda looks like I through one thier. but it is comming. :D
Then I did try 30 yard and hit the bag at least. Gotta lot of work on that distance.

The realy weird part was my shots at 20 yards on the bag were worse than the 20 yard shots on the deer. :eek: ??? Not sure why but I do know the bow was weeving around do to sore shoulder issues. Still fun though. A bad day on the range is still better than a great day at work. ;D :D ;)
yeah they are awfull pricey at bass-pro. I can't see a machine like that in my yard onless it is cheeper else where. The honda are better price and they might not have as much power as the 650 artic. But I never seen a honda I was on 2x4 or 4x4 that didn't do what I need it to do. Remember me and you dave on a four wheel two wheeler and hauling a 10 point I beleave out of the woods. I was inpress with it. They have a four wheeler for $3600 it is a 250 two wheel drive. Seem small standing there by the brutes.
Like I say, make sure of a good warranty. Another item is that a 4wd is able to go alot more places than a 2wd. To each his own, and I don't do much running that a 2wd can't do, but a 4wd can haul alot better. You don't save much gas either, I have been on runs with both bikes and the 4wd dont burn that much more gas. Some thing I found out on the last run was the Kawasaki 700 that broke down ( broken belt) could have been fixed on the trail. The guy did replace the belt ( a little more difficult than a Yamaha) but there is a sequence to reset the transmission so you can go over 15km. They (the dealer) dont tell you so that you have to take it back to dealer and they fix it for $150+. Since then most of us know the special 'combination' to get it up and running, but I am wondering if the all the new bikes (Artic Cat, Yamaha) are the same. Anyway if you buy one ask your dealer how to replace a belt ( if it has one)? I agree with you guys on the high cost of an ATV, but they will last alot longer ( with proper care/use) than a comparable priced automobile and they keep their value longer than a automobile. But Trent, you gotta look at where you going to keep it (safe) and how you going to transport it ( added cost of a trailer), will it fit in back of your truck and if so do you want to be taking your cab on/off all the time. Also Trent, do you guys have ATV clubs and are there lots of places to go?
Well guys I got away fishing again on saturday. I going last weekend. This weekend I took my wife, my son and his girlfriend down shore to do some flounder fishing. It was a beautiful day, and we caught a few flounder. We also caught sculbins, rock eels, and crab. No mackeral yet. I never thought to take a pic until I was cleaning the last of the flounder, so we took a pic just for proof. It was a fantastic day.


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nice pics dave, We just got back from seeing the movie transformer. It was a pretty cool show and we got in for free. connection from my wife of course. maybe we will have to take in harry potter or the new bourne adenity or what ever you call it. Well the rest of the week im at the wood shop and the heat I herd is suppose to rise. no A/C there at all. Hope for once the weather is way off cause it is calling for high 90s staring tomorrow. Have a good week all and keep the picture coming in.
The fun was back in the shooting tonight. ;)

Here is everyone including a new fellow that should be getting his new bow next week and may be shooting as early as next Tuesday. :-*
A little bit of chating and tech work going on here.


and some plain Oh fun here.


No pics of me tonight as I was doing all the camera work. Notice the new lawn going in. To bad the seed won't start growing for some reason.

I did not change much tonight and tried a few shots out to 40 yards and even got it hitting the target fairly regularly. Caught a limb (tree limb)with one shot trying to go out to 40 yards :eek: and then put 2 at the 30 yard bag and they said they were way right and barly on the bag. :eek: :eek: ??? :-[ ::) I could not believe it as I was so sure they were better than that. ??? Just goes to show you how easy it is to think you got that perfect shot on an animal and can not figure out how it got away. ;) To say the least I was shocked. :eek: :eek:
shook it off and then tried the come to full draw and someone calls out a target that you have to move to and shoot as quick as you can on. No big winner tonight but I think Eastern squeeked out the win. :-[ ;D

We are going to work hard with the two fellows that were here tonight to get them ready for the bow course in the fall as they both think they want to be ready for the fall hunt. first advice to them was practice practice practice and come out with us as much as possible.

Dave you still gotta dig that old bow out and come join us some time. remember Tuesday and Thursdays if it aint raining, cloudy is ok but raining is not.:)
dang bruce you keep that up and next thing you know you'll have to make a bigger yard for that indoor archery range. And then start charging admission for both the up keep of the range and the parking as well.Good to see guys out there, I hope that they pass there course and some of you draw a doe tag and take your first deer. Once you get that first one under your belt your going to be in cloud nine. Well time to get ready for work.keep the pics coming.

With some help from Eastern tonight I realized alot.
First off I have been way to uptight while shooting. :-[ I needed to relax and enjoy myself. :( I need to look at the targets and see an area instead of a bullseye like I look at when I look at the 3D deer. :eek:

Next Eastern mentioned it looked like I was struggling when I would knock and arrow. Sure enough that flying arrow was so tight on the string I was actually loosing energy when it pulled itself off the string. Filed and knocks and came up with these two groups.


Much better than I was doing before and I was pretty tired at this point of the night. :( :D

I fired one arrow in one of the last groups and it hit the dirt. :-[ Arms hurting and struggling to draw the bow I knew I should quit but had to shoot that one more group. Got the arrow out of the dirt and thought I had better check it over. :( Flexed it and thought I heard something. :eek:Flexed some more and thought no I don't think I did. :-X But ran my hand up and down the arrow to see if I could feel anything. Sure enough I felt a bump. I flexed again and sure enough eastern heard it that time too. A very small pop at every other flex. I don't know if you can see it in the pic but that arrow is now in the garbage and I feel very lucky that I did not get hurt shooting this arrow as I am not sure that earlier in the evening before filing the knocks it hit the wood on one of the targets. :eek: :eek:

I feel very fortunate that we found it before I got hurt.
Speaking of arrows, I don't buy the carbon ones but I notice this last trip to bass-pro they were $49 for a dozen. That seems like a good deal to me, $4 a arrow there abouts. My alumiun are that price a arrow when they are not on sale. was thinking about taking one of my arrows down there and have them compare it to the carbon weight wise and trying them out. Just not sure yet, weekend is upon us, have a great one all.Oh by the way I got 10 pics on the cemera since I set the time for a hour between picture.
While we were shooting on Thursday of last week my wife decided that some weedeating needed done. I could not help but laugh when I took this one as she works we play. :D :D :D

And she was OK with that. :eek: :eek: :D
laff now but women have there way of getting back lol.Should of had her shoot a few rounds at the target bruce. Dave where you hiding at, I see it is raining here after a long day of sunny skies. the temps seem cooler the last couple weeks as well. I had to change my vac time cause they change the archery hunting here. I can not wait til vac.I notice that you guys shoot your bow with out your quiver. You planing on hunting the same way as well? I shoot my bow with it on so that I get use to any balance and it does not bother me when I don't notice any changes. even keep my arrows in the quiver and use what extras I have.
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