Yeti GOBOX Collection

camp pics

This has to be the smallest kid I seen thus far. even the date shows that it is a late bloomer.June 9, bambi can not be to many days old from this pic.
Well that you all enjoy the pic, I put new battery in the camera and it is set in the same spot as the fox is in. Problem is that it is a straight on shot but I figure it was time for a tree change laffs. Have a good one the misses wants to change the living room around today so I guess I need to keep on the good side of her incase I need toys , later.
Thank you noharleyyet, Glad ou can join us :D Allso I had a misshap shooting and here it is. Hate when it happens cause it is $6 plus a pop :rolleyes:. just waiting for the pics to upload.
Hi guys, No fishing this past weekend. I went on an ATV run ( 26 ATVs) from Fredericton Junction to McAdam on Saturday. Good run, I saw 3 moose and 1 deer and alot of dust. My eyes are still bloodshot, but feeling alot better. I have attached a couple of photos. I couldn't get all the bikes as the string of them was too long.
Thanks for the photos Trent, they are always interesting.
Still, I can't remember the whole story on your bow, but am I correct in saying that the dealer(?) or whom ever you bought the bow from has provided you with a new (and better bow) to replace the damaged one, and even then the damaged one was damaged by a dry fire (mistakenly by a friend), and nothing visably wrong with the bow prior to the dryfire. If I have the story straight, I would have no problem dealing with whomever you dealt with, because it seems nowadays nobody wants to stand behind their product like this example. They should be commended and have an excellent rating for customer service. Please correct if I am wrong on your situation.


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Great guy if I say so, Nice to know people out there will own up to any error on there part. Dave I notice there is a side by side utility vechiel in the last pic. From a birds eye view how did it preform compare to the rest of the ATV. Or was the run a easy drive all the way. I'm very interest in those machine but don't know if they would stand up to the ATV. I know you need to take wide turns with them. Any input would be helpfull
Well Eastern was over and we took a look at the bow while supper was cooking. We noticed it was real easy to change the modules on this bow so we went at it. fist we took out the #5 mod and put in the #4. The draw length felt better buttttt....... ???
After drawing and looking things over Eastern thought we should try the #3 mod. :cool: lets give it a try. Again it felt even better than the last change and draw length was looking pretty good :( :( ......... Buttttttttttttt :eek: Yup lets go one more down and see what she looks like then as the mods are very easy to change on this gift from God bow. :eek: Wow does it feel good now. Yup down from the 5 mod to the 2 mod. can you believe that. change the kisser button and the peep around and came out looking like this.


And shooting like this. I admit shooting at 10 yards to get started but still wow.



I have shot the bow so much in the last 2 days that I tired very quickly and the 20 yard shots were not great so I did not play with the bow to much as I was a little wavy. still hit one 9 ring though.

All in all a great night but lets hear it folks how does it look now. Any and all advice welcome.
nice shooting bruce,realy nice looking bow you got there.Now this is the year that you need to connect on a nice deer so you can be hook for life. Keep the practice up. I no for sure I need to so that my arms won't be so sore.
Thats very thoughtful of the person that sent you the bow and as Trent says hopefully you will have good luck with it and provide the donor with a photo of your harvest.
Moose draw results are in and I had no luck.
Trent, there were two 'side-by-side' ATVs (Yamaha) on the trip. There were no problems with either, they both kept the pace no problem. The drive was an easy one though. My brother-in-law has one out west and he has his all souped up and says it will go places Quads will go and then some. I am not sure about this but I do like the machines. People around here say the trails are too small to handle the width of the side-by-sides, but I say that will change do to the increased use of these ATVs. I would like one, and the first thing I would do would be to put a roof rack on it for a canoe/or boat. I think
I could haul all my camping/fishing gear and it would be great. Maybe in a couple of years. Nothing wrong with my Rubicon, except I don't use it enough, LOL. Have a good week guys.
Well I think i'm leaning towards one of those myself. I'm looking at the polaris ranger they have out. I like the roof thing to prevent things from falling on you. I can get a sheet of plex glass for the wind shield as well. Well time to get dinner ready for us, have a good day all and I will see you on the flip side,later.
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