Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

camp pics

Hi guys, I got away for a sociable bass fish on Saturday. It was a perfect day. There were alot of fish caught, not by me though, I was more just along for the ride and enjoyment. I did catch a few, with the nicest in the picture. It was nice and relaxing. Now I have to figure out were to go this Saturday.
Bass or trout??


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Way to go Dave.

We had some fun tonight. A gentleman that I got to know from Pennsylvania from another hunting site was back in town visiting relatives here in New Brunswick Canada. So over he came and did some shooting with Eastern and myself.

I even got a chance to shoot the new bow.


Lined up on Bambi and shot 4 arrows and for the first time in my life I put a group of Three in the outline of the heart. Why I did not take a picture I DON'T KNOW. :-[ :-[

ow well you believe me don't you.

We did some shooting

This is Jim from State side.


We could hear this noise that sounded like it was out front of my house. I forgot some one was coming to level up a piece of my back yard. HEHEHEHE

made it interesting having this thing roar in your ear while you took a shot.

All in all a great night.
We will be helping a group of kids on Wednesday get there introduction to the world of archery as well.
I will have to remember to bring the camera.
Your friend shooting a reflex bow bruce? Looks like one to me. nice groupe of three you got there. keep it up and I hope that this year you get the chance to shoot at the real thing. Dave keep the pics coming in. By the way bruce , did you tell your friend about this site. maybe he will join us here as well. Dave I seen you on here earlier and was going to call you and harras you Laffs . You know what it just dawn on me that today is open of deer draw. guess I need to get that doe tag enter for this coming fall.Time to go for now guys.
Wow I swear that his bow is just the carbon copy of my bow, right down to the stable/dampners leaches. It is scary to see the same bow LOL. I think I need another bow J/K I like to have the new mathews switch back. I know the bow does the job cause mine has treated me good.
The only thing I still need for my bow now are some stick on dampeners for the limbs of mine. You can get them at Walmart in Houlton so next time I am over I am going to pick some up.
:eek: wow I was down stairs looking for a item that I must of threw out. And I came across a few pictures from our trip to Quebec dave. And the time we took Bernard four wheeler up to ball mountain and you took a nice buck. Remember that day dave. Have I change alittle since that trip we went on :) I got more of a keg for a belly now :D I'm loading the pics as I type this message. These pics are going up on the camp wall. until then here they are here as well. These pics bring back alot of good memory, and here they are. Allso a shot that I did not want to take, but had no choice.
ok here is a couple pics from deer I got and the one from ball mountain.This was on opening season of rifle after I put in three weeks of bow and was tire out. My brother-in-law was saying as he show me pics from a magazine what I would do if I see a hugh buck like that. I said at this point if it had a single horn in the center of its head it was going down. And it was not a hour into open season that I could of jump on this guy.
My biggest eight point ever ---->
And here is your big fellow, remember this guy dave ---->
That is it for now, Old times are best describe as that tv commerical "PRICELESS"
sorry guys I can not make those smaller for some reason, But either way that was good memory, later and have a good weekend cause I know I will.
That was the last of them bruce, Wish I had took more pics then that. chit was the digal camera out then and they were a rich man item dave. That pic of me and the buck is about the same size on paper as it is in here.Well friday is here so do we got plans as always dave,Bass/Trout? I get a break today from work and get to work at the old site. Time for me to head out,later.
Boys those pics do bring back memories. Great to look at them.
Good luck on the Mirimachi, Still. I haven't heard of anybody catching a fish yet. But the fish gotta be in the river. I guess the Cains river has had a great run of sea trout this year.
I'm taking son-in-law and grandson for a bass fish tomorrow. I'll send pics, as long as I can stay out of water with my camera, LOL.
that vid is a little freaky, i would have wet myself

Anyway, I did get away with my son-in-law and grandson for a bass fish. We had a good time as the rain held off. It was a little windy (making it hard to control boat). We (mainly my son-in-law) caught some bass, sunfish, pickeral.
I have attached some pics and a vid (i'm not sure if that will work here, so let me know if it works for you guys). The moose was from the day before. It was on the branch road in Geary. I almost had a deer hood ornament from over your way Still. We were coming back from a graduation in Harvey and going out the Hanwell. Looks like some good country for deer hunting out there ie. Older cuts, etc. Is that area hunted hard, being close to Fredericton?


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Glad you folks had some fun Dave. We had a nice relaxing day on the miramicihi but there were no fish to be found. no one has any idea what is going on that there are no fish comming in. Oh well at least it was relaxing.

I have not hunted around here at all Dave so I could not tell you weather or not it was hunted hard. I should realy give it a try.
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