Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

camp pics

Hi guys, I've got a photo of yesterdays catch. Kevin and I got away for the day and got a limit of fish. All 11"+ ( biggest 12.5"). I didn't get any photos of the fish at the lake because My camera and I went for a little swim, even before we launched the canoe. I was stepping over a water hole and some how I ended up doing the backstroke. My cheap digital didn't survive the dunking. Talk to you guys later.


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Dang dave , you keep that up and I'll have to make a trip home for a feed. Are these all lake trout or stream as well. How long did it take to fill your limit this time. I see you was playing wordwhomp , I take it that you was getting beat again or it was just the misses on. I set my cemera to take pics every half hour. Just to slow things down. You know it is going on two month and I have not change the battery, "knock on wood". well time for me to go do something today, later.
These fish are out of a lake ( we fished probably better part of 7 hours). Yea we were playing whomp (and she beat me again), but I didn't notice your message until you signed out. Boys, am I ever beat today. Some how I hurt my knee yesterday when I took my fall, but today its killing me, I can't put any weight on it. I know it nothing serious because Kevin and I fished till 1pm , then tried to walk to a honey hole ( I think)through the woods for 1 mile then felt the 'honey hole' was too far then 1 mile back to canoe. Fished a couple hours to top up our limit. Then packed out the canoe and supplies another 15 minutes. My leg was sore, but hell its killing me now. Seems like a wasted Sunday, just laying around watching baseball games. Back to work tomorrow, hope you guys have a good week. Oh yeah, I meant to tell you Trent, that Kevin bought a 22-250. We had it with us and I saw him hit a small target ( 4" round est.) at about 225 to 250 yards. I'm impressed, as he was only leaning on truck. It would be great on coyotes, but there doesn't seem to be many around.
yeah they are a great gun to use on coyotes. I sited mine in eraly last year and it shot pretty good for a cheep scope on it. I hope that you get better soon dave, still got a few days yet for fishing. By the way how are the bugs there?
I haven't seen the bugs to be too bad yet. Not that I don't have a few bites on me, but nothing serious. I'm headed to Big Oromocto Lake this coming weekend. A friend has a camp on the Tweedside Side of the lake, hmmm, its small but has electricity, inside bathroom facilities with shower, man thats going to be hard to take. The only problem is I can't get my mojo going for bass. Anyway I hope to get some bass catching photos for you. It'll be a good time anyway. Talk to you guys later.
Yahoo, My camera dryed out and it seems to be working fine. I thought for sure it was toast. It even had the photo I took prior to the swim. It is of the lake we were fishing in. Beautiful country.


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Cool to see the camera still function good. Now you need to get working better for your upcoming bass trip in that rought camp you are heading to. Have a good trip and if you keep catching trout then I'm going to have to make that 12 hour drive and take a few days off.
Better save your vacation for the fall Trent. The trout fishing will begin to tail off in the next 2 to 3 weeks. We will have some trout & fiddleheads this fall when you come up. Maybe next year you can come up for a week in May and we can do all the trout fishing you want.
Its a little dark and damp today, weather wise, and thats fine with me. Hey Still, did you remember to put in for moose draw? If so, what zone and where do you usually go for moose. I always put in for zone 21, but the last couple years its been zone 20. Although it doesn't matter as I've not been drawn anyway. It'll be nice to know early in July, so that gives a person time to find a spot.
I got 14 days as of now and should have another 11 by the time you get here this oct dave. Got alot done and a surprise or two as well. I just did the math and realise that I get 27 day of vacation a year plus the seven days we get for hoildays. Sweet,like everyone say the pay might not be all that great but you make it up on time off. which I have no problem using it up befor the first of the year.
wow got a new to me bow off of ebay. found a bear sportsman set at 50lb pull and has 80% let off. Gotta love that. I can use it as is but I hope to find modules somewhere to shorten the draw length. Got it all for 24.95 plus shipping.
Nice going bruce, ebay a great site for finding things. I just need to get the nerve up to trust those places.When will it arrive so we can have a look at it. Dave how are you feeling since last week fishing trip. Bet those trout taste good.can not beleave that in two weeks it will be July. Got any plans for the long hoilday there guys? The 4th on a wednesday so we got that day off and that is it. no extention for us. O well I'm just waiting my time for hunting again.After todays bbq I will have five packs of meat total left. Got to do better this year.Well I got my film back and there are alot of deer still out there hanging around plus there is a couple turkey as well. A Tom/hen and even a little one as well. So here they are for you to see.
Acouple tom dave from different days. They are there and waiting for you. I think that cause the little one is getting older that they are all joining together and will spend there summer/fall on that hill. I allso set the camera to take pics every 30 minutes so I can get a longer elapse time on the animal travling befor changing the film which is up to 8 pics already lol. Next ajustment is the maxs of a hour. Ok here is your friend possing for you this oct dave---->
I guess I missed one
Allso I cut all the grass you see there as well to get a better picture of the smaller critters and I think i'm going out there to cut again today, On that note have a good farther day all.
Trent I have the bow here now and have done some work on it already. put my sight, whisker biscuit and so on on it. Still need to tech it some more but was shooting it abit Saturday Morning. I will have to take some pics later tonight or tomorow night while we are shooting weather permiting. Raining here right now .
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