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Dam dave you got alot of fish there. sure you don't got extra for the freezer. I need to find a good untouch stream to fish here. Even if I got to go a few miles to do it. How many are you aloud to keep a day?
I am putting a few away in the freezer for the fall. A limit is only 5 per day. Which isn't too bad if the catch is good size fish as these are. We only had two licenses so we were ok. Now i have to get out and get some fiddleheads.
Here is my two grandkids with a couple of fish caught today ( from the in-laws fish pond), not as good tasting as wild trout.


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well that one on the left was from the lakes/river would be a good one the chow down on. Our long weekend is coming and I'm coming down with something as well. I need to kick this befor the weekend cause I need to help put in a garden. have a good one all.
have a good weekend at the race bruce.Make sure you get a couple tickets and win the 50/50. I hear that it is high and hope you win. Dave how is jct doing. It is a heat wave here today with the humity from hell to back it up. Misses wants me to bbq potatoes like I did the week befor. So I need to mustard up some strenght and geetttrrrrrdoonee. later all.
Hopefully its a good weekend for the races Still. I bet there will be a packed house. I plan on another fishing trip tomorrow. Today is supposed to be very hot. But its TGIF, so its a good day anyway. Have a good weekend guys and families.
Cub and I had a good fish yesterday. Had a fish fry at the lake and brought a few home. We got a little burnt as well. But it was still fun.


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awwww that is just wrong dave hump posting that on here first thing in the morning when i'm hungry. By the way morning to you if you are still log in here. I'm starting to feel alittle better. By next week I hope to be at full par, since it is my b-day and I might do alittle toast or seven :D long thus far is beautiful and I think I will try adding a outport to my truck today so I can charge my phone if I need to,later.
We did go to the races on Saturday night and had a blast. some good racing but way to much Candy. Yup said candy. It was kids night so they layed candy on the track and got all the kids to go out on the track at intermission and race on foot out to pick up candy. My son came out with his shirt pulled up from the bottom and full of candy. They about 30 min later they gave all the kids dilly bars from Dairy Queen. Not much of a sugar high.
There were some scary wrecks during the races as well and even had a couple cars climb the fencing and throw dirt all over the fans.

All in all a good weekend. Now I am tired out.
Way I see it. No one got serious hurt and you had a good time bruce. Even thought the kids had a high from all the candy it was a great evening. Did you get any tickets for the draws they had that night. Well the charger going to have to wait til later cause I don't have a tester for the 12 volt wire it takes to make things all work right. we was allso with out power last night from 5:30 til 11 and it was not hot. I went out side to cool off and once that power came on I turn the a/c up high. Well time to go for now and have dinner.Almost for got I have more film to drop off to see what turkey been out there since I got that tom on may12.
Good to see you all had a wonderfull time bruce, Now I bet your son is going to want to go every weekend :) . I don't know about there but it is hot here and I think I will relax for the most part of it. I got a table top bbq for my b-day and here is the befor and after.
And After

Everything went together ok but the temp gage dose not fit right. The hole it goes into seems to big so I need to go to lowes and see if I'm doing it wrong or my guess there is a piece missing. Any ways here is the after.
Time to head out and get this bbq finish.
Have a good weekend alll and dave keep those fish coming in pic wise and freezer as well. I went out last weekend and never got a bite. Problem here is that there is houses all around every river/stream so I need to go some where where man has not build yet. later.
All that grill needs now is some moose burgers. I didn't get any pics of the fish we caught or the bear we saw in the middle of the road or the countless rabbits we saw, but I did get a pic of the little tyke that helped ( or at least thought he helped) me haul the boat across the bog to the pond we fished. With lots of guidance he will become a true hunter/fisher as he is willing to try and enjoy.


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dang what you feed that fellow, breakfast of champion. Just think few more years and he will be hunting right beside us dave. then we can really fill him full of BS and there allso will be a day when he beats you at crib too :D :rolleyes: I guess it is back to the grind for another week.have a good one all.
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