camp pics

I hope you get bored more often. I love those photos. It is a blast to see you Dad get the first of something isn't it. I watched my Dad join me on his first moose hunt at age 71 and we both got a crack at the moose we finialy brought down. Not huge but some great meat.
Yeah it was great, probably the best hunt of my life my old man getting his first big game animal. the funny part was right after we loaded his bear in the back of the 6 wheeler, all the guns are stowed away in there respective guncases, a large boar sat there about 20 yards away just looking at us. all we did was just watch it. no need to shoot another, mission accomplished. the rookie got one.

My wife rugged his bear and it came out pretty good. it squared at 5 1/2 ft, but the blond face was beautiful.

OK here are a few more

OMG, look at those ATV tracks, I hope an animal can live with those!!!:D doesnt seem to bother these caribou. Also a view from the cabin.


Our 5 star lavatory service:D


Heres a pic of the tanana river. believe it or not but this pic was taken from over a mile away. my dad has a nice camera.


Just out looking for a grizzly bear.


When you wake up, or any part of the day for that matter, this is the view to the west. It sucks. who woulda thunk to put a pile of rocks in the middle of scenery:D


I'm sure I will post more. take care
Thanks for the photos lilbiggun. Its nice to see what the other end of the country looks like, and it does look fine. I have a few questions on the quads. I see you don't have any Hondas, they not your preference? Do you find, with your experience any one make better than the other? It looks like in the photos you have the quads set up with after market stuff, tires, lift kits maybe? What have you done to them, and if so do you find it very necessary and helpful on the trail? I'm always interested in that stuff. I am running a 2003 Honda Rubicon 500, all stock. Works good, not fast, but very dependable.
I have a few pics of my Saturday. My son and I went for a flounder fish down by St. George. We got a few fish for a feed and froze a bag of fillets for the fall. Thru in a photo of the Grand Manan ferry, Kevin beachcombing, and him with a scalpin ( dam ugly fish). We got away exploring our deer hunting area( on the ATV) later that evening and didn't see an animal. Slept at trents camp then left for home Sunday AM. Pretty good weekend except that I gotta go back to work. I'm sarting to get that ole fall fever.


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I'm starting to get that ole fall fever? Was that befor or after you got my video :D lilbiggun keep those pics coming in and like bruce said keep gettin bore. Today the day here for me to get my license hump not to much to report here. been sick the last few days. I wish those utility machine was not so $$$ I would get one myself. But I am looking at some of those ATV. I seen one on a moose hunt that drug a bull out of the cut with out any help. Think I will look at the vid again to see what kind it was. Hope all you guys are having good luck on your animal draws.Dave like the pics as well, very cool to see you are able to get out with your son. I tell you one thing next year i'm taking a week off in the spring to do some fishing.
By the way here is a vid for anyone that hunts turkey. I took this THIS past weekend where I hunt. My god , if anyone watches this I said the :BLEEP: word and I didn't even notice what I did til I watch the whole vid. So I guess for those little ones out there " VIEWER DISCRESTION IS ADVISE"
Mooseheadred, basically we run stock machines. My buddy has spacers on his back axle of the 6 wheeler to help with traction and I change tires on my machines but otherwise its basically stock. Up north where I hunt its polaris country. I cant stand my polaris. my wifes bike is a yamaha bigbear and I love it. its slow as mollasis but if I hook up to something it will pull it anywhere. Nothing wrong with hondas either. Only machine I wont buy is a bombardier. I road one once and I even mention the word water and it dies. it may have been just a lemon but it turned me off.

Its good to see pics of you and your boy fishing. nowadays its a rare breed for a young guy who likes to hang out with the folks. your a lucky guy.
I guess it is a matter of what you plan on using your ATV for. And you could get a lemon like Joel said ;) . I not been on any thing but a honda and I can not down it at all. Did what I need it to do and got me in and out of the woods. I here those cam-am are top of the line but i'm leaning more towards honda or kawasaki. Time will tell, On another note we my wife and I got our license tonight and we made out like bandits. Total between both of us we both got each two doe tags for shot gun and a buck tag. archery we got a doe tag and a buck/doe tag plus our two fall turkey tag and two spring tags. and last but not least a bear tag in which we won't use at all.

Eight Doe

Four Bucks

Eight Turkeys

Two Bear

And no partridge in any tree,Night all.

Yeah most of the machines out today are pretty good. Kawasaki has come a long way. My buddy has one of those brute 750's. boy, you better be hanging on when you hit the gas on those puppies. Not my cup of tea butit was fun to ride.

I'm not sure what I'm doing for hunts this fall. My buddy wants to loadup his airplane and hit the mulchatna herd. I might take him up on it and pop a meat bou for the freezer or maybe see if we can knock a moose on its snotlocker. Better yet a brown bear.

Trent, why not go after bear? not alot in your neck of the woods? One of these days I'm gonna hunt turkey, I think that would be a blast.
OK, a couple more from this spring.

The first pic is of our ride in. it was a rough 15 miles into camp. it snowed and rained on us. we had to go cross country cuz the trail was snowed in and to deep. when the ranger gets stuck, you know your in over your head.


Here is 10 days later on the trip out. Our camp is in the far valley.

hopefully it will be a blast this fall when dave gets here. I grew up around bear and to this date have no desire to kill one onless I have no choice. once it is dead then what, dave you seen our little appartment, two cats alone leave no room.
Man you have to love that those pics of the country you hunt.

Trent I agree with you as I personaly don't know what to do with a bear other than the hide and I can't justify taking an animal only for the hide. I mean if I trapped for a living that is dirrerent but bear pelts are not somthing that is sold and put into fur coats.
Some say that bear meat is realy good but untill I try it and agree I will not be shooting bear.
Seems to be there are alot of bears around now ( last few years). I saw a couple this last weekend, they crossed the road in front of us. I see them alot more frequently than previous years. Usually see tracks and scat on most back roads, specially now during berry time. They are becoming a nuisance and less wary down by the area where I used to live. Family and friends still live in that area and they're always mentioning bears around. I know several shot last year in the area, but there still seems to be plenty more. I have never seen any real large ones, but the brother-in-law has some photos from a trail cam with a very large bear showing. seems like there are lots of deer around as well. Hey Trent, i hear your brother-in-law got a moose license, maybe you will be able to get a feed from him. I have put in a few requests for moose meat from a few guys I know that got their license. maybe we can BBQ some steaks up in the fall. I'm looking forward to sitting out under the stars, having a drink and listening to the night noises.
Which one laffs, Joe Or 8to10? I guess I better offer my camp to either one at the end of sept. Well if it is not cloudy you can see all the stars you want,plus hear the g turkey as well. Once you get here.
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