camp pics

I have two sleeps and the season opener is here. I will be hunting untill around 4 in the afternoon. I will then be leaving the woods to get a young man off to football. It is worth the lose of hunting time to see the smile on his 11 year old face when dad takes time away from somthing he loves to take a young man to his football game . Actuly it makes me feel better than it would to get a deer and know I let him down. I will be back out there on Tuesday anyway. so wish me luck and wish my son luck on the football field.
Well I hope that your son has a good game monday. speaking of monday the firth, guess someone will be a day older. happy B-Day Dave and hope you have a good day. Where you hiding at any ways. did you make it out after all on a moose hunt? I herd that kent got his moose thursday. well time for bed, new week and one more day closer to hunting. hope you do great bruce tomorrow and make sure you get a few pics.
October 1, 2007 Opening day

Well my day started off slow as I was unable to find my little three legged stool that I alwas have with me but did find it in the shed instead of in the house. Now five minuites late leaving for Easterns I hit the road. I arrive and we head out to our spot. I decide to go to the far side of the fields which I have sat at for the past two years. Not a sign of nothing and I see nothing right up to 10 am. I finial decide to get up and walk the road behind me. Oh yea I forgot I may have had a small nap in there some were as well. I walk down the road and come out from behind a row of trees to see two does in the far field that Eastern is watching. I back off but somthing over there spooks them and they run. I again move out and head down the road and around the knoll of the field I see the two does in my field now but with no doe license I decide to go on. I come ove a knoll and down that little hill only to see somthing right in front of me in the long grass at the very end of a row of trees. I watch and see the ears move it is two more does just looking around the does leave with out two much fanfair and I hope mr buck was going to come out. Eastern comes over haveing not seen the does and we decide to go check out a watering hole that we know is on the property but not sure were. we find it and head to his house for lunch.

After lunch I only had untill about 4 I figure that I can hunt so I head out and get settled. I see nothing and head out at about 3:30 to take my son to football. Good thing I left then as the game was earlier than I thought so I got home with enough time to throw some food down my throat and get a shower. We did try some burnt cork to try and break up the white faces on us and it seemed to work well. by the way My son won his football game (one touchdown for him and a conversion kick for him as well) but eastern had some fun after I left. I will have to copy his story latter.
Well that was a good opener of a day. And good to see your boy made it to the game and allso win as well.Turkey season open up on the first here as well.But i'm waiting til the 13th to get out and try my luck at a doe or two, and any buck that happens to come threw. lately on opening day here the weather is bad with high winds. will see what takes place this year.What is the temps there now, the frost on the ground in the morning yet? I can not wait to be in my treestand a half hour befor day break.Eastern is the that has his doe tag right.Well time for me to get another refill into me befor I head out to work, want to get there early so I can go for my walk and see if there is any deer in the field behind the office. I'm working at the old site this week.Ok waiting for the second part of the story tonight bruce, keep at it and stay safe out there.
October 2, 2007
Number of deer seen today............... ??? None :-[
Were oh were did they go. :eek: ???

Oh well all was not lost. the first pic is the view I had today and the last pic ...... well it shows how my evening ended.



Better luck on Friday I hope.
October 5, 2007

Oh man what a day. I thought we would roast. Every time the sun moved around so it was on me I had to find another spot in the shade. I have never hunted in that kind of heat and it has changed the patterns of the deer.

This morning at daylight we are almost into the fields we hunt and we see 3 deer but it is to dark to make them out and we know there are at least 2 spikes in the area so we really don't want to spoke them. As the light gets better we see that we are looking at a large doe, smaller doe, and a fawn in the cut Oat field. We decide to press on. We get in our spots and nothing moves all morning and it heat ups quick.
We decide to come out earlier than normal and when we turn the corner at the oat field we look it over hard and see nothing. We walk on only to see a doe lift its head at the edge of the woods and the oat field. she runs off and we are panting because of the heat.
Deer sausage, potatoes and peas for lunch, Thanks Eastern it was good , a nap and then back to our spots by 3 pm. Hotter now than it was when we left and I am sweating just sitting there. This is were the moving comes in because of the sun and I finally settle on a spot that the sun will stay off me until almost dark. 6:30 and dark is just after 7pm. I decide after watching the grass grow for 3 and a half hours to head up and see if there are any deer in the oats. I come up over the knoll and see this.

Another doe. lets see we are now at 5 deer. I decide to try something and try a soft grunt and she whirls around and heads right for me but keeps watching the edge of the woods. As she disappears I head up to the oats and find Eastern sitting there. He had the same thought. Scary really how much we think alike. He asks if I saw the white tail in the field across from were I came up through and I say no. We decide to go take a look.
We come to the head row of bushes and eastern goes to one side and I start down the near side only to look up and see just over the knoll another deer. We fetch up and glass her........ wait that is the weirdest doe I have ever seen. She has two sets of ear......... WAIT that is the spike. We put the stock on him and get to within 60 yard still to far to shoot and light is disappearing fast. He turns and head back to the end of the field I was sitting in earlier to meet up with 3 deer. I thought doe and two fawns as I was concentrating on the spike. Eastern notices that one of them is the smaller spike. the decide to eat down there in the corner and it it to dark to shoot now anyway so I try waving my white fletches to see what they will do. The doe takes a half dozen steps to-wards me but she is still about 100 yards away. I turn and walk up the field to-wards out waving my white fletches every once in a while the deer stay right were they are. Neat in my books so we did not spoke them and now we have seen 9 deer.
We start to go by the area of the oats and low and behold another deer turns and goes to the woods but there is no way we can tell what is was other than a deer. 10 deer and two were spikes. We now know there patterns as well. coming out before daylight and right at last light as it starts to cool off.

we will get them tomorrow and be ready for them. I will also have my daughter with me. Man that would be cool to get here a partridge in the afternoon and let her see me get a deer in the evening. I can't wait. Got football in the morning so we will have to wait though.
Investing in my kids is fun you know.
October 6, 2007
Football this morning and the sons team won. Went out this afternoon to try and find a partrige for my daughters first hunt and found ........ woodcock but have no license for them anyway and they are alot faster than she is with the shotgun right now also.


putting things away for the day. Her own shotgun.


Back to the fields with her (littlehunter) and eastern to see nothing.
dosn't look much like a hunter here do you think?


What is that? She isn't even watching the fields for me while I sleep.
Hi guys, sorry for being so quiet. Been working extra to try to get caught up before I can take off for Trent's hunting country. My wife had a surprise 50th Birthday party for me last Saturday, and she did surprise me. We had a great time with our friends and family. Monday, the 1st which was my birthday, I took my father for a bird hunt. We only saw three, and my father got 1 of them. Between us we saw 6 deer ( all doe/kids) and a coyote. Lots of fresh moose sign from after the moose season, thats good maybe I'll draw a tag next fall, LOL. Anyway I went hunting yesterday, thought I was going duck hunting with my son, but he bailed, but that was ok as my wife and I partyed until 2:30 am with our friends at a 'CD launching' party. I did get away fairly early but didn't get my first bird until after lunch. I had a great day ( got 5 birds), some different experiences and when I got back to my truck at dark I could hear a moose grunting down at the end of the cut. I listened for 15 mins and tried calling him in, but I think I was busted already by the sound of my bike and opening/closing of truck doors. Man, I love the sounds of the nite especially in the dark and listening to a moose.
Still, I see you are hard at trying to stick a deer. Sooner or later you will be in the right place at the right time. Thanks for the pics and keep the editorial coming. They are always interesting. Good luck down in the States as well.


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yum makes me want to register my shot gun when heading back up there dave. Get a deer early can spend time hunting for a few birds. Nice pic you got there bruce, one of these time i'm exspecting to see blood and horns. Keep at it and it will pay off sooner or later. Look like your daughter peter out threw the day. don't want to over do it. At least she will no it is not that easy to go out and down a deer/bird. Some people think it is so easy to do but I can not seem to get them out there to show me how it is done lol. Well this coming saturday hunting season starts here for deer, turkey bin going on since Dave b-day. I just got home and after spending about a hour I could here hens clucking ever so soft. I allso see deer at 4pm saturday as well. Came right out of the road that goes in threw the trees dave.Allso seen a ringneck when heading out to daughter house. Keep the photo coming.
Monday Oct. 8, 2007
Canadian Thanks Giving.

Well I got out this morning early with eastern out to his farm and there are good signs there but the deer never got the memo as to us being there for a meeting. Or is that meating.
I think the squirles and the chickadees got the memo.
Oh well another great morning in the woods. Can't hunt this evening as I have a turkey dinner to go to. Friday night and saturday evening will be all I can do untill we leave for New York. Well maybe even a quick Thursday morning hunt on the 18th before I pack my bags.
well enjoy that drive bruce, I'm alittle farther west then where you are going. it takes me 12 hour to make the drive.good luck and I hear the weather is going to change starting wednesday and it is turning cooler as it should be. I can not wait til saturday. hope you have a safe trip and good luck hunting. you will be surprise on all the deer in the fields and turkeys compare to there. deer at least, since there is no turkeys. well time to get some dinner on the go,later.
Good company Delw, we are all from the same area. And agood way to keep in touch. Never met Bruce yet. But Dave and me go way way way back. we fish and come this oct 28 we be huntin crazed canadian in new york. even bruce is going to have a try at the hunt as well. Dave i'm thinking realy hard on bringing my shot gun, hate like hell to take the scope off it as it shoot bulleye. wonder if I could convince the wife in a new weapon laff. The law there change yet? can I borrow a gun and I wonder if I could use my paper work from the border to borrow a gun? question to ask when we come back. well time to go for now, i'm loosing sleep cause it is getting close to the time to lay the smack down on a few doe's to fill the freezer.Fresh steak would be nice befor you get here. later
You bring back a gun for Deer season don't you? So does that meen you have a possesions permit here in Canada and the rifle registered? If those are right then with the possesions permit you CAN borrow a shotgun while you are here and hunt birds all you want.
I'm not sure how it works bruce, I will check into it when we get at the border. I usually fill out a form allowing me to use the weapons I got for 60 days.Well it is sunday night and deer season started here saturday for bow/muz and my back is killing me. Ok saturday start out me climbing my tree and resting from working mussel I have not use since last season. Allmost day break and this red fox came right under the tree. Then and I lost count od the times but total I seen 25 deer that morning starting around 7:15 til 10:20am. Out of the 25 nine was with in shooting range. out of that nine, taking away the kids that left four. Now first one came in and was so spooky that as I shifted to get ready I made just a so so so little noise from the seat and she jump look around and walk away. Next one came in and I was able to get drawn back and stop her. I shot just to the left of her and she jump acouple yards then stop and was wondering what happen. and she walk off. Then as she went out of site I looked up the hill and turn back moving my head and body at the same time and there was another doe just under the tree stand and she seen me move and there we was at a stare down. She just kept walking away and looking once and awhile (ALOT). After that I see another doe coming off the hill and I drew back eraly so that she not see me at all. She stop in the same spot that the other one did and I took aim and let it fly. :D off she went and I hit her high and over the stomach area. But as she was running I could see a river of blood flying out of her. I said it once befor and I'll say it again, Those "MUZZY BROADHEAD" are not forgiving in any way. They are on a mission and as you are about to see the arrow placement was a real real bad one. but they do a number on her. Dave bring a hungry stomach cause we are having steak hump . i'm kinda glad I got to go to work for three days that way the area calms down and my pains might go away alittle. Funny thing about it is when I seen all those deer saturday, I was out there again today til 10:30 and seen nothing nota. I think where the gut pile is and stupid me leaving my stand hook to the tree over night did not help either way.Ok i'll see if the pics are loaded be right back.
ok here are the only pics I took and I warn you little ones that there is alittle blood to be seen after my muzzy did there job, I gave her a hour after the shot and she only went 100 yard. never made it off the property. Here is the arrow I found first at 60 yard and then here she was about forty yards farther.
So we are having tenderloin tips are we, LOL. Congrats on your harvest. Hope that eased some of your nerves. You missed the first one?? Thats not like you. Another couple of weeks and I'll be there to video you. As it looks I'll be there Saturday nite on the 27th. I think I'll be leaving here (bus)on Friday and laying over in Bangor for the nite. Long trip ( Friday 11.30 am to Syracuse next day Midnite). Not looking forward to that, but its a price I gotta pay.
When you going Still?? Maybe you are already gone, if so when you read this when you get back, post some pics and I hope you had a great time.
We are leaving this Thursday the 18th just not sure of what exact time. If we can we hope to get away early so we can be down there in time thursday evening to take a few shots with the bows to make sure they traveled well.
Then into the woods on Friday morning instead of frinday night.

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