Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

camp pics

No matter how you look at it today was still a good day.
It started out in the fields behind eastern's place but we kind of forgot to call the land owner the night before. So Eastern called him about 8 am after we seperated to go our respective spots, we were all ready in the field and the land owner had told us before that Saturdays were OK. The owner said no problem so Eastern was not even going to say anything to me as I was in my spot already and watching the field. I had my bow at the ready with my rifle sitting on the ground beside me ready for the long shots if Mr. Buck will not come in.
Well about 9 I hear something coming and it sounds close to my left, remember I am on the ground in a chair, I don't dare move cause if it is on the trail right in front of me...... Well he is going to be about 3 yards away.
All of a sudden I hear in a low voice "PSST". ?????? Hey that ain't no deer. Nope it is eastern. when he got down to where he wanted to hunt the outfitter was there. now that would have been a shock climbing in next to the outfitters setup and have them stick there heads out and say what are you doing.
Well we packed up and headed out to where eastern got his deer last year but saw nothing there either. Back to his place for lunch and then back out to the fields after finding out from the land owner that the outfitters had left at noon. By the way the land owner was not real impressed that the outfitter was there and he didn't know. He has been very pleased with us letting him know when we are there and what we see. The outfitter comes and goes as if he ownes the place and the land owner is getting to the point that he does not like that.
About 3 it began to rain and the wind began to pick up. We were not sure it was not going to snow as it was cold, but we new the tail end of a hurricane was coming. at that point we figured the deer had found a dry spot and settled in. Ow well maybe next week end as we get a holiday for Remembrance day.
All in all like I said it was good day and we did give it the old collage try....................... What does that mean anyway?
:D :p
Man did I just have soom fun. I have always wonderd how I would do shooting after dark and when you could only see the outline of the deer. :eek: |oo
Well I was having a hard time see the outline with both eyes and no peep in front of me but I thought it is only an arrow. :D
I pull the bow up and closed the left eye as usual. |oo I could see nothing so I opened it back up and looked for the outline of the 3D deer. I found it and put the pin as best I could on the deer and released. I hear the arrow hit the target :eek: :eek: and think were in the world did that hit? :confused:
I get to the deer and the arrow is the right hight but almost back far enough to miss the gutts. shot two same height but a little farther forward and definiatly in the gut. :rolleyes: shot three SCAPULA. :p shot four front leg now that is funny and I am now out in the back yard in the dark laughing like a fool. If anyone heard me they would have thought I was crazy. this all took place well after dark it was 8:00 our time. to funny. I was suprised I even hit the target.
Hi Still, I have been in and out of office and never really had tome to post anything. Trent left for home last nite. He had gotten a 7 point last week, and he hung around to give me moral support whenever I could get away for a hunt. My son got a 6 point last week as well, that is why I haven't shot anything yet, because I have to get a bigger deer than him or I have to listen to the braggin rights for a year. I'll post photos later of their deer and hopefully I'll have a deer I can show as well. I hope you are having fun as well
and able to harvest a deer. Let us know how you are doing?
I am not sure I will get out at all tomorow but if I do it will be in the afternoon only. Good luck guys on the last day and Trent congratulations on your deer up here. Showoff. LOL Just yankin your chain dude. How much more time do you have down their anyway?
Deer season just open up here today for shotgun, I think there are three weeks of hunting with gun. then if I wanted to I can hunt another week after that with bow. I never hunted the last week of bow since I came here. It was windy and blowing snow this morning so I slept in.And I had to get a few things taken care of plus stop by work and get my coverage renew. Tomorrow morning I'm at it again, if I don't go out for a evening hunt.I allso got short video of me and Dave in the trees hunting. As there was turkeys in the background. Plus me passing up a doe for someone to get there first turkey. Well it was great and I think we will soon connect with a bird. Other then the one we brought back there from the store. Later all I need to get out and do a feww things in hopes to have a afternoon hunt.
Well the season is over here and I never even got out at all today but I did get the mud room painted. Browny points for me which I will cash in next year when we go to NY again. Already planning the trip and cant wait. Only about 11 months left before we go.
any way I hope every one had a good year and Mooseheadred if you know of any spots that I can have a good chance at a late season partrige at I plan on taking my daughter out and would love to put her on some birds.
That is once she finishes up with this "production" at the high school that she is in.
Talk to you latter.
Hi guys, Well the last day of season came and went. I opted to hunt last day at my brothers place in Westfield area. I sat on a crossing area from daylight to dark. The only action I had was a cow moose at 30 ft. ( I should have had my camera ) and deer just at dark. The deer busted me somehow and I never saw if it had horns. I'll be back
Well my day was some what down hill as soon as I got out of bed. First thing I had to use the out house and the portapotie pump did not want to work. My heater was not working well either, I brought it home and fix it after reading the problem. Then I miss (Yes I miss) a deer once then hit it and then I thought I was shooting a second doe and it was the same one and missed it again. Then after that I said the hell with the rest of the day. Any ways how thing work out befor I shot at this doe is. Me siting in my spot dave and I see a doe and two kids coming off the hill around 7:30ish. I always get up facing the deer and this time I didn't |oo Then they got behind me and it seem like for ever befor they move. Mean while I hear thrashing coming off the hill and I didn't move. I was still waiting to see that doe and after I spoted both kids I seen her way off. I turn slowly only to start coming deer on the hill right straight on the edge from your stand. They was looking all around and watching five deer go across the big field. I counted eight on the hill and they then start to go back where they came from. I stay still cause a BIG doe and two kids stay and start to walk right infront of me. Two little ones came across and the doe came around from behind me and as she was about to come into my sights. Another doe and kid came running off the hill and a buck was right on her butt. they spooked all the deer and I took a shot at the doe and hit a branch then hit her. I think she got lead in her foot. Around sisteen deer with in a hour and I did not get one in the truck :( . Ok I got my film back tonight and dave :eek: dave :eek: dave dave dave. I told you I had a gut feeling that there was a nice buck in where I took the seven point. Jeanne said howmcan those legs hold that deer up :eek: For her to say that, this is how hugh this guy is. I think I better not post that pic here cause bad enought I won't get any sleep til next year. I tell you if you got that boy, kevin would not say nothing. Well time to get some rest for three days then i'm off thursday friday. Later guys and have a good one, I'm pump for this upcoming week/weekend. Hope the weather is good and there is no rain. later
ok here is "MY" buck that "IM" going to hold out for next year :D I new this fellow was in the area and he is in for a wake up call next year. What do you guys think of this guy everyone--->

I think if I took this fellow and he has that axtra point I would bring him back to NY.
Sorry for the break, had to do something. Anyway, no deer this year. Lost my train of thought too. That deer is a dandy, Trent. Guess you know where I am going to be the first of next season, hmmm, isn't that a couple of weeks before you get here Trent, LOL. No, you know I'll be back at my tree stand with the apples.
Hey Still, The only place I can suggest for birds would be a road from Acton (Hanwell road) to what I call the Rooth Road ( actual Route 645 from Tracy to Harvey). I used the road early fall and got birds off it, I'm not sure the condition of it now after deer season. When you hit rte 645 turn right and go maybe 300 yards then turn left ( cross train tracks, new cut at start of road), this is what we call Lyons Stream Road ( 2wd ok). Its nice country for birds, etc. There are several roads leading here and there and if you take one of the main ones, it will bring you back to Rte 645 at Cork Station. I didn't see alot of birds in deer season, so I'm not even sure if I'm going to get out. I might go back to a spot Trent and I hunted and get a portable tree stand and screw-ins before someone steals them. I'm going to see what the weather is like first. Is this the last Weekend for bird season?
Talk to you guys later. Hows that shotgun season down there Trent?
I am attaching a few photos from the season ( not very good), 1st is of a pheasant that Trent and I saw ( these are very rare here, someone released a few to the wild). 2nd photo is of Trents deer, 3rd is the only pic I got of the many moose that we saw, and the last photo is of my son's (Kevin)deer. We almost had it skinned before I remembered to get a photo.


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Still, I meant to discribe the road from Acton. When you are travelling from Hanwell to Harvey, the road is on the left just before a cemetery. There is a small white church on the right across the road from the cemetery. Again, I am not sure how the road is now, after deer season travel, but in bird season it was no problem for a 2wd truck. The Lyons Stream road is no problem. Where ever you go, stay out till dark and see if you can get some birds in the trees budding. Take a late drive on a road with a good amount of birch/alder/poplar and you may see the birds eating their bed time snack.
Well I got a few minutes befor dragging my a$$ out of here and up a tree. Yesturday I was up and out of the house at 5:30am. By law legal hunting time is sunrise, well according to the weather station sunrise is 7:09am. Took me 20minutes to get there and aroung 6:05 I was up the tree settle in and ready. 6:11 I could see a deer head on the hill poping up once and awhile. And then it turn I guess cause I seen it poping as it crest the hill edge and walk back up the hill. just as the deer was at the top I heard something to my left and as I turn I seen a hugh body moving threw the snow at high speed follow by another hugh body right after it.Then about 8:16 I see legs coming from the lower end of the hill and the first one was a kid. And as I watch there came another deer that threw me off at first, only to be another kid from a different doe. they both past right in front of my barrel and work there way up the hill. And that was the end of deer.Just befor dark I had to leave early (So I Thought) And when I hit the field I look up and there was for the first time since I hunted that area was another hunter on top of the hill. I was not happy and they new I seen them cause I stop for a few minutes.I call the wife and at that point she told me what time was the xmas party her company was having, I had lots of time til dark so I reloaded and walk right back into the woods making sure he new I was there. I figure if he was stoping deer from coming off the hill then i'm going to stop them from going up the hill til dark :D Thing is the people that own that land don't hunt, And I know the person that was there and I know there was a shot that morning about 33 minutes befor legal hunting :mad: But what can you do, go up the hill and stir up $hit only for my daughter to have to deal with. My family comes first so I stay off the hill. I hope that it was just bad luck (Doudt it) And they are not there today, or if they walk in late and push deer my way then that be cool.Wierd that the light is out around 6:50am and clear as mid day but they say 7:09 legal hunting :rolleyes: Well the hunt all day yesturday must of wore the hex out of me, cause I went to bed at 8pm last night and nota once did I wake up to go to the washroom, that for me is scary but a great feeling. I get three to four times a night. I love to get a doe/buck at legal time so I can call it a day and rest til next weekend. Well it is 5:20am and I know from the other day not to leave so early, with that said I need more coffee and to relax, later guys.
Morning everyone, Well it is monday and I get to rest from hunting.Sunday I was up and out on stand at 6:20am. 6:31am I see a buck on the hill, he walks down the other side where you seen the last bunch of turkeys dave. And 15 minute later a doe and id came from across the big field and enter where the turkey did. So they as gar as I know bed down on the edge on that hill. 7am turkey made there entrance and flew across the field. 9:26am the doe and kid came out where they went in and made there way back across the field. I figure the buck would follow and I be out of luck. Next thing I new four more deer run out and then the buck was the last to cross chasing a doe that that must be in heat. they ran around the field for a few minutes befor catching up with the rest in the woods. 11am I see deer running on the edge and it was the doe and that buck still chasing her plus another buck they found on the other side. after a quick lunch I was out and ready for the evening hunt. funny thing the owner of the big field was over working and he walk to the corner left side of the field and out of no where he push a doe and kid that I would of never thought would be beded so close to that shack.last thing befor dark the turkey made there way back across the field and I got down and headed home. By the time I got to the truck it was dark and I was cold and tired. The deer are travelling at night for sure, the tracks in the snow are in the hundreds, alot of tracks look like they are runnuing and stoping, I think the does are at there peek. this coming weekend I think i'm going to pick me up some scent and see what that does. Til then i'm off to work, have a great weekend guys and i'll keep you update on the hunting.
Hi guys, Pretty much uneventful weekend for me. I didn't go bird hunting on Saturday. I did some odd jobs around home. Went to a Christmas party Sat nite. Sunday, I did take a drive up to where we did some deer hunting, and
retreived Trent's tree stand and screw-ins. There wasn't much sign up in there, Trent. There was a frozen moose paunch at the end of the road where you parked your truck. Most of the deer sign was over on the road where I parked truck and walked down into the new cut ( we saw Dale A. going in there to get fire wood).
Still, did you get away bird hunting?
Trent, thanks for the hunting update, seems like the deer have your neck of the woods marked ' no go' during daylight hours. Why don't you try some of the bomb spray. It didn't work for me this year, but with the right place, right time, you never know. Is this last weekend for shotgun coming up? Sat or Sun?
Have a good week guys.
No this is the second weekend, it is over dec 9th and if I don't get anything this coming weekend I already put in for thursday friday off the following weekend. I'm going to buy the spray and use it on a drag line where the road goes down to that field we seen the deer in. Come back threw the woods and then where the trail goes to the house in the field. And get ontop the hill and run a line where I see them going over the hill into the field. What is left I will set off where my stand is.Tonight I'm going to have some trout for dinner. I will let you know how it turn out. I allso was ask if I want to apply for another job ( Asso: Manager) It would be about $300 more but the drive along for two weeks would of took most of that. So I decide to stay where I am now. Have a good one every body.
Well spent the day running my young fella around so I never got out at all. season for birds is now closed but I hope to get out for a yote this season and see what we can call out.
Good luck on the yotes Bruce. I hope you clean up on them. As far as luck here, All i'm seeing is deer crossing the field that I can not shoot them in. Friday I seen eight and saturday I seen another five. I've try everything I could to get them to come my way.They was calling for a bad day today so I came home. And by the looks of things i'm glad I did. everything is cover in white and it is still snowing and the wind is blowing as well. Well a week from today and it is over for me for another year, the only thing I have not try is to go down the hill befor day light and spook them up over the hill in hopes to get a crack at them the next day or so. I'm taking this thurs friday off so I think wednesday I will leave here after work and get there after dark and walk threw that area that night and then again befor day break the next day. If you guy got any idea on what I could use as a sent that the deer will not like to make them avoid that area then let me know.Well time to go and get some breakfest. Good luck in the yote hunting once again bruce. Dave I allso seen you friends as well. I count 79 flying off the hill and later that night they came back threw. Sunday the same thing, but there was only 55 of them that morning. later guys and if you got work to do out side I would suggest you gettt-rrrr-dooonneee cause the weather we got (Still Getting) is heading your way. later

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