

Yep, not only do I get to carry fire arms my distainful friend, but I have a conceled weapons permit to boot. ;)
Plus I have the top licence with the beloved FS to kill trees.... :eek:

And I have all sorts of animal tags in my pocket to shoot them dead, along with a fishing licence to pull thier little wiggly carcasses out of their homes....
Then to top it off, I have a licence to spray toxic waste (chemicals all over plants for the betterment of the human race... ;)
Originally posted by Ithaca 37:
My friends cousin on the Swiftboat Vets BOD made it very clear that he and the other members of the group that he knows have NO problem with Kerry's record in Vietnam. Many of them have seen him and talked to him at their swiftboat reunions. The problem they have with him is his conduct and statements after he returned. That's why my friends cousin is upset and active with the group. He say's it's not political either. There are Republicans and Democrats in the group. He said their dislike for Kerry is personal, based on his public comments after returning.

He said the problem is that everyone in the media and politics is now putting their own spin on what the Swiftboat Vets are doing, and they're starting to feel manipulated and used.
Hey Ithaca, in case no one has said it yet - Good post.

Your friend's cousin is being very fair about the situation in my opinion. I am not a Kerry fan, but I do admire his courage in signing up when he didn't have to. My next door neighbor is a retired doctor, and was a doc during VN. He said no matter what the wound, it was a purple heart if the wound was received in combat. Period. It is completely assinine to try to discredit these.

I am still not sure how I feel about those questioning the bronze and silver stars. I know I have no right to question them because I was not there, nor am not a veteran.

I think if the swift vets have a problem with what Kerry said after coming back, they should have been up front and focused on this from the get-go. They would have a lot more credibility if they had stuck to this issue. All the inuendo has clouded what is IMO a legitimate issue.
Originally posted by ELKCHSR:
He states very little to nothing on what he has done in the interim, I wonder if he could get a regular job on this type of record.

I have met homeless people that have a better track record... ;)
I thought this was pretty funny, the comment about homeless people and work accomplished, from somebody that sits around 11 months of the year, hoping the telephone will ring, so he can go mop up after the fire crews.... :rolleyes:

I don't think you can comment too much about what others accomplish. My guess is Kerry puts in more hours in a month than you do in a year.... :rolleyes:
Does Kerry's war record matter? That's up to each voter to choose - here is an interesting article.

Almost 30 years after the last helicopter fled the roof of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, Vietnam remains the great American quagmire. You might think it should belong to history by now, especially after the Clinton years, when voters took the measure of a former draft dodger -- one who had been so bold as to put his "loathing for the military" on paper -- and judged him fit and worthy to become America's Commander-in-Chief.

But now, as another Presidential contest loses the track and plunges back into the same old elephant grass, it's clear that Vietnam never went away. And the blame is John Kerry's, no doubt about it. After 19 years in the Senate, the achievement on which he has chosen to place the most stress in proving he has the mettle to occupy the White House is a four-and-a-half-month tour as a junior officer in a war that America lost.

Here's the whole article from Business Week Online -

But here is the best quote from the whole article -

"Well, that's democracy for you, the worst system but for any other -- and Kerry, like George W. Bush, is playing his hand as the rules of a dirty game demand. The party that wants the White House has surrogates like filmmaker Michael Moore peddling distortions and fantastic plots. Meanwhile, the party that holds the White House sneers at "Senator Flip-Flop" while winking with approval as its own, arms-length hit squads that question the challenger's combat record, his honor, his judgment."
Ya just don't get it ;)
I didn't say whether he did or not, he only advertises the fact that he served in VN some 30 plus years ago, for the whopping period of 4 or so months.... He never says any thing about what he has or hasn't accomplished since his stint in the military.
Your trying to hard.
I would also like to know why it is bad to do what it is that I do? It is honest work, and I don't mind saying that with pride. You can't seem to even let people know what your name is or what you do for a living. Must be something to be proud of!

Of course, all any one is going to see is that you can't get away from name calling and degrading of others.

I will also bring it up again.

How is it that I stabbed Moosie in the back.

You continually put these alegations up and never answer for them.... ;)

You of all people should know, that I will never go away and the question will alway's be there for you to answer....

What, have you been living in a hole in the ground??? :eek: (Errr... ummmm, never mind, I know the answer to that... :D )

Kerry's record and his experience has been all over the news and in his campaign literature, for months. Have you really not seen it???

Maybe a bit more reading, and a bit less posting for you??? :D
"I don't think you can comment too much about what others accomplish. My guess is Kerry puts in more hours in a month than you do in a year.... "

I not only can guarantee you're wrong, but have lived though his absenteeism firsthand!! I'm also willing to bet that if Russ so much as PEED on a campfire left on it's own, he's done more for sportmen than Kerry!! Again, firsthand knowledge.

As I have stated before, he may have, but he hasn't advertised on his own, any thing hes done in the last 35 or so years since his little military stint....
Even still, I will say one thing for kerry, he has done more for this country in those four months than you have...

Besides, you still haven't answered the big question....

When did I stab Moosie in the back....

Come out of the box and just answer the question, or admit you were just blowing smoke....
I have stated that if I did, I would be man enough to make a public appology to the whole board and to Moosie....
Are you man enough to do the same, or are is it you can only hang behind others shirt tails and peek out around the edges sticking your little pink tounge out, knowing that if you tried it on your own, it would probably be pulled out of your mouth and soundly chopped off... :eek; ;)

Have you even read anything about Kerry??? His lengthy service to America is well documented, are you serious, that you have missed it???
I will ask the question until gunner decides to answer it...
He want's to put such nasty thoughts into others heads, he needs to show where they are justified....

Answer the simple question, and I will let it go... ;)
Originally posted by ElkGunner:

Refresh our memory...... What was he, a prosecutor, Lt. Governor, ???

Are you saying he never showed up for work???
I wish I could find the cartoon that shows him sitting on Uncle Teddy's lap with the telltale puppet jawline markings!! One shining example of what he's done is signing the bill initiating the $100 YEARLY fee for the Firearms I.D.(beaten by Goal & sportmen to $100 every 5 yrs). Also had his hand in the raiding of license monies specifically designated for land purchases(over $6.5 mil). That was resinded when the Feds warned of the restrictions from Pittman/Robertson Act. This money was first requested and supported by sportmen for hunting land purchases to adjacent available lands and has purchased some 18,000 acres.
Voted for the banning of trapping and hunting bears with dogs.
Need more??


Sounds kind of like he showed up for work TOO much, for your tastes. Quite different than your initial allegations...

But seriously, what was his "work history", as Cheese seems to have been living in a hole in the ground.....

As I know it, Sailor, Statesman, Ran of office (lost), went to Law School, Prosecutor, Lt. Gov, Senator.

Is that it???
You have no idea where I live, so you will have to do better than that.
Pretty weak actually....

The big question is......

Are you ready???

How did I stab the Moose man in the back?.... ;)
Originally posted by ElkGunner:

Sounds kind of like he showed up for work TOO much, for your tastes. Quite different than your initial allegations...

But seriously, what was his "work history", as Cheese seems to have been living in a hole in the ground.....

As I know it, Sailor, Statesman, Ran of office (lost), went to Law School, Prosecutor, Lt. Gov, Senator.

Is that it???
Yeah, that's the press release version. Take a long look at the senate record and you'll see where the absenteeism is evident. Like I've said right along pick a lobby, any lobby..... (sorry, forgot to put in the link!!)
