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This is a fun thread....
Rick it amazes me that those that scream the loudest and thump their chests the hardest, have never served their country except for lip service...
What is fun about Kerry is that he is trying to ride this whole campaign on some four or so months of some thing he did some 30 plus years ago. He states very little to nothing on what he has done in the interim, I wonder if he could get a regular job on this type of record.
I have met homeless people that have a better track record... ;)

There isnt anything wrong with the jobs you do, I think you missed the point...along with that clue you've been searching for.

Funny how you bash me for making fun of your work, but you just did the same thing above with Kerry and his choice of profession(s), without batting an eye.

I dont how you can ridicule the posters in SI of not serving in the military then bash Kerry for SERVING in the military. You dont see the problem with that?

Then you go on to say that in the 35 years since his military service Kerry hasnt done anything worthwhile? Are you serious?

Earth to Elkcheese, being a Senator is a job, running for president is a job...I understand that its nothing compared to pruning trees and playing mopshot...but come on now, it isnt like Kerry has sat on his duff for 35 years.
I never said whether he did any thing worth while or not, what you need to do is read a little slower instead of just breazing over subjects and jumping to ill gained conclusions. Along with the name calling, it makes you not look so smart. ;)
You may read this part again....

"What is fun about Kerry is that he is trying to ride this whole campaign on some four or so months of some thing he did some 30 plus years ago. He states very little to nothing on what he has done in the interim"

Now don't read any thing more into it than what is written, I know this is very diffucult for you, seeing as you seem to need to read so much into any thing I write. What in this statement is not true or to the point. He doesn't state any thing he has done in the Gov. since he started, the only "Stuff" that comes out of his mouth on any of the news I see is that he was in Vietnam and killed babies, then he thru his medals, err ribbons over the fence in defiance. I just saw him on the news and he didn't say any thing else, well except that he was going to fix the ills of the world if the people vote for him.
The only thing I didn't hear him say is how he was actually going to do it...

"Earth to Elkcheese, being a Senator is a job, running for president is a job...I understand that its nothing compared to pruning trees and playing mopshot...but come on now, it isnt like Kerry has sat on his duff for 35 years."
Or playing in swamp water sucking all earnings from the tax payer.... ;)

As I have stated before, name calling and carring on like some play ground bully is easy, acting like an adult is quite a bit harder. But then again, nothing like taking the easy way out of a debate with belittling comments and brow beating, HUH!!! ;)

I will state that you can't say but maybe on a hand full of posts out of your thousands you have, you have ever been much but uncivil, so don't put it on me that I started it...

You never stopped. If you don't believe me, go back in time ever sicne I showed you guy's how easy it really is to act ignorant and show me one place I have been nothing but civil to any of you...

You're a joke.

You trash people on this thread who have never served, then turn around and trash Kerry because he was only in Vietnam for 4 months.

Make up your mind.

I guess Kerry would have more respect with the American public if he pruned trees, built cookie ovens and mopped up behind real fire-fighters.
All the jobs in the world need to be filled by some one Buzz, and just because you like to think your in the elite of the world, you arn't any better then the next guy. So what's wrong with my jobs? Not good enough for his majesty? ;)
Well it's honest work and I am not stealing money from any one to earn my way thru the world....

Or is it you just like the soap opera you try to create around yourself and want others to live in it also....
It seems to me that when I had decided to do the name calling just to show you what it was like, you seemed to be the poor innocent...
Seems that when things just don't go your way, you and gunner seem to have to run off to others to make me stop... ;)
I was hoping you would see what it was like to be on the losing end of a constant barrage, but you guy's whined hard enough because you couldn't handle the presure so I was basically forced to stop.

You can call it what ever you like, but I will tell you it was well planned and I had figured to keep up until every one but you two had left this area... I will let you in on a little secret, I didn't understand this tactic (Tack Tick for Buzz) until I watched Moosie, Greenhorn, DS and a number of others ply these basic ideals on other boards. It seems to work well to drive every one on the boards nuts, and you guy's were no exception... ;)
Originally posted by ElkCummer:

I look at it this way, every year I do long Wilderness Raft trips on Class IV rivers, miles from help. The people I go with are those I can trust to save my life, or risk their life to save mine.
I'm surprised anyone would be willing to help yer worthless ass if you were drowning! In fact, I'm more surprised they didn't drown yer loud ass ramblin mouth. Who in the Hell could stand you for more than 2 minutes? I wouldn't piss on ya if you were on fire! Go run to Moosie and tell him I was mean to yer little pussy ass and get me banned !!
Elkcheese and elkcummer, damn that sounds like the making of a porn movie in a restruant,

you guys take this internet stuff way to personal.


If you are referring to your meltdown, I thought it was pretty funny, even all the vulgarity, that was the best part!

I never asked anyone to make you stop, hell for all I care start up again, I encourage you to. Ask Moosie, Del, whoever, I never said a word, just sat back, laughed and enjoyed the TRUE Elkcheese. Say what you want, act how you want, means nothing to me either way.

But, I will continue to point out the absolute lack of knowledge you have on about 95% of the topics you respond to.

I did send Moosie an email about your beastiality photos, told him it may not be in the best interest of his board to post pictures of a half naked retard porking a cow elk. I still agree with that email...want a copy for your records?

Keep up the good work.


Well fortunatly you can think any thing you like, I know it just eats your goat to know that we think a lot alike with pretty much the same interests, just differnt way's of getting to the end result.
So by this train of thought, that would also put 95% of what you say in the same boat.... ;)
I also have offerd to to show you these things you so intensly seem to disagree with that are true, but never seem to want to go the mile and see for yourself to prove me wrong with your lying eyes.
It's so much easier to sit back in your lazy chair, cut and paste and take the word of some one that couldn't give a rats hooy if you even exist...
One day I would like to see you open your eyes and extend your sences out past the box that closes you in, to see that there is more to the world and it isn't as cut and dry as you would like to think, that you can't quantify every thing to simple black and white.
That every thing can't be put into a tidy box with a fancy ribbon, that simple truths and answers can be made from complex problems... ;)
When I come on, it alway's seems to revert to trash, but it is not me that starts it... LMAO!!!
Every thing alway's seems to morph, this one has turned into deep seated thoughts about Buzz and gunner....

You said, "we think a lot alike with pretty much the same interests, just differnt way's of getting to the end result."


You're completely off the charts with that steaming load of crap.

Earth to Elkcheese....

As to the rest of your post, can we get the translator?

Trying to sound intelligent just doesnt work too well for you...
Well, one thing we don't share is the fact that you are very rude and uncouth... ;)
But the ideals are about the same.
I have seen you around for what now, just shy of three years. Responded to what, some 1500 plus posts you have put up, I think I have a pretty good idea what your ideas on topics are and where you stand.
I would suppose this just scares the hell out of you to even imagine such a thing... LMAO!!!! Your just way to fun.... :D :D :D

You said, "I would suppose this just scares the hell out of you to even imagine such a thing..."

The only thing that scares me is that people with your mentality are allowed to own firearms and purchase hunting licenses...
Wapiti Slayer , :D :D :D

Quote from Buzz,

"The only thing that scares me is that people with your mentality are allowed to own firearms and purchase hunting licenses"

You know Buzz ,that same thought has crossed my mind about you ,elkgunner & ithaca and it scares the heck out of me to know people with such hate and disdain for anyone that isn't thought of as being (in the same class as you guys think you are in) are walking around packing firearm's.
You guy's are the poster boy's of going postal.

When I think of all the types of friend's and people I know Im thankful that not everyone is as judgemental and filled with disdain for the rest of the human race as the three of you guy's are.
Some of those friends will be voting for John Kerry or Ralph Nader ,some that don't like ATV's,some that are non-hunter's,a few that sit the fence on being peta-freak's.
We all could be in the same room and still get along ,because we value what's different about each other.
(OR it could be because we all have a real live beating heart in our chest)
"You guy's are the poster boy's of going postal."

Definitely a classic for this forum.....Never saw anything that comes closer to describing all three of these "Bozos".
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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