Blue Lives Matter

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Someone tell me again how this is just a protest and all lives matter? This video should outrage everyone that sees it. How can anyone justify this behavior and call it a protest for respecting people and lives? It's nothing but hatred, racism, and violence towards anyone that gets in the way of their agenda. This needs to end and shame on the elected city leaders that have failed to protect their citizens. IMO...

There is violence here on a nightly basis and it has been going on for months. The elected officials are completely worthless and incompetent. The city has turned into a total sh*t hole. It's a shame as it used to be a nice place. Not anymore...
First, I think it's important to recognize that there are valid arguments on both sides of this issue. That doesn't mean you dislike law enforcement officers or you are bigoted towards minorities. It means you can critically think about the issue whilst ignoring the ridiculous theatrics associated with both sides.

I've been listening & reading a lot on this issue. I'm not in the "defund" camp, and I'm not going to hoist a blue line flag. It's difficult, especially when you start to see threads of the same thoughts coming from both sides.

As I understand it:

1.) Yes, there is systemic racism in this nation. To me that means we have a system that inadvertently penalizes minorities at a higher rate than white people. It means sentencing for crimes can be weighted more heavily against minorities than white people.The United States of America has the highest rate of incarceration in the world. We must change that and look to other nations and courts that are seeking to change the nature of incarceration rate and focus on actual treatment. It means we need to have better training for officers in the use of deadly force, race relations and how to de-escalate situations w/o violence. It means that some schools truly need police officers there to help ensure a safe environment, but not every school does; use a social worker in schools where you can, and save the police presence for when it really is a necessity. It means we need to help build up impoverished communities through generational change rather than feel-good legislation and more hand-outs without building better outcomes relative to employment & trade-skills development. it means we have to recognize that at some level, many of us do maintain biases based on race, and that means we need to find ways to replace bias with understanding.

2.) I've seen some fantastic commentary from current LEO's who talk about the need for better training and mental health benefits for current LEO's. That includes expanded leave. I see the same requests for expanded training and mental health benefits from some in the other side. I can't imagine what it would be like to pull 100 hours a week for weeks on end dealing with the worst that America has to throw at me, and then be expected to be a well-rounded, emotionally stoic individual. At some point, we need to recognize the severe psychological toll we are placing on our police officers and ensure that they have the tools necessary to remain compassionate, thoughtful people. One of those tools most definitely is a beach with some cold beverages. Another tool is to not have the police be the point of contact for every issue, be it kids selling lemonade or someone passed out in a car. There is a real need for more social workers in America. That doesn't mean we need fewer police, it means we need more civil servants helping those in need, so the police are free to actually fight crime and enforce the laws in a meaningful manner.

3.) Turn off our TV's. The 24 hour news cycle is driven by conflict, either manufactured or real. It's no longer news, it's entertainment. Until we restore the fairness doctrine and end the current cycle we're in, we won't get beyond Us versus Them. Additive to that is ensuring that critical thinking is taught in schools. It's good to have diversity of thought in academic situations. That means ensuring that thought is well rounded and the people leaving academia can put those critical thinking skills to use, rather than listening to respond, or only selecting arguments that have your bias at heart.
First sentence is incorrect! The system does NOT penalize minorities at a higher rate and crimes are not weighted against color. Crimes are weighted based on criminal record and penal code statue. The penal code is color blind. As a 30 year LEO in So Cal I can tell you that demographics plays a huge part in the crime numbers.
There is violence here on a nightly basis and it has been going on for months. The elected officials are completely worthless and incompetent. The city has turned into a total sh*t hole. It's a shame as it used to be a nice place. Not anymore...

Very sorry to hear that. It can't be good for the residents. I hope this ends soon and peacefully.
To bird watcher, read the above post from someone who lives there!
I did. Been there and I thought it was another filthy stinking big city just like every other filthy stinking big city in the U.S. Guess that's why I don't live in a big city. Sorry for those who do. Anytime you get that many people in one place, there is going to be crime. Nothing new. Only difference is the "media" (on both sides) knows they can get mileage out of covering it because someone somewhere will be outraged. I guess we're proving them right.

Ben Lamb is correct. It's useful to listen to both sides and use some critical thinking skills here. Knee-jerk reactions are what cause the problems, not solve them.
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Jumping into this very late, but I read recently something that made me think. Why is it that whenever someone says "Black Lives Matter" there are always 10 white people lined up to respond with "All Lives Matter!" but when folks say "Blue Lives Matter" nobody responds with "All Lives Matter?" I think that's a fair question.
Maybe because Blue Lives are, increasingly, All Lives. More and more Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Women in the police ranks. So it's redundant.
Someone tell me again how this is just a protest and all lives matter? This video should outrage everyone that sees it. How can anyone justify this behavior and call it a protest for respecting people and lives? It's nothing but hatred, racism, and violence towards anyone that gets in the way of their agenda. This needs to end and shame on the elected city leaders that have failed to protect their citizens. IMO...

How can anyone watch this video and their first thought is, the video was shot and reported by Fox News. Even if I disliked the network, after watching that video my first thought would not be about Fox News. I would hope that he is o.k. I would hope that arrests are made . I would be thankful that some tried to help him and got him off the street.

Longbow51. This is true. " Blue" refers to an occupation in which all races and genders serve. I could be silly and say it should say red ( RCMP ) but that would be just an attempt to either change the point or a desire to argue. "Blue" represents law enforcement, in this thread, regardless of the color worn by the officer ( FBI--a suit, but it includes them as well ).

I wonder if someone knows whether or not his insurance will cover the damage to his vehicle, ? ( assuming he had collision coverage ) Thank you

I hope he is o.k.
You lost me at Fox "news." Don't fall for the spin.

That guys dentist and/or brain surgeon will be happy to see that the event was aired on Fox News, so therefore no damage actually done. Just a twisted narrative! 🤦‍♂️🙄

Bill Hicks had a bit about the Rodney King beating that If you played it in reverse the officers were helping him up. Works on this video, too. Turns out this guy just sat up right into that punks shoe!
Birdie, I've seen posters lose their wings for less than your ill advised punchbowl turds. Prolly good @Big Fin is expending treasure to create free content at the moment.
Curious why you find my comments so offensive. I suppose that's your choice. I have not made any personal comments or violated any forum rules. I suspect @Big Fin is just fine with folks exercising their 1A rights so long as they aren't personal in nature. I've seen how he welcomes critical thinking and productive discussion and I admire him for that. I also know he views threads like this one as useless internet garbage, and he's not wrong.

Panda Bear, that was not my first thought and I had all the same feelings. But I am suspicious of any "news" that comes from Fox these days because it is so incredibly biased. They have become a propaganda machine for the far right, just like other outlets push far left views. Neither serves any constructive purpose. Outlets on both extremes want those videos to go viral and they hope forums like this will help spread them and fan the flames. Divide and conquer, as they say.

Probably better we just stick to hunting and conservation topics. ;)
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But I am suspicious of any "news" that comes from Fox these days because it is so incredibly biased. They have become a propaganda machine for the far right, just like other outlets push far left views.

Unfortunate truth. I do think Fox has a fairer presentation of the facts than the others for their 6:00 pm news.

What is most interesting in these protests/riots is that whites have co-opted the message and appear to be the ones causing the majority of violence and property damage.

Have any of you heard of any serious dialogue leading to positive actions coming from all of this disruption? I sure haven't.
What is most interesting in these protests/riots is that whites have co-opted the message and appear to be the ones causing the majority of violence and property damage.

Unfortunately very true. I'm sure there is a lot going on behind the scenes that we don't know about.
News channel spin comes from the Hannity, Cuomo, Maddow diatribes.

I’m pretty sure an amateur video shot on a cell phone and aired on a network played out just as it appears, but maybe I’m the naive one.
That's fair. My knee-jerk reaction was probably ill timed, I admit.

I'm pretty exhausted from all the outrage and counter-outrage at the moment though. I see Portland and Seattle more as local problems that they have cultured and allowed for decades. I also see them as their problems to figure out. I hope they do.
I also know he views threads like this one as useless internet garbage, and he's not wrong.

and yet you have made 15 posts on this thread ?

Threads I dont like I just dont post on, although I would not refer to the hundreds of threads on the "Fireside" part of the forum as, useless garbage, although much, possibly most, are not about hunting or firearms.

Kind of like setting around a campfire at night discussing world events, or even personal events, but not always hunting and/or fishing events, even if we are on a hunting and./or fishing trip.

I felt very sad for the man and hope that he recovers from his injuries, but my thought was, why was he there? Even if I lived in Portland I doubt that you would have been able to convince me to visit that area of the city, at that time of night, with what has been happening there each night. Possibly he has business there or worked there however, and was just trying to go home from work. I sure hope the man who kicked him is arrested and of course I hope the man who was kicked is eventually o.k.
I felt very sad for the man and hope that he recovers from his injuries, but my thought was, why was he there? Even if I lived in Portland I doubt that you would have been able to convince me to visit that area of the city, at that time of night, with what has been happening there each night. Possibly he has business there or worked there however, and was just trying to go home from work. I sure hope the man who kicked him is arrested and of course I hope the man who was kicked is eventually o.k.

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