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Blue Lives Matter

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Probably better we just stick to hunting and conservation topics. ;)

And in my humble opinion, therein is part of the problem

Lets dont talk about anything that makes us uncomfortable, or work at disagreeing without being disagreeable in our mannerism or choice of words, or in the case of the video --actions.

I love hunting, fishing, dog sled races, BUT, I also enjoy reading many of the "Fireside" threads, and I learn from them but dont respond to each one

I always wonder when I see something like this, what is going on in the mind of the man who kicked the man on the ground. If they dont arrest him and get him some help, could he be the next "mass shooting" perpetrator ?

I think the man that was kicked and the man that did the kicking both need help at this point. One medical and one mental and until the "kicker" gets the mental help he needs, he needs to be off the streets IMHO

We need to learn to talk to each other, even on subjects we disagree on, not kick each other.

Thanks for allowing to state my thoughts on this matter
and yet you have made 15 posts on this thread ?

Threads I dont like I just dont post on, although I would not refer to the hundreds of threads on the "Fireside" part of the forum as, useless garbage, although much, possibly most, are not about hunting or firearms.

Kind of like setting around a campfire at night discussing world events, or even personal events, but not always hunting and/or fishing events, even if we are on a hunting and./or fishing trip.

I felt very sad for the man and hope that he recovers from his injuries, but my thought was, why was he there? Even if I lived in Portland I doubt that you would have been able to convince me to visit that area of the city, at that time of night, with what has been happening there each night. Possibly he has business there or worked there however, and was just trying to go home from work. I sure hope the man who kicked him is arrested and of course I hope the man who was kicked is eventually o.k.
You make a good point and I'm not sure I'd be in that area either. But, bottom line is that "why" shouldn't matter. It's supposed to be a free country and the elected official have failed to provide a safe environment for it's residents. What if someone traveling, unfamiliar with the area, and takes a wrong turn. They also shouldn't be attacked. The city officials have an obligation to the people. As I see it.
You make a good point and I'm not sure I'd be in that area either. But, bottom line is that "why" shouldn't matter. It's supposed to be a free country and the elected official have failed to provide a safe environment for it's residents. What if someone traveling, unfamiliar with the area, and takes a wrong turn. They also shouldn't be attacked. The city officials have an obligation to the people. As I see it.
Why shouldn't matter. But it can provide context in a situation like this.
Can't imagine the citizens of the affected cities are are going to tolerate their leadership's continued pandering to the anarchist, thieves and misdirected sh-theads.

Viewed from a macro level, the absolute incompetency of urban leadership in cities such as Seattle, Portland, Chicago, DC, Baltimore, et al is appalling.

Jumping Jesus, look who the Seattle Mayor and Council just ran off. White folks running off a black female chief of police and furloughing a good many black officers she recruited to the force.

BLM...can you say WINNING!

And what really blows my mind is the premise of "defunding the police".......I realize that there is more to the story than just slashing the budget and reducing the force (sure wish someone as articulate as Justabirdwatcher would saunter forth and explain how this is going to work) while our police moral continues to get kicked in the pills and qualified and competent officers choose another profession. Blue Lives DO MATTER. They are what keep our society from devolving into chaos and anarchy.

The BLM movement could effect change that would benefit our society if they could find competent, articulate leadership that can craft a strategy and message that can be taken seriously.

If I was a leader in the BLM movement I would sure be concerned that a bunch of hooligans, thieves and bad actors are stealing my 60 seconds of prime time news every evening.

OK...I am retreating back to my bunker to check on my ammo orders. ;)
Why shouldn't matter. But it can provide context in a situation like this.
I'm not sure why he was down in that area in the first place. But many on twitter are saying the male victim was trying to protect a trans woman who was already being attacked by the mob.



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has videos of the event leading up to it. Looks like the man on the blue shirt was trying to save a trans woman who was being assaulted and robbed by Marquise “Keese” Lee Love and other rioters. He got into his truck to flee after they started assaulting him too.
Clearly that guy needed to check his privilege. I really don’t know what the worst part of that video was the kick to the face or seeing the guys head bounced off the street.

Should be multiple lessons learned from that video and others like it.
1. avoid those areas if at all possible.
2. if you find yourself Caught in a flash mob or maybe you just took a wrong turn get the hell out of there.
3.Never get out of your vehicle.
4. if they attempt to remove you from your vehicle or start breaking out your windows That would be a good time to use your vehicle as the beautiful weapon it is capable of being
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You don't think some of that is by design?

Absolutely, it's news...and I think it deserves broader coverage than it receives. In a more normal time people rioting, damaging property, assault and murder in the streets of our cities would be the lead story.

Taken in context, this whole mess since the murder in Minneapolis has been a complete sh-t show. Think of the property damage, looting, murders & mayhem, public property destroyed...... not with a cogent premise articulated. Its mob rule. And it continues to be.

If you feel there is a cogent premise (BLM) I would think you would be the one most disturbed and angry about a very small minority stealing the spot light and putting the whole affair in poor light. For the legitimate protesters not to raise their voices against this behavior is most puzzling. Its all become just noise.

Furthermore, take a good hard look at our federally elected officials and their responses during this time. Not much spine in that bunch. Remember that in November.
Taken in context, this whole mess since the murder in Minneapolis has been a complete sh-t show. Think of the property damage, looting, murders & mayhem, public property destroyed...... not with a cogent premise articulated. Its mob rule. And it continues to be.

Ask yourself who benefits most from the peaceful protests being turned into a sh-t show. Not tough to connect those dots for an objective observer.
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Ask yourself who benefits most from the peaceful protests being turned into a sh-t show. Not tough to connect those dots for an objective observer.
This is why I can't understand why the leaders of the cities are not cracking down on this insanity hard. We may have just witnessed the moment that Trump got reelected
I also see them as their problems to figure out.
Far from it... about as far as the universe spans when Black Lives Matter decides to assault with compression ied's etc against federal law enforcement officers (not cnn bs paramilitary) protecting federal property and people. The amount of personal identifiable information, etc inside a federal court building is staggering!

Space between a building / law enforcement protecting such and a well documented violent group of *protesters is absolutely essential!

"Riot gear" is restrictive on officers though much better than a blow of rocks/bbs within the compression crap thrown...

BLM must start self policing their provocateurs... if they did, a lot more respect would go their way... however, God forbid law enforcement pulls a violent ass hat out of the "peaceful" group of protesters for throwing such simplified ied items, as well as bricks, etc... suddey CNN labels officers, nazi gestapo...

The protests would be 100% more respectful if they policed their own to maintain the peaceful protests.
I was also wondering what you thought happen

You thought the police hired the guy to kick him so they could say, see they are violent ? Or did you think Fox news hired him to kick the guy ?

I am like Slam and LWC55 and curious what you saw in the video that we missed or know that we dont know from watching the video ---- would you explain please ?
I was also wondering what you thought happen

You thought the police hired the guy to kick him so they could say, see they are violent ? Or did you think Fox news hired him to kick the guy ?

I am like Slam and LWC55 and curious what you saw in the video that we missed or know that we dont know from watching the video ---- would you explain please ?
I wasn't talking about the specifics of that video. I was responding to the 60 seconds comment earlier. The guy that kicked him should be in jail right now, without question. However, I know a feeding frenzy when I see it. LOL Ya'll have fun.
BLM must start self policing their provocateurs... if they did, a lot more respect would go their way... however, God forbid law enforcement pulls a violent ass hat out of the "peaceful" group of protesters for throwing such simplified ied items, as well as bricks, etc... suddey CNN labels officers, nazi gestapo...

The protests would be 100% more respectful if they policed their own to maintain the peaceful protests.

Maybe the police need to police their own too...and the protestors wouldn't have a reason to police their own, or even protest for that matter.

Lots of failures to go around and IMO, many are just flat sick and tired, of being sick and tired.
Maybe the police need to police their own too...and the protestors wouldn't have a reason to police their own, or even protest for that matter.

Lots of failures to go around and IMO, many are just flat sick and tired, of being sick and tired.
No doubt. Defunding bull chit is a bit counter productive though...
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