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Blue Lives Matter

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The title of the thread is "blue lives matter" and this long 600 plus post thread has gotten off course and back on again many times clearly showing that many people reading this forum are quite emotional and passionate about this issue regardless of what opinions they have expressed. Even the boss man chimed in with a lengthy well thought out perspective. All of this I think just goes to show you that this topic really matters to a lot of people and it's discussions like these about issues in our society that make us better people for it.

Hunting season may be near and Mrs. Fin I guess may not let these kinds of threads survive but I think it's important that while we are all away on sabbaticals freeing our minds and souls in the woods and the mountains that we continue to think and talk about these kinds of issues in our society and share them not only in public forums but with family, friends and the leaders that represent us.
I received a heads up that Randy felt this thread had run its course, so wanted to jump back on and thank Randy for not only allowing this thread on his forum but for recognizing the importance of these issues, and for his contribution to the thread. For those who missed his post, please jump back to page 27, post 540. Thank you Randy.

Racism and law enforcement, individually and together are important issues and I wanted to thank everyone who contributed to this thread . I also wanted to thank everyone for the manner in which the topic ( s ) have been discussed, it was admirable to say the least, thank you all !

We, "hunters" tend to get "pigeon-holed" sometimes and I believe it is important for those who dont hunt or even like hunting or hunters, to realize that "we", hunters are just like everybody else--mortgages, kids in school, business or jobs, health care concerns, families to care for and worry about---we just have a different hobby than others. I initiate conversations all the time with people on varies subjects and then after we discussed a topic I tell them about hunting. Some have said--"wow, I am surprised, you seem so normal" (-: Always makes me smile.

And this thread proves that no matter how diverse we are, geographically, gender, professions, ages, races, religions, etc--we all care about America and how racism and law enforcement effect our fellow citizens.

Some of you are old enough to remember "We are the World". Willie Nelson and Michael Jackson-----Cyndi Lauper and Dianne Warwick, and others,------- all on the same stage, singing together.

Working together for a greater good is possible, just difficult.

Mr and Mrs Newberg and all who participated on this thread. THANK YOU--enjoy your hunting season and best of luck.
Thanks Europe for starting the conversation and thanks Fin for letting it take its course.
My final lick.....

These issues will not be solved by our politicians or media. Like most of the progress our country has made on complex problems, it gets solved by people, average people, those vested in the betterment of their daily lives and the daily lives of their neighbors.

Elected leaders on both sides have adopted the approach that every topic is a mortal battle of ideology. It is what has us to this point of non-functioning government. Thankfully, the people of America are far more capable than those they send to State Legislatures or Washington DC.

The pendulum on these topics will not immediately swing to equilibrium. It will swing too far in some aspects, then back too far the other way, then ....... The rhythm of this pendulum will be swinging far beyond my time on this planet.

I have faith that the American people want the best for all citizens. None of us today are responsible for the situation that exists today. But, whether we like it or not, we are responsible for change or progress to improve the situation of today. It has been the story of America, where one generation gets to shoulder the load for improving things that have been generations in the making.

Bumps, warts, and scars, America is still the best country and the best idea the planet has hatched. Some will disagree, but they would be wasting their breath to try convince me otherwise. It is because of the ideas this country is founded on the commitment the citizens have that we have been able to persevere and improve to where we are today. The media and the politicians vested in conflict would have use believe that the end is near. History has shown that we will find a way through this, with some pain and conflict along the way, but the people will see that it happens.

Change, the cons will be a continual state of progress, too slow for some and too fast for others.

This thread started about blue lives and less about the topics of race, but those topics are intersecting at this time. I have almost no personal context to understand how we improve the race issue, but I am committed to doing my part toward a solution. I might be wrong, but I don't see how we can get there without our police forces being a big part ; as in compensated better, receiving better trained, better equipped, and more accountable, all of which requires more funding, not less.
Appreciate that all of you were able to engage in a way that allowed this thread to get to 600+ posts without me having to lock it. I almost locked it as soon as it was brought to my attention. I let it run its course, mostly relying on reports from members as to when I needed to check in.

Hunting season officially opens in a lot of places on September 1. This thread will get closed after that. Get your licks in now.

When I am in the hills, Mrs. Fin will be instructed to close the threads that are not connected to the purpose of this forum. For what it's worth, her triggers are set at 1.75#, while mine are set at 2.5#.

Hunting season is upon us. Go hunting!
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