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Blue Lives Matter

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If I see a white guy acting like an ass, resisting arrest, failure to follow directions from the LEO, said person is armed, wrestling with police, assaulting LEO, running away from the scene, danger to LEO/society, and he gets SHOT.
I think what the *&^% did he expect!

Why the reverse isn't true I have no idea.
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I think BLM has empowered criminals to resist arrest. By resisting, they can claim racism and get rich with GO FUND ME contributions. I really have a problem with felons committing crimes being rewarded with donations. Pisses me off. Stop giving rapists money. Stop giving sex offenders money.

It is wrong.
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Chicago PD shot during traffic stop last night.

Yet this will be a blimp on the news radar for a few days.
I didn't see in the article where race was mentioned. Funny thing is, as a law abiding citizen, one who respects medical/LEO/EMS, I don't care what race this scum identifies with, he or she is a POS in my mind. Blue Lives Matter POS not so much!!

Prayers to the LEO officers involved and their families as well as the medical staff taking care of them. Prayers for the suspects involved that they can turn their life around.
Appreciate that all of you were able to engage in a way that allowed this thread to get to 600+ posts without me having to lock it. I almost locked it as soon as it was brought to my attention. I let it run its course, mostly relying on reports from members as to when I needed to check in.

Hunting season officially opens in a lot of places on September 1. This thread will get closed after that. Get your licks in now.

When I am in the hills, Mrs. Fin will be instructed to close the threads that are not connected to the purpose of this forum. For what it's worth, her triggers are set at 1.75#, while mine are set at 2.5#.

The male version of the originator of this thread ? ;)

April will flame my butt for this one :)

thanks for the heads up Randy.

My closing statement is : As a member of a minority group, I support Law Enforcement officers. They have a tough job and I am sure 90 ro 95 percent of them do it correctly and hate it when one of their own takes the law into their own hands. When one does deliberately take the law into their own hands they need to be held accountable. However when they ( Law Enforcement ) are attacked by someone who could hurt or kill them or others, they should have the right too defend themselves and it is their job to protect others.

I still wonder how many arrests are made each year in all of your 50 states without a fatality ? What would the % be ,of arrests made yearly in all of your 50 states without any fatality compared to arrest's made, with a fatality?

What would the % of arrests made every year in all of your 50 states be when compared to the number of "controversial" deaths made each year ? And by "controversial" I mean some of the deaths would not have happened if the person arrested had just done as they were told to do or were not running fighting, and/or shooting,

once again, respectively submitted from someone who is not a citizen of your fine country.
It's a complex issue, with no easy solutions.

Personally think it's bigger than racism only or a few bad cops. There's a bigger picture. There's more questions than answers or solutions. Pretty sure the right questions aren't even being asked or addressed.

What's been done isn't working imo.

An open, honest dialog on both sides is needed. Prefer to treat everyone as an individual, until they prove one way or the other the measure of their character. White saviors are as blind as racists with truly bad intentions. There are plenty of bad people on both sides. Feel for good cops as well as people who want to help their hurting communities.

Defend the constitution and view it as a brilliant document and love our republic, no matter how imperfect it is. Freedom of speech is very important to me personally. Just as important if not more so than the 2nd amendment for me. But as I watch the media on both sides put such a spin and slant to everything, imo the media needs to be held more accountable and have a better code of ethics or moral compass. Can't be run by the Fed's or states, but has become truly unbearable to watch. Even for a fairly moderate, non conspiracy type person who doesn't care for either sides extremes. Hope and pray our leaders on both sides can get out of the parking spot of pandering to their bases cyclical cycle they are stuck in. Hope they can learn how to reach across the hard party lines and help their fellow man that is obviously hurting on bith sides that they might not see 100% eye to eye with on everything, but to care enough to listen and learn there's a broader picture here than the one they are stuck staring at with their heels dug into defending party lines.
Thanks to @Big Fin for letting this run its course for as long as it has. There's been some very interesting discussion, some good points raised, some very predictable dogma, and some folks who just have their minds made up and are unwilling to consider anything outside of their own world view.

You can support law enforcement, but expect them to evolve and do things differently. You can support equality without supporting crime. You can recognize someone else may have a valid point even though you disagree with their guiding philosophies.

Peace. Out.
I think this is a good way to close this out. If more people would think and talk like this, it would go a long way to turning down the heat. Reasonable, rational, respectful, no rhetoric.

In summary:

I have learned a lot from other HTers in this thread and others, and for that I am thankful.

While I have strong opinions, I know they are just that, opinions. I do not believe I have any magic answers, but I do have hope.

I support our great cops (and our OK cops) and support giving them more training, more compensation and fewer non-law enforcement responsibilities to lighten their load. In turn, I ask that they help us identify and removed the bad 5% that "spoil the barrel" - no more blue code of silence and hiding behind blind union support, the best cops know who the worst cops are.

I believe in personal responsibility, equal opportunity (not equal outcomes) and the rule of law, but also believe that some parts of our society (not just black Americans) have so little reason for hope that tomorrow will be better than today, that these seem like pointless expectations.

I believe that those with strong personal values (whether driven by Christ, other faith or a non-diety driven moral code) can not merely sit back and feel absolved from action by saying to themselves that, "I treat everybody the same and work hard for what I have" as a reason for not seeing the parts of America (black and otherwise) that are suffering and hopeless.

I believe that to whom much is given, much is expected, and that what is greatest about America makes us able to rise above the finger-pointing to create positive change for all - if we just choose to listen and take small steps to help one another.

I believe that if we do not stop listening to the most strident 5% of the left and most strident 5% of the right, this nation will pay a great price - one that will rival some of our past lowest days. But we have overcome this before and I believe we can do it again.

God bless, stay safe and shoot straight.
I apologize in advance for the long post. I Back The Blue. The overwhelming majority of police officers are good. The overwhelming majority of people are good. If we are to address race, we must look at crime-ridden areas, low-income neighborhoods and opportunity. Recidivism from a small percentage of violent offenders keep the fine citizens of these areas in a victim-in-waiting status. The children in these areas are affected by lack of opportunity, as are business owners and families. There is a reason why 81% of blacks do NOT support defunding the police and actually support a greater presence. An end to early parole and implementation of mandatory sentencing for violent offenders would cripple gang activity. School choice in charter schools and voucher programs would allow parents and children to flourish. Small business grants for community members would establish economic stability. Having been in constant contact with Chicago Police superintendents, the families of the children I teach and mentor, and my black family members has informed me greatly. The current system is not working because it never worked. And, while not intentionally stepping into a political debate, I will say a recent influx of money for black educational institutions and the signing of The First Step Act are leaps in the right direction. Thanks for letting get my licks in.
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In summary:

I have learned a lot from other HTers in this thread and others, and for that I am thankful.

While I have strong opinions, I know they are just that, opinions. I do not believe I have any magic answers, but I do have hope.

I support our great cops (and our OK cops) and support giving them more training, more compensation and fewer non-law enforcement responsibilities to lighten their load. In turn, I ask that they help us identify and removed the bad 5% that "spoil the barrel" - no more blue code of silence and hiding behind blind union support, the best cops know who the worst cops are.

I believe in personal responsibility, equal opportunity (not equal outcomes) and the rule of law, but also believe that some parts of our society (not just black Americans) have so little reason for hope that tomorrow will be better than today, that these seem like pointless expectations.

I believe that those with strong personal values (whether driven by Christ, other faith or a non-diety driven moral code) can not merely sit back and feel absolved from action by saying to themselves that, "I treat everybody the same and work hard for what I have" as a reason for not seeing the parts of America (black and otherwise) that are suffering and hopeless.

I believe that to whom much is given, much is expected, and that what is greatest about America makes us able to rise above the finger-pointing to create positive change for all - if we just choose to listen and take small steps to help one another.

I believe that if we do not stop listening to the most strident 5% of the left and most strident 5% of the right, this nation will pay a great price - one that will rival some of our past lowest days. But we have overcome this before and I believe we can do it again.

God bless, stay safe and shoot straight.

This is more important that we realize. Well said.
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