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Blue Lives Matter

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Buzz, unusual comment. Did you watch the video. There was no police involved. A security guard at the airport.

Buzz, the police are resigning.
Buzz, unusual comment. Did you watch the video. There was no police involved. A security guard at the airport.

Buzz, the police are resigning.

Not in reference to the video that I didn't watch.

Only speaking to the fact that if Sytes is expecting the protestors to "police" their own, maybe if the police would have been more prudent about "policing" their own...we wouldn't be in this mess to start with.


IMO, the protests are about that very fact, that because police have been systematically protecting their own bad actors, rather than "policing" themselves, there is complete lack of trust for some people in regard to law enforcement.
They know who he is and they are looking for him. I hope they follow through with prosecution. I don't know if it qualifies or not, but should add hate crime to the charge. In the video it seems like someone tried to stop him several times and he just kept coming back. This just proves that we need good cops.
You make a good point and I'm not sure I'd be in that area either. But, bottom line is that "why" shouldn't matter. It's supposed to be a free country and the elected official have failed to provide a safe environment for it's residents. What if someone traveling, unfamiliar with the area, and takes a wrong turn. They also shouldn't be attacked. The city officials have an obligation to the people. As I see it.

I agree with you on all points

Having said that approx 30 minutes ago I watched a video on a friends computer that is approx 20 to 25 minutes long that shows what happened, before, the video we were discussing yesterday happened. This did not happen during a protest of any kind.

The woman he was trying to help could have gone in the store, walked away or of course not been there. He ( the man that was beaten ) could have also left. After watching the longer tape today, I felt sick to my stomach. This wasn't about Black lives or Blue lives, there were Black, White, Male, Female and the only thing they had in common is they wanted to hurt someone, anyone--and did. They were not part of any organized protest. Just a bunch of bullies, being bullies.

Noharleyyet: you were correct and thank you for the guidance. He just diverted the question into something completely different. The meeting I told you about went well. Educational for sure.
Sickening video to watch. The assailant would've caught a bullet around here. There's more people concealed carrying right now than I've ever seen before.

I haven't kept up with the news but if that's truly what's happening in cities right now then martial law needs to be declared and the guard needs to go in and put an end to it. Blm is just an excuse for shitty people to act shitty right now. And for some reason everyone is letting them get away with it.
Sickening video to watch. The assailant would've caught a bullet around here. There's more people concealed carrying right now than I've ever seen before.

I haven't kept up with the news but if that's truly what's happening in cities right now then martial law needs to be declared and the guard needs to go in and put an end to it. Blm is just an excuse for shitty people to act shitty right now. And for some reason everyone is letting them get away with it.

I think I'll pass on martial law,,,,,,no I know I will.
Sickening video to watch. The assailant would've caught a bullet around here. There's more people concealed carrying right now than I've ever seen before.

I haven't kept up with the news but if that's truly what's happening in cities right now then martial law needs to be declared and the guard needs to go in and put an end to it. Blm is just an excuse for shitty people to act shitty right now. And for some reason everyone is letting them get away with it.

I think I'll pass on martial law,,,,,,no I know I will.

I do think that when a group takes over United States land, holds it for ransom, denounces the United States claiming ownership, terrorizes or attacks American citizens, and disobeys our laws then it is fact a hostile take over. Just as if the takeover was from a foreign country. At some point, it will have to be secured and restored to a safe environment. That's my opinion and I know many will not agree. Because of the "Protest" part. And although I fully agree to peaceful protesting, this has developed into more than a protest. :unsure:
I do think that when a group takes over United States land, holds it for ransom, denounces the United States claiming ownership, terrorizes or attacks American citizens, and disobeys our laws then it is fact a hostile take over. Just as if the takeover was from a foreign country. At some point, it will have to be secured and restored to a safe environment. That's my opinion and I know many will not agree. Because of the "Protest" part. And although I fully agree to peaceful protesting, this has developed into more than a protest. :unsure:
Did I miss the part when I was taken over and held for ransom and was terrorized and attacked? Figured I would have noticed that...
It's interesting how the we have become so careful as to not upset the "woke" crowd. Mainstream media and our elected officials included.

The violence, mayhem & property damage and how these felons are treating our men & women in blue, is not a 1st Amendment issue.

Clear thinking people understand this.

The initial premise of BLM holds water, however, protests in the streets for a cause and this nightly mayhem are not related; it's time for these lawbreakers to face justice.
I think the majority of Americans understand and agree that by continuing to allow this type of activity nothing good will come from it. In fact, respect for law and order will diminish.

The question becomes which elected official has the stomach to unshackle law enforcement and our courts to take back the streets? Because we know the media will howl "see we told you so!" and the less than clear thinking will again take to the streets to protest what they consider police over reach.

Trump is an inarticulate SOB, but he is right, this has to stop.
It's interesting how the we have become so careful as to not upset the "woke" crowd. Mainstream media and our elected officials included.

The violence, mayhem & property damage and how these felons are treating our men & women in blue, is not a 1st Amendment issue.

Clear thinking people understand this.

The initial premise of BLM holds water, however, protests in the streets for a cause and this nightly mayhem are not related; it's time for these lawbreakers to face justice.
I think the majority of Americans understand and agree that by continuing to allow this type of activity nothing good will come from it. In fact, respect for law and order will diminish.

The question becomes which elected official has the stomach to unshackle law enforcement and our courts to take back the streets? Because we know the media will howl "see we told you so!" and the less than clear thinking will again take to the streets to protest what they consider police over reach.

Trump is an inarticulate SOB, but he is right, this has to stop.

And if the police force in any given area are either not up to the task or do not have adequate numbers to do the job, then the National Guard should be called in ( IMHO ) --just as it was done in

Integration : Little Rock, Miss., Alabama

and when Dr King was assassinated

as well as in Los Angeles--Rodney King death

and, during natural catastrophes--hurricanes , tornados, wild fires, and not just to distribute food and put up make shift shelter, but to keep the looters out of the devastated area's --which is normally handled by the police force.

Set up an area---in Portland there is a HUGE park, downtown right on the river, for peaceful protests, but let the national guard help the police force take back the streets of Portland for the sake of the business's in that area and law abiding citizens.
And if the police force in any given area are either not up to the task or do not have adequate numbers to do the job, then the National Guard should be called in ( IMHO ) --just as it was done in

Integration : Little Rock, Miss., Alabama

and when Dr King was assassinated

as well as in Los Angeles--Rodney King death

and, during natural catastrophes--hurricanes , tornados, wild fires, and not just to distribute food and put up make shift shelter, but to keep the looters out of the devastated area's --which is normally handled by the police force.

Set up an area---in Portland there is a HUGE park, downtown right on the river, for peaceful protests, but let the national guard help the police force take back the streets of Portland for the sake of the business's in that area and law abiding citizens.
Are we sure there aren't sufficient police to deal with the anarchists already? Have the local police chiefs been asking for help but not getting it?

At what point should local control give way to big government intervention? In your examples, was that NG support requested by the local LEO's?
And if the police force in any given area are either not up to the task or do not have adequate numbers to do the job, then the National Guard should be called in ( IMHO ) --just as it was done in

Integration : Little Rock, Miss., Alabama

and when Dr King was assassinated

as well as in Los Angeles--Rodney King death

and, during natural catastrophes--hurricanes , tornados, wild fires, and not just to distribute food and put up make shift shelter, but to keep the looters out of the devastated area's --which is normally handled by the police force.

Set up an area---in Portland there is a HUGE park, downtown right on the river, for peaceful protests, but let the national guard help the police force take back the streets of Portland for the sake of the business's in that area and law abiding citizens.

You offer some good thoughts on this and unfortunately it will probably be up to the military to help end this. But it ultimately comes down to the city leaders and their failures. They have to accept help from President Trump or get out of the way. Either way, there has to be better solutions than wait until they get tired and go home...
You offer some good thoughts on this and unfortunately it will probably be up to the military to help end this. But it ultimately comes down to the city leaders and their failures. They have to accept help from President Trump or get out of the way. Either way, there has to be better solutions than wait until they get tired and go home...

I find it interesting that many of those who have argued against government interference in local issues for decades, are now promoting the idea of government interference in local issues.
It sets a scary precedent when the feds come rolling in on a state/municipality to bring civility, however, as Losing_Sanity said, the local leaders seem incapable. I would like a legal opinion on what grounds the fed can step in.

What is known is the status quo can't continue.
Losing-sanity, thanks and I agree

Justbirdwatcher----did you read my post or just have a knee jerk reaction to it ? Please reread the first line of my post. I have no idea whether or not there are enough police officers available in Portland. I have no idea what conversations the police chiefs have had with the Mayor, Governor or President

Your point two. In my opinion when the local police force are unable or unwilling to protect the masses ( the number of people in Portland who do not want to hurt each other and the business's that would like to operate without being vandalized )

Your third question. Yes and No The major of Los Angeles ask for help after during the Rodney King Riots. Dr King : Some cities did and some cities did not. Integration : No and the reason the Federal Govt got involved was because the new law of the land ( which had processed through the courts and was now the law of the land ) was not being upheld by the cities and black adults and children were being hurt. The feds got involved so that black children were able to attend school in the cities in which they lived.

As to your last post to Losing Sanity : you have know a lot of the fellows here on the forum for decades ? I have not been alive for very many "decades". Several of us ask you about your knowledge of "connecting the dots" which you turned around and suggested we were "piling on" Actually we just all had the same question and was curious about what you knew that we didn't .

Slam. I agree

I think it is time for me to bow out of this thread.
There is a distinct difference between a military assault to take over a city and a military policing action to assist and resolve an issue and to protect our citizens. I don't think either should be taken lightly, but at some point you could run out of options.
Losing-sanity, thanks and I agree

Justbirdwatcher----did you read my post or just have a knee jerk reaction to it ? Please reread the first line of my post. I have no idea whether or not there are enough police officers available in Portland. I have no idea what conversations the police chiefs have had with the Mayor, Governor or President

Your point two. In my opinion when the local police force are unable or unwilling to protect the masses ( the number of people in Portland who do not want to hurt each other and the business's that would like to operate without being vandalized )

Your third question. Yes and No The major of Los Angeles ask for help after during the Rodney King Riots. Dr King : Some cities did and some cities did not. Integration : No and the reason the Federal Govt got involved was because the new law of the land ( which had processed through the courts and was now the law of the land ) was not being upheld by the cities and black adults and children were being hurt. The feds got involved so that black children were able to attend school in the cities in which they lived.

As to your last post to Losing Sanity : you have know a lot of the fellows here on the forum for decades ? I have not been alive for very many "decades". Several of us ask you about your knowledge of "connecting the dots" which you turned around and suggested we were "piling on" Actually we just all had the same question and was curious about what you knew that we didn't .

Slam. I agree

I think it is time for me to bow out of this thread.

Sorry to see you leave the conversation. You seem to have a pretty good perspective and the dialog is what we need. Unfortunately, there are some folks, although entitled to their opinion, that are antagonist to stir the pot. Best to let them have their say, take what you can from it, and then move on.

There are a few people on this forum that I really like to read their replies. I don't always agree with them, but they are smart and well written and they contribute. I assume they are staying out of this one due to the argumentative nature of this subject. Sad, because they are the voice that helps to better understand and get the whole picture.

The state police pulled out of the city because they recognized that the majority of the bad actors were not being prosecuted and were right back into the protest, or riot, or fight, not sure what it is anymore.

The judicial system is failing both the people and the law enforcement officers. Mayhem live.
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