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Blue Lives Matter

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The consequence of knee-jerk fool-hardy actions that pose direct harm against those sworn to protect life and property...

This is the future of extreme politicians who intentionally wear blinders to gain favored cheers from the fickle ignorant mob puppeteered by Only Black Lives Matter organization.

My prayers are with brother and sister Seattle LEOs sworn to protect who face politicians bent to directly cause incredible potential harm towards fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters from returning home to family, doing their sworn service for these arrogant, fools.

In mid-June, the Seattle City Council unanimously passed an ordinance banning the acquisition and use of "less lethal tools" that police commonly use to disperse crowds that have turned violent.

[Seattle Police Chief Carmen] Best added that the city council ordinance will create more dangerous circumstances for officers to intervene in violent crowds with the only tools left at their disposal: riot shields and riot batons.
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The consequence of knee-jerk fool-hardy actions that pose direct harm against those sworn to protect life and property...

This is the future of extreme politicians who intentionally wear blinders to gain favored cheers from the fickle ignorant mob puppeteered by Only Black Lives Matter organization.

My prayers are with brother and sister Seattle LEOs sworn to protect who face politicians bent to directly cause incredible potential harm towards fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters from returning home to family, doing their sworn service for these arrogant, fools.
If you believe what the deputy sec. of HS is telling you, then I'd suggest you find a few other sources of information to fact check the one you have now.
If you believe what the deputy sec. of HS

Dep Sec of Homeland Security? Wha..?

DOJ filed the motion...

From the Seattle Police Chief,

It is a fact that there are groups and individuals who are intent on destruction in our City. Yes, we also have seen weeks of peaceful demonstrations, but two recent events (Sunday, July 19th and Wednesday, July 22nd) have included widescale property destruction and attacks on officers, injuring more than a dozen, some significantly.
The consequence of knee-jerk fool-hardy actions that pose direct harm against those sworn to protect life and property...

This is the future of extreme politicians who intentionally wear blinders to gain favored cheers from the fickle ignorant mob puppeteered by Only Black Lives Matter organization.

My prayers are with brother and sister Seattle LEOs sworn to protect who face politicians bent to directly cause incredible potential harm towards fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters from returning home to family, doing their sworn service for these arrogant, fools.
We may disagree on unions and your “Only” lives shot. But as for the rest of your post we are aligned. Simply ridiculous pandering and virtue signaling by Seattle commissioners that leaves everyone less safe.
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I am accustomed to being a minority voice, even among my own people. We ( Canadians ) or perhaps I should say "some" are also wanting to "Defund the RCMP". I personally want to give them a raise in pay and will continue to help them, when asked, in any way I can.

We have also had instances when a RCMP officer has broken the law and I felt they needed to be held responsible for their actions. But the percentages are staggering when the number of proper arrests that are made are compared to the bad ones. AND, why are arrests being made in the first place, because someone broke the law.

If we are looking for "perfect", lets concentrate on everyone being perfect, no laws broken, no arrests. No bad police arrests, no arrests period.

I will feed them, in my home. I will thank them for their service and assist them whenever I can. ---- And I will support the RCMP arresting a RCMP officer who breaks the law--AND anyone else who breaks the law.

I can not speak to what is happening in the States, but up here, nine times out of ten when something is being protested, it always gets out of hand and ugly when "professional protestors " get involved and their main intent is to burn, loot, create havoc. Of course they dont like law enforcement, they dont want to follow the laws of the land and now have an opportunity not to do so.
Sadly, it’s easier to critique the name than to actually address the underlying concerns. I disagree with a lot of BLM positions but not because of the missing, “too/also”.
I have a lot of concerns with the BLM organization. The slogan is fine, the organization is cancer.

Why do people interpret "black lives matter" as "black lives matter MORE?" That's a very curious interpretation.

black lives matter doesn't offend me in the least. Every time I hear it I'm like, yes, yes they do, with no need to offer a rebuttal. Pretty easy really.

That's an awesome point and a great outlook on the situation.

Just a shot in the dark, but maybe some people are not accepting (without the also/too) when it seems to be an excuse to destroy neighborhoods, attack/kill police, and attack/kill other race of people to enforce the opinion. I saw a video the other day that was quite disturbing. Might be fake news but I don't know. Two young white men standing alone watching the demonstration. Suddenly, a black man attacked one of them. As the other tried to pull him away to safety, the mob attacked the other one. Soon they pulled the first one into the crowd and continued beating the unconscious person as he laid there helpless. Like a pack of wolves attacking it's prey. That's not saying, "also/too" to me. If you want change, don't give people a reason not to accept your position. Again, as I see it...

Black lives do matter, and I'll defend it all day long. But not the violence to prove the cause.
Good! Seattle, Portland, Chicago, etc. are getting what they want. Let them have their cake. I hope police continue to pull back, turn ground over to the rioters. I also hope every officers injured in these riots draws 100% disability for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately I think we have to except that some cities are no longer worth defending. To all those voters that elected these people into city, county, or state governments who are turning your home into a socialist hellhole, just make sure you stay around to enjoy it. Don’t move To a new community and then turn that one into a crap hole too.
Good! Seattle, Portland, Chicago, etc. are getting what they want. Let them have their cake. I hope police continue to pull back, turn ground over to the rioters. I also hope every officers injured in these riots draws 100% disability for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately I think we have to except that some cities are no longer worth defending. To all those voters that elected these people into city, county, or state governments who are turning your home into a socialist hellhole, just make sure you stay around to enjoy it. Don’t move To a new community and then turn that one into a crap hole too.

Unfortunately, that is what the people trying to destroy our country are banking on. They want it to spread like wildfire. And it has already spread. Many cities and towns where there was never a problem are now experiencing this change in culture. And make no mistake, they are trying to destroy our country from within. Sadly, many citizens don't really even know what they are protesting or have all the facts of what they are doing. They are just following the mob.
We lost a good one over this way. His part time job was driving a postal truck from Jackson to Natchez early in the morning. He had a flat and was murdered by guys who came up on him. Hearing that he had always looked out for the less fortunate by getting them produce. One year from retirement.
We lost a good one over this way. His part time job was driving a postal truck from Jackson to Natchez early in the morning. He had a flat and was murdered by guys who came up on him. Hearing that he had always looked out for the less fortunate by getting them produce. One year from retirement.

Sorry to hear that. RIP.
Jonny Castro does great portrait renderings of fallen Officers. One of the few people I miss seeing from my time on FB.
A great guy. Had a couple opportunities to chat with him.

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