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Biden positive for Covid 19

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I don't have much time for either one of them.

Elon has sired more children by more women than most NBA players. I guess he's tied with Trump for the number of women, but he steps up to the plate more often. I imagine he is a doting father.
I don't have much time for either one of them.

Elon has sired more children by more women than most NBA players. I guess he's tied with Trump for the number of women, but he steps up to the plate more often. I imagine he is a doting father.
What’s even weirder is Musk says he doesn’t have sex. AI?

Yep, don't blame ya....

Great opportunity for online drinking games during Trump's speech tonight. Trump fans have to drink every time he strays off subject and Trump haters have to drink every time Democrats attack one of his meandering non sequiturs as a legitimate policy proposal. No one will be sober by the end of the night.
Great opportunity for online drinking games during Trump's speech tonight. Trump fans have to drink every time he strays off subject and Trump haters have to drink every time Democrats attack one of his meandering non sequiturs as a legitimate policy proposal. No one will be sober by the end of the night.

Rudy Giuliani wants to play on both teams
Nope. You just can’t bring yourself to call him a liar, can you?
Not sure you can call biden a liar he is so far in his stage of dementia. he probabaly believes everything that comes out of his mouth is true
Whining about a thread being allowed that you're willingly participating in is hilarious.

Meh. Kinda feel like a lot of you are losers and this is pretty much the only interaction you get with the outside world. I just like yankin peoples chains when they get all serious. Works pretty well lol had a lot of respect for a bunch of people on here, but as time passed and boomer bullshit got more and more prevalent, I just decided to take it as seriously as it deserves 🤷🏻‍♂️ a lot of you fit into a stereotype, and it’s a pretty ugly one
Lose your job, lose your house, lose your car, etc... cause you can't pay bills and support your family. What a beautiful choice. Thats why people say #*^@#* the rushed vaccine!
This...I was 4yrs from retirement and Vax was mandatory to keep my job, unvested stock amount was enough to make me get it so I could keep my job. My thought was I had put way more questionable substances in my body in college...I got it around 4pm was checked into the hospital by 2am...had an severe alegic reaction, had covid 3 or 4x since never was as sick as I was from the vax. I just treat Covid like all the crud I pick up..Couple pulls of Jack Daniels and some rest...
Actual about a 17% chance (vs 70% for DJT) if you want to bet money. Oddly, the betting market changed dramatically, but the polls haven't. Maybe explainable if you think everyone just bets their tribe at this point. People thinking they can at least win a little money if their guy loses.

Honestly who has time to take a poll these days? Have you ever been contacted? I have few times and hung up because I didn't have the time. They call during the day while at work or in the evening when I am bussing kids around for activities. Polls are useless these days...maybe not totally useless but definitely bias towards folks that don't have a lot going on.

I was forced to take the Vax to keep my job...too close to retirement and too many unvested shares to quit. Vax sent me to the hospital due to a reaction, had to spend the night on IV to get all the fluids back in me..The J&J Vax I took has now been discounted due to complications it caused...Since I got the vax I have had covid at least 3x maybe 4, lost count..All my covid spells were nothing, flu like symptoms for few days, compared to 8hrs my body spent evacuating fluids out me by any orfice available. So forgive my vaccine skepticism.
I did make a nice profit on MRNA, if you cant beat them join them...got in around $100 sold most of my shares at $400...got a few shares left it closed at $120 today....
No vaccine should ever been mandatory, people body's are too different...Hell how many folks were crippled from the polio vax back in the day?
Air Traffic for Uncle Sam.
I can see your point then. I have a nephew that just started a job in Atlanta Air Traffic control. Not really public facing that I know of--certainly critical positions though. Although I think flights slowed to a crawl there right?
I can see your point then. I have a nephew that just started a job in Atlanta Air Traffic control. Not really public facing that I know of--certainly critical positions though. Although I think flights slowed to a crawl there right?
We worked in close quarters with others, so it made some sense. We formed small pods that worked together. Correct, traffic nearly ground to a halt. Strange times.
I'm still very glad that I did not have to make the decision for someone else. My wife got the J&J vaccine. It made her pretty sick for a day. I got the other one and it made me a little funky also. We both got booster shots. Last year I came down with the covid and it knocked the shit out of me for a week. Of course I gave it to my wife and she was down for a couple days. I have a slightly compromised immune system. I had Scarlett Fever as a kid just before the vaccine came out. At that time Scarlet Fever was %90 fatal. So who knows. Does it work? Maybe yes, maybe no. It was my choice and none of anyone else's problem.
if the dumbocrats

You mean the way the washington game commision was appointed by the governor and now they have no spring bear and who knows what's next.

Far left Democrats would ban hunting tomorrow if they could
But a minority are not that far left--if you live in or think eveyrthing's like Seattle and Portland, it's not. Some of our strongest supporters are dems. They do have a job to resist the more radical wing on their hands though.

Ironically the real danger is the anti-science agenda of the right. It's critical to keep bios and game managers and researchers working to support our seasons. Taking them out--in the zeal to cut government-- can open up the door to successful anti-lawsuits.
I don't know about China, but none of the oligarchs have much to worry about here. Not even a rounding error of cost for lawyers and accountants.. it's not like they're W2 earners.
Not from Trump. They ain't completely happy with some of Bidens plans though.
I'm still very glad that I did not have to make the decision for someone else. My wife got the J&J vaccine. It made her pretty sick for a day. I got the other one and it made me a little funky also. We both got booster shots. Last year I came down with the covid and it knocked the shit out of me for a week. Of course I gave it to my wife and she was down for a couple days. I have a slightly compromised immune system. I had Scarlett Fever as a kid just before the vaccine came out. At that time Scarlet Fever was %90 fatal. So who knows. Does it work? Maybe yes, maybe no. It was my choice and none of anyone else's problem.
Any shot for anything you could ever get presents some risks--anaphylactiic shock, for one. That's why normally they want to to do it in a doctors office and wait a awhile before going home, and call back immediately with any reactions. Which were tracked, noted, and followed up on. They relaxed that during covid just to help as many people get vaccinated as possible in as short a time as possible.

I believe the J and J vaccine both had a few more issues and wasn't as effective as Moderna and the other one, they didn't know that right away that. Still provided some protection--one of my exposures where I didn't get came after my first shot which was J and J. There were also some issues with mixing of J and J vaccines early too--I believe they came concentrated and were supposed to have distilled water added--at least that was the case in my state.

I got allergy shots for 5 years. A lot of them. Every week, then every few weeks, than for some years once a month. I pushed back at having to wait after the shot--I used to give myself epi shots I drew out of a syringe and been getting shots and every vaccine that came along all my life--but one time in those 5 years of alergy shots I had a rip roaring reaction. It was like the worst cold I've had hit me in about 5 minutes. No major issues, a few drugs and some benadrdyl and it was over in an hour--but I saw their point after that!
This...I was 4yrs from retirement and Vax was mandatory to keep my job, unvested stock amount was enough to make me get it so I could keep my job. My thought was I had put way more questionable substances in my body in college...I got it around 4pm was checked into the hospital by 2am...had an severe alegic reaction, had covid 3 or 4x since never was as sick as I was from the vax. I just treat Covid like all the crud I pick up..Couple pulls of Jack Daniels and some rest...

Honestly who has time to take a poll these days? Have you ever been contacted? I have few times and hung up because I didn't have the time. They call during the day while at work or in the evening when I am bussing kids around for activities. Polls are useless these days...maybe not totally useless but definitely bias towards folks that don't have a lot going on.

I was forced to take the Vax to keep my job...too close to retirement and too many unvested shares to quit. Vax sent me to the hospital due to a reaction, had to spend the night on IV to get all the fluids back in me..The J&J Vax I took has now been discounted due to complications it caused...Since I got the vax I have had covid at least 3x maybe 4, lost count..All my covid spells were nothing, flu like symptoms for few days, compared to 8hrs my body spent evacuating fluids out me by any orfice available. So forgive my vaccine skepticism.
I did make a nice profit on MRNA, if you cant beat them join them...got in around $100 sold most of my shares at $400...got a few shares left it closed at $120 today....
No vaccine should ever been mandatory, people body's are too different...Hell how many folks were crippled from the polio vax back in the day?
The Covid vaccine is frustrating as it seems to be the epitome of throwing out the baby with the bath water. Now we have people questioning polio vaccines?!? Current times seems to be clear cut cases of an anecdotal tales trumping cold hard stats. Don’t take this to mean I’m pro forced covid vax at current time, but each year, some people die of seatbelts and airbags as well. Should we eliminate those or make buckling up your kids not mandatory because a few anecdotes had tragic outcomes. And again, I’m not advocating forced Covid vax. But for other ones that have more long term data like polio and MMR, I am. Don’t wanna get them, then homeschool and learn how to be self employed. Thats part of living in a broader society. Pros and cons.
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