Biden positive for Covid 19

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My wife was vaccinated four times and nearly died from Covid. She has not been the same since. Can barely eat, throws up a lot, weak and tired.
I don't believe the vaccines helped her one bit.
Believe what you want, but data is pretty good that even when it doesn't prevent the illness it significantly reduces the chance of death. So, in fact it likely saved her life. But if you want to let your feels override the data, more power to you.
I didn't care then and I don't now. My issue is more with the fact that a corporation can have its own PAC and spend any amount it wants to do and say almost whatever it wants. This included pissing on the average citizen while trying to convince them it is just raining.

You can look it up the money. It's not hard. The money gets spread around pretty good. They have to cover every angle.

For good or bad, let's be clear, labor unions and private elites can do the same. In fact Obama and Biden were net beneficiaries of our system.
I didn't care then and I don't now. My issue is more with the fact that a corporation can have its own PAC and spend any amount it wants to do and say almost whatever it wants. This included pissing on the average citizen while trying to convince them it is just raining.

You can look it up the money. It's not hard. The money gets spread around pretty good. They have to cover every angle.

It's amazing how much our Oligarchs put out. Do they spend $100B to make $50B more? Or is it just about power and pressing views upon the masses? I've been around a few insanely rich folks, to them when there's nothing money can't buy anymore, it about obtaining what others can't have.
I didn't care then and I don't now. My issue is more with the fact that a corporation can have its own PAC and spend any amount it wants to do and say almost whatever it wants. This included pissing on the average citizen while trying to convince them it is just raining.

You can look it up the money. It's not hard. The money gets spread around pretty good. They have to cover every angle.

Wait deride Musk, indifferent to Zuck?
Are we really going to start posting penis size pics on this thread? smh

I'm honestly tired of the current political threads being allowed. They weren't before. And now its clogging up what should be interesting hunting/outdoors related news that was usually in this subforum. So excuse me while I shitpost.

The choice was take it or loose your job.
What was the job? And did the customers have anything to do with it?

I know I did not visit restauraunts and other places where I didn't see protocols being considered before the vaccines came out. Sure as heck wasn't going to see a doctor unless I was on deaths door. What people don't understand is businesses were hurting as much by people not wanting to venture out and catch covid from others not taking precautions as mandates themselves. Medical facilities had every reason in the world to demand vaccination, and that was not new at all.

Do you see no role in businessed requiring employees to take precautions to insure they don't go out of business?

Were you in an at will state?
What was the job? And did the customers have anything to do with it?

I know I did not visit restauraunts and other places where I didn't see protocols being considered before the vaccines came out. Sure as heck wasn't going to see a doctor unless I was on deaths door. What people don't understand is businesses were hurting as much by people not wanting to venture out and catch covid from others not taking precautions as mandates themselves. Medical facilities had every reason in the world to demand vaccination, and that was not new at all.

Do you see no role in businessed requiring employees to take precautions to insure they don't go out of business?

Were you in an at will state?
Air Traffic for Uncle Sam.
I'm honestly tired of the current political threads being allowed. They weren't before. And now its clogging up what should be interesting hunting/outdoors related news that was usually in this subforum. So excuse me while I shitpost.

No one makes you dig 10 pages deep and post a bunch of times. Not reading threads that don’t interest you is free and easy. I never understand why people care what other people are talking about. There all kinds of threads I skip on HT - especially the NR/res tag wars that grew very old. But I don’t drag through 20 pages and then tell them they are wasting my time.
I didn't care then and I don't now. My issue is more with the fact that a corporation can have its own PAC and spend any amount it wants to do and say almost whatever it wants. This included pissing on the average citizen while trying to convince them it is just raining.

You can look it up the money. It's not hard. The money gets spread around pretty good. They have to cover every angle.

Looks like the money is drying up in Bidens world.

"A person with knowledge of the projections said the Biden campaign now expects it will raise only 25% of the big donor money it had originally projected to raise in July — that’s a further downgrade from the expectation last week that large-dollar fundraising would be down by as much as 50%. The money has “dried up,” this person said. "
No one makes you dig 10 pages deep and post a bunch of times. Not reading threads that don’t interest you is free and easy. I never understand why people care what other people are talking about. There all kinds of threads I skip on HT - especially the NR/res tag wars that grew very old. But I don’t drag through 20 pages and then tell them they are wasting my time.

My wife was vaccinated four times and nearly died from Covid. She has not been the same since. Can barely eat, throws up a lot, weak and tired.
I don't believe the vaccines helped her one bit.
My doctor asked me to update my vaccination somewhere around the third shot. He had three non-vax patients die that month. He told me the vaccination won’t stop me from getting Covid but it will help me survive it.

Your wife might be dead without the vaccination.
It's amazing how much our Oligarchs put out. Do they spend $100B to make $50B more? Or is it just about power and pressing views upon the masses? I've been around a few insanely rich folks, to them when there's nothing money can't buy anymore, it about obtaining what others can't have.
I'm guessing Musks main concern right now is keeping what he has. Both here and in China. I would be too.
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