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Biden positive for Covid 19

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This...I was 4yrs from retirement and Vax was mandatory to keep my job, unvested stock amount was enough to make me get it so I could keep my job. My thought was I had put way more questionable substances in my body in college...I got it around 4pm was checked into the hospital by 2am...had an severe alegic reaction, had covid 3 or 4x since never was as sick as I was from the vax. I just treat Covid like all the crud I pick up..Couple pulls of Jack Daniels and some rest...

Honestly who has time to take a poll these days? Have you ever been contacted? I have few times and hung up because I didn't have the time. They call during the day while at work or in the evening when I am bussing kids around for activities. Polls are useless these days...maybe not totally useless but definitely bias towards folks that don't have a lot going on.

I was forced to take the Vax to keep my job...too close to retirement and too many unvested shares to quit. Vax sent me to the hospital due to a reaction, had to spend the night on IV to get all the fluids back in me..The J&J Vax I took has now been discounted due to complications it caused...Since I got the vax I have had covid at least 3x maybe 4, lost count..All my covid spells were nothing, flu like symptoms for few days, compared to 8hrs my body spent evacuating fluids out me by any orfice available. So forgive my vaccine skepticism.
I did make a nice profit on MRNA, if you cant beat them join in around $100 sold most of my shares at $ a few shares left it closed at $120 today....
No vaccine should ever been mandatory, people body's are too different...Hell how many folks were crippled from the polio vax back in the day?
My basic belief is nothing should have been mandated, but there are all kinds of exceptions I have a tough time arguing against - Military and school vaccines, etc. You talk about "shares" so I guess you were at a public company. Union or at-will employee? If at-will, if you work for a corporation, you have to play by their rules. There were ways to avoid getting it. Do you have a history of allergic reactions? If so, you were exempted as a protected class.
JNJ vax was pulled because higher probability of GBS.
It is easy to play Monday-morning QB and I you can drift into counter-factuals pretty easy. Chance of an allergic reaction was around 0.4%. Chance of dying from Covid around 0.8% (maybe higher if you look at odds at the time of first vaccine). Both small odds, but one works toward reducing spread (and deaths) and the other works toward increasing it.

I am all about choices. If someone elects not to get the vaccine and they get very sick from COVID and require hospitalization should insurance be allowed to refuse to cover?

I don't answer the phone if I don't know the number, so no surveys for me. I agree polling has become much more unreliable, not just in politics but anything. Only the angry typically want to have their voice heard. But what else do we have?
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Can’t believe so many people are still for vaccines…if it wasn’t for those damn vaccines we wouldn’t have near as many stinking people on this planet (maybe half your kids survive to adulthood), and thus, we would have less point creep and Colorado OTC would be totally bitchin’ and Wyoming Moose tags 50/50…get with the program fellas…
But a minority are not that far left--if you live in or think eveyrthing's like Seattle and Portland, it's not. Some of our strongest supporters are dems. They do have a job to resist the more radical wing on their hands though.

Ironically the real danger is the anti-science agenda of the right. It's critical to keep bios and game managers and researchers working to support our seasons. Taking them out--in the zeal to cut government-- can open up the door to successful anti-lawsuits.
Your living in denial.

The far left in Washington are the ones that ignored the science the biologist presented to them during the meeting for spring bear. The governors of democratic states are appointing far left game commissions to slowly remove hubting rights The west coast of Washington controls your politics so yes seattle controls the state
Can’t believe so many people are still for vaccines…if it wasn’t for those damn vaccines we wouldn’t have near as many stinking people on this planet (maybe half your kids survive to adulthood), and thus, we would have less point creep and Colorado OTC would be totally bitchin’ and Wyoming Moose tags 50/50…get with the program fellas…
Brutal dark humor. But im here for improving draw odds and i like it 🤣
The covid "pandemic" created something like over 500 new billionaires. Polio created 0 rich people. So strange. Wait not so strange, one was about the rich getting insanely richer and the other was about actually saving lives.
My basic belief is nothing should have been mandated, but there are all kinds of exceptions I have a tough time arguing against - Military and school vaccines, etc. You talk about "shares" so I guess you were at a public company. Union or at-will employee? If at-will, if you work for a corporation, you have to play by their rules. There were ways to avoid getting it. Do you have a history of allergic reactions? If so, you were exempted as a protected class.
JNJ vax was pulled because higher probability of GBS.
It is easy to play Monday-morning QB and I you can drift into counter-factuals pretty easy. Chance of an allergic reaction was around 0.4%. Chance of dying from Covid around 0.8% (maybe higher if you look at odds at the time of first vaccine). Both small odds, but one works toward reducing spread (and deaths) and the other works toward increasing it.

I am all about choices. If someone elects not to get the vaccine and they get very sick from COVID and require hospitalization should insurance be allowed to refuse to cover?

I don't answer the phone if I don't know the number, so no surveys for me. I agree polling has become much more unreliable, no just in politics but anything. Only the angry typically want to have their voice heard. But what else do we have?
Where are your stats coming from? Odds of dying have to factor in who had and who didn't have the vaccine, took precautions, etc.

The number of people who died from Covid in the US is more than all those who died in the Civil War and WWII combined. It's growing still, nearing 1.2 million now.

Folks might want to ponder that for a bit.

We have freedom and we celebrate that--but it comes with some responsibility.
Where are your stats coming from? Odds of dying have to factor in who had and who didn't have the vaccine, took precautions, etc.

The number of people who died from Covid in the US is more than all those who died in the Civil War and WWII combined. It's growing still, nearing 1.2 million now.

Folks might want to ponder that for a bit.

We have freedom and we celebrate that--but it comes with some responsibility.

Don’t bother. They won’t listen. No better way of ‘sticking it to the libs’ than dying of complications from a preventable disease that there’s a vaccine for.
Where are your stats coming from? Odds of dying have to factor in who had and who didn't have the vaccine, took precautions, etc.

The number of people who died from Covid in the US is more than all those who died in the Civil War and WWII combined. It's growing still, nearing 1.2 million now.

Folks might want to ponder that for a bit.

We have freedom and we celebrate that--but it comes with some responsibility.
CDC. Those are current stats, and not what the stats were in Jan 2021. The death stat is a fluid number because we learn and get better at keeping people alive. Hence my question about whether or not insurance companies (or Medicare) get to make pay-no pay choices.
Believe what you want, but data is pretty good that even when it doesn't prevent the illness it significantly reduces the chance of death. So, in fact it likely saved her life. But if you want to let your feels override the data, more power to you.
Can you post that data?
Scientic studies... not what CNN spouts please.
Can’t believe so many people are still for vaccines…if it wasn’t for those damn vaccines we wouldn’t have near as many stinking people on this planet (maybe half your kids survive to adulthood), and thus, we would have less point creep and Colorado OTC would be totally bitchin’ and Wyoming Moose tags 50/50…get with the program fellas…

I support Darwinism!
Don’t bother. They won’t listen. No better way of ‘sticking it to the libs’ than dying of complications from a preventable disease that there’s a vaccine for.
1.2 million actually probably more have died from the flu since covid started. Totally preventable disease that there's a vaccine for.
My basic belief is nothing should have been mandated, but there are all kinds of exceptions I have a tough time arguing against - Military and school vaccines, etc. You talk about "shares" so I guess you were at a public company. Union or at-will employee? If at-will, if you work for a corporation, you have to play by their rules. There were ways to avoid getting it. Do you have a history of allergic reactions? If so, you were exempted as a protected class.
JNJ vax was pulled because higher probability of GBS.
It is easy to play Monday-morning QB and I you can drift into counter-factuals pretty easy. Chance of an allergic reaction was around 0.4%. Chance of dying from Covid around 0.8% (maybe higher if you look at odds at the time of first vaccine). Both small odds, but one works toward reducing spread (and deaths) and the other works toward increasing it.

I am all about choices. If someone elects not to get the vaccine and they get very sick from COVID and require hospitalization should insurance be allowed to refuse to cover?

I don't answer the phone if I don't know the number, so no surveys for me. I agree polling has become much more unreliable, no just in politics but anything. Only the angry typically want to have their voice heard. But what else do we have?

Military is its own animal they signed a contract they are government property they will do with you what they want...they may put ypu in harms way, pump full vaccinations, make you drink contained water on base, stand next to toxic burn pits, ect.
Schools are what they are...petri dishes...some vaccines are needed. My kids went to public schools.

I work for a public company there was an exemption process but I drew a NM elk tag that year and was on PTO during the exemption process. So I had to get the shot or not elk hunt stay here and go thru exemption process, luckily I got the shot early enough I was recovered for my hunt.
Only thing I am allegic to is cheap whiskey, breakout in handcuffs everytime I am around it.
I paid to put many a questionable substance in body during college figured one shot wouldn't hurt...I rolled the dice.

Insurance is a racket and shouldnt be used for a justification for anything....I spend more than average person on my health, gym, vitiams, clean food and I don't get a discount, blood work is perfect has been for the last 5 yrs, take zero meds, still no discount. Every year they raise my rates because of the human slopbucket that lives next door. Now thanks to Obama and health care industrial complex it's required and another form of government manipulation.
Meh. Kinda feel like a lot of you are losers and this is pretty much the only interaction you get with the outside world. I just like yankin peoples chains when they get all serious. Works pretty well lol had a lot of respect for a bunch of people on here, but as time passed and boomer bullshit got more and more prevalent, I just decided to take it as seriously as it deserves 🤷🏻‍♂️ a lot of you fit into a stereotype, and it’s a pretty ugly one

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CDC data
Hospitals and the mandated protocals killed many of those people.
Drugs were administered that put people in kidney failure.

Ventilators were almost a death sentence.

Check stats on med facilities that administered Ivermectin protocals. Countires that used Ivermectin and other methods not prescribed by the NIH, CDC as a protocal had SIGNIFICANTLY less fatalities.
Shit, kinda makes vaccines seem like a good idea hey?
Sure if it actually prevented the disease instead of making the rich richer. Billions of perfectly healthy people pump half assed "vaccines" into their bodies every year that they don't need in turn pumps billions of dollars into billionaires pockets. I'm not anti Vax I just don't believe these so called vaccines are necessary for perfectly healthy people with zero underlying conditions. But your made to think you need it by being shamed or by fear so the rich get richer.
Military is its own animal they signed a contract they are government property they will do with you what they want...they may put ypu in harms way, pump full vaccinations, make you drink contained water on base, stand next to toxic burn pits, ect.
Schools are what they are...petri dishes...some vaccines are needed. My kids went to public schools.

I work for a public company there was an exemption process but I drew a NM elk tag that year and was on PTO during the exemption process. So I had to get the shot or not elk hunt stay here and go thru exemption process, luckily I got the shot early enough I was recovered for my hunt.
Only thing I am allegic to is cheap whiskey, breakout in handcuffs everytime I am around it.
I paid to put many a questionable substance in body during college figured one shot wouldn't hurt...I rolled the dice.

Insurance is a racket and shouldnt be used for a justification for anything....I spend more than average person on my health, gym, vitiams, clean food and I don't get a discount, blood work is perfect has been for the last 5 yrs, take zero meds, still no discount. Every year they raise my rates because of the human slopbucket that lives next door. Now thanks to Obama and health care industrial complex it's required and another form of government manipulation.
When you state that health insurance is a racket, what is your alternative? Just curious. Single payer government insurance, private insurance if you choose to, some other thing? Your philosophy of healthy living works fine until it doesn’t. Then what? I have no hard solutions either. My gut feeling is that we will have universal government insurance one day. We already kinda do between Medicare, Medicaid and EMTALA.
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Hospitals and the mandated protocals killed many of those people.
Drugs were administered that put people in kidney failure.

Ventilators were almost a death sentence.

Check stats on med facilities that administered Ivermectin protocals. Countires that used Ivermectin and other methods not prescribed by the NIH, CDC as a protocal had SIGNIFICANTLY less fatalities.

Ivermectin 😂😂😂😂
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