
Amazon thief and cover up

I'm done with Amazon. Any fight I had is almost gone. We've been in circles with Executive departments. Fought with everyone in India, been in circles with management at Livermore,,,,,it isn't worth the fight that probably can't be won.
I'm done with Amazon. Any fight I had is almost gone. We've been in circles with Executive departments. Fought with everyone in India, been in circles with management at Livermore,,,,,it isn't worth the fight that probably can't be won.
No wonder the scumbag drivers are snatching peoples' goods, they know nothing will happen. I really despise thieves.
Didn’t some parts of CA, Chicago, and other big cities just decide to no longer investigate or arrest for petty theft? Had to be over a certain dollar amount before they would press charges and arrest?
Didn’t some parts of CA, Chicago, and other big cities just decide to no longer investigate or arrest for petty theft? Had to be over a certain dollar amount before they would press charges and arrest?
This AND defunding the police? Legalizing burglary/robbery. Sheesh!
I live in Cali if we get a theft report without suspect information it's logged out, no investigation. Your area is probably similar. Cops won't care.
I had a fedex package that was requires signature....the driver signed it as he dropped it off at my door, I never signed...I called and bitched and they actually listened, opened a case and the driver actual came back and apologized, his excuse was he had to go to the bathroom so bad....blah...blah...If it had not been a business package I would have said I never got it. I almost never order crap online anymore...too much BS.
8 packages in a year, but you keep ordering through them. Fool me once.....
What you may be missing or don't understand is that we never knew what happened to missing packages and Amazon would replace them fairly quickly and easily. This was the first time that we have photographic evidence of where they went. Secondly , we have a delivery contract with them. Some people will walk away with their tail tucked between their legs. I will not. I paid for a service and I will fight for it if necessary. Third we are about an hour from the nearest stop sign. Having a delivery service, even if not perfect, beats a 75 mile trip to town and back. Lastly, Amazon has a huge transportation network that can get you items overnight that take conventional companies weeks to deliver for crazy shipping costs.
So, fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, I'll fight you until last man standing.
Here's one for you. This was from the customer liason in the Livermore facility. He's no longer employed there.

I'm trying to figure out how to attach a plain text if a PDF. Standby,,,,,

Attaching a plain text of a PDF seems to be beyond my capabilities!!
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Here's one for you. This was from the customer liason in the Livermore facility. He's no longer employed there.

I'm trying to figure out how to attach a plain text if a PDF. Standby,,,,,

Attaching a plain text if a PDF seems to be beyond my capabilities!!
I just attach the pdf. Or you can download programs free that will convert pdf to jpg and attach it as an image.
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