All Diesel Vehicles Stopped!

Problem is for some of us, driving both on and off road on the same tank of fuel. One legal, one not. Too big of a hassle so most of us buy and use road fuel full time, even on the farm.
It is ridiculous crap, that is aimed at heavy fines for people that use tax-exempt fuel in their vehicles. If you use that diesel in your truck, then it has to be used only off-road on your ranch/farm etc. It would sure be interesting to see if the amount of money that they pay for the enforcement officers is anywhere close to the fines collected. I live in ag country and have never known anybody that got caught, or even used it.

It is a waste of tax-payer money to even do the checkpoints.

EVERYONE here does it most I know won't when they go into OR because a few locals have been caught.
I believe the mandated ULSD date for off-road diesel was a couple of years ago. It's all ULSD now.. Anyhoo, dipping tanks will be a quaint memory before long. With the rapid developments in hybrid, electric, fuel cells, expect road taxes in the future to be figured in a much more "big brotherish" way.

The "market" is changing and the model is no longer working, Oregon is already experimenting and expect others to follow suit.
Seems to me, the original posters main concern was totally lost on most of the respondents. "I'm not doing anything wrong, so I don't care if they violate my liberty." It makes me worry coming from a group of sportsmem who have their freedoms to hunt, fish, use public lands, and posses firearms attacked on a regular basis, ignore or make fun of people who are genuinely concerned about the wearing down of our liberty. I think Benjamin Franklin had some insight on this?
"Rolling coal" isn't due to dyed diesel, it's due to being an asshole.

And it takes a modified calibration to do so. Just like Harley's are not loud from the factory, it takes a guy with a special kind of stupid to think people want to listen to his straight pipes.
Quote:Seems to me, the original posters main concern was totally lost on most of the respondents. "I'm not doing anything wrong, so I don't care if they violate my liberty." It makes me worry coming from a group of sportsmem who have their freedoms to hunt, fish, use public lands, and posses firearms attacked on a regular basis, ignore or make fun of people who are genuinely concerned about the wearing down of our liberty. I think Benjamin Franklin had some insight on this?
Yep to that.
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And it takes a modified calibration to do so. Just like Harley's are not loud from the factory, it takes a guy with a special kind of stupid to think people want to listen to his straight pipes.
Quote:Seems to me, the original posters main concern was totally lost on most of the respondents. "I'm not doing anything wrong, so I don't care if they violate my liberty." It makes me worry coming from a group of sportsmem who have their freedoms to hunt, fish, use public lands, and posses firearms attacked on a regular basis, ignore or make fun of people who are genuinely concerned about the wearing down of our liberty. I think Benjamin Franklin had some insight on this?
Yep to that.

Now you've done it, you've upset the "loud pipes save lives" crowd... #LoudPipesMatter :rolleyes:
And it takes a modified calibration to do so. Just like Harley's are not loud from the factory, it takes a guy with a special kind of stupid to think people want to listen to his straight pipes.

Harley gonna stop making SERTS, slip ons, and start voiding warranties?
Seems to me, the original posters main concern was totally lost on most of the respondents. "I'm not doing anything wrong, so I don't care if they violate my liberty." It makes me worry coming from a group of sportsmem who have their freedoms to hunt, fish, use public lands, and posses firearms attacked on a regular basis, ignore or make fun of people who are genuinely concerned about the wearing down of our liberty. I think Benjamin Franklin had some insight on this?

As one of the people who was making fun of another who is "genuinely concerned about the wearing down of our liberty," I'm still waiting to see how this is on the same level of forced drug testing (violates the 4th & 5th amendments), spying on U.S. Citizens, overzealous confiscation of personal property, "free speech zones," unlimited corporate cash in our elections, and perpetual war.

You don't have a right to drive. By driving, you are acknowledging that you are participating in an activity that is widely regulated at the local, state and federal levels. You are essentially saying: Here is my consent to live by the rules my elected officials have instilled upon our society.

To stand and plant your flag of liberty on the hill of fuel inspection seems a little silly to many folks who have been trying to get the attention of the public for the last 15 years about unreasonable search & seizure, or mandatory drug testing, or the NSA, CIA & FBI spying on our own citizens.

But maybe that's just me.
Seems to me, the original posters main concern was totally lost on most of the respondents. "I'm not doing anything wrong, so I don't care if they violate my liberty." It makes me worry coming from a group of sportsmem who have their freedoms to hunt, fish, use public lands, and posses firearms attacked on a regular basis, ignore or make fun of people who are genuinely concerned about the wearing down of our liberty. I think Benjamin Franklin had some insight on this?

So truck weight stations are?
As one of the people who was making fun of another who is "genuinely concerned about the wearing down of our liberty," I'm still waiting to see how this is on the same level of forced drug testing (violates the 4th & 5th amendments), spying on U.S. Citizens, overzealous confiscation of personal property, "free speech zones," unlimited corporate cash in our elections, and perpetual war.

You don't have a right to drive. By driving, you are acknowledging that you are participating in an activity that is widely regulated at the local, state and federal levels. You are essentially saying: Here is my consent to live by the rules my elected officials have instilled upon our society.

To stand and plant your flag of liberty on the hill of fuel inspection seems a little silly to many folks who have been trying to get the attention of the public for the last 15 years about unreasonable search & seizure, or mandatory drug testing, or the NSA, CIA & FBI spying on our own citizens.

But maybe that's just me.

What Mandatory Drug testing do you keep trying to tie this into? Like driving, collecting welfare and food stamps is also not mandatory, you have to apply for it and it is not forced upon you. Some states are making testing a requirement to receive that benefit, kind of like the same test requirement to be employed by some companies. Kind of like game check stations are a requirement to hunt in some states per the regs. It's one thing if the laws are made or changed to require consent for a search to participate in something but like my point was made I know of no law that says that because you purchase a diesel truck you are subject to be searched at any given time with the only reasonable suspicion being that you own a diesel truck.
lets just get rid of all tax-free fuel. Its just another form of rancher welfare anyway.

I have a feeling there are several thousand miners, loggers, and construction workers who would disagree. The cost of red is generally about 50 cents per gallon less. That adds up pretty quickly when the dozer that built the road your driving on burns 15 gallons per hour. It all comes together in the end. If you want to do away with a 50 cent per gallon tax break then you will pay more for the food you eat, the highway construction companies will pass on the costs to the state trans departments who will pass it on to registration fees for drivers, the loggers, miners, builders etc. will either pass on the increased cost to the consumer or cut costs somewhere else like employment. In the end that 50 cents is worth a lot more than 50 cents and the few minutes it takes to make sure someone is compliant with the law. The societal roll of victims to the man is getting out of hand. We the people pay for the roads, elect officials who create laws and regulations to finance those payments and I sure as hell don't care if I have to stop for a few minutes to make sure some entitled lawbreaker isn't getting away with ripping we the people off.
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