All Diesel Vehicles Stopped!

Of coarse there is an easy fix and then none of us have to worry about this issue. Tax it all then you can get rid of a useless govt branch. The only downside is some poor guy will have to pay a few more pennies for diesel. Then none of us have to worry about these " illegal search and seizures". Lol
Well I generally use highway diesel in my tractor just because it is a pain to find a station that has dyed diesel nearby.

Seems that the stations that have the dyed diesel charge almost as much for the dyed stuff as the cheaper stations charge for the highway stuff.

Of course I doubt I burn more than 50 gallons a year so it's not that big of a deal for me.
Not a big fan of stuff like this, but I don't see it as assuming you're guilty or some sort of illegal seizure.
Cops setup DUI checkpoints all the time in the wee hours. Truckers have tons of inspections. We have hunter check stations and invasive species too.

When you choose to participate in the activity you are at the mercy of these things.
I having grown up in a rural area I have no problem with enforcing laws. I pay may taxes why not you?
Riley - Thanks for writing your perspective on how they can get away with the checking.

Originally Posted by MTGomer

Personally I think, a government that pulls people over to see the color of whats in their tank is wasting time and money of all of us.
When ALL the potholes filled, kids fed, vets cared for, and CPS is funded, get back to me.

+1. This is the problem. They never catch anyone and spend thousands and thousands of tax dollars on it. Complete waste of tax money when so many other IMPORTANT issues are ignored due to lack of funds. Do you really want your tax dollars spent like this when we have vet's that cant get doctors care and kids going to bed hungry?

Its a huge waste of everyones time and money.

The purpose of the fines is to act as a deterrent, not to create revenue. When fines are done for the latter it encourages corruption. If they didn't check, people would ignore the law and we'd lose out on the tax revenue used to fix the roads.

I found theses FAQs for Montana. The fine for first offense if $1000, pretty steep to save $0.28/gallon!
Just curious - How many of you that oppose this oppressive manipulation of your 4th amendment rights also oppose mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients?

Just curious - How many of you that oppose this oppressive manipulation of your 4th amendment rights also oppose mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients?


smoking, pregnant and pajamas...your a triple bleep up....steak is for tax payers...... and offroad fuel is well for offroad. Still roll coal on them if you can. :rolleyes: god I hate my emissions free diesel...nothing like diesel fuel and napalm in the morning! We'd solve the deficit if we drug tested SSI receivers.

But hey I get it. live in BFE have some farm fuel...slip in a few nips. Just like speeding, you get caught you pay. carry on...I am going to get lost for 3 days chasing wapiti.
Maybe to the oil tycoons. I bet the soldier that lost his leg for our freedom and can't get a doctors appointment thinks its a waste. How some of you sleep at night is beyond me.

So I think everyone should be paying the tax on fuel so roads can be built and maintained and you think I shouldnt be able to sleep at night...ahh ok?!?

I love the "oil tycoon" reference as well. Operating convenience stores and drilling for oil ain't quite the same thing.
Let's reduce the size of government by getting rid of the farm fuel subsidy and thereby the need to check for it.

I'll bet all the libertarian farmers/ranchers would fight that to their graves. Oh the irony.

Let's also get rid of the Ethanol subsidy and get that crap out of our gasoline while we're at it.
I don't agree with roadside checks for it. If someone like a gas station clerk reports you, different story. Maybe raise the fine as a deterrent and pay a finders fee for reporting abuse. I once got pulled off to a rest area and I was fuming because I was on my way to go goose hunting after work and only had a 30 minute window to get it done after the 30 minute drive. When I got in there and asked the cop why they were pulling me over he said it was for a survey for some university poll of sorts. I looked at him and said, NFW I am doing it, unless I am under arrest you better find a way for me to get out of this line of cars and be on my way.... He waved me around and away I went. Total BS and abuse of power.
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Please tell me this is sarcasm.

Considering SSI is for 65 and older or disabled. yes...blatant sarcasm.... shoulda used :rolleyes: after said statement. Can't tell tone on the Al Gore network.

and the other comment "steak is for taxpayers", it's in reference to a video on the net where a guy confronts welfare recipients in the parking lot. Don't want to offend anyone else......I am out.
I don't agree with roadside checks for it. If someone like a gas station clerk reports you, different story. Maybe raise the fine as a deterrent and pay a finders fee for reporting abuse.

I doubt if many are dumb enough to fill up at the pump. I think the big problem is people who fill up large tanks of it and take it home where they fill up their off-road stuff and, if dishonest, their highway vehicles.

Does anyone know how much dyed diesel needs to be present in a full tank before they can detect it?

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