7mm-08 / H4895 / Reduced Loads

Brian in Montana

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2017
Ramsay, MT
Potentially going to have 2 kids hunting with me in the fall, both are like me and somewhat recoil shy. I was thinking of having my 10y/o son shoot the .243 and have my daughter, she'll be 13 in June, shoot my 7-08. I've read that H4895 can safely be loaded pretty light to take the kick out of it a little. I have a pound of it and 100 Hornady Interlocks, BTSP 139gn.

I'm interested in hearing about it if you've ever tried scaling back a 7mm-08 with H4895 and similar bullet. How did it turn out?
Hodgdon used to publish load data for just this purpose, but dropped from their website somewhere along the way. Here is a version I found a few years back.

I’ve played around with a bit, but by the time I had gotten into hand-loading my son was shooting full loads. But when the grandkids come along I will be ready. ;)


  • H4895 Youth Loads.pdf
    230.1 KB · Views: 25
I've done it quite a bit in both 7mm-08 and .308. It's been easy and successful. I once got a .308 load so low that the case wasn't fully expanding and the chamber was getting quite dirty. But it's safe as long as you stay above that 60% mark. I had a good load for my 7mm-08 using 145 grain Speer Hot Cors at about 2400fps. Those hornadys at about 2500fps would probably be a great deer load with .243 level recoil.
This will primarily be for deer. Whitetail and mulies. My daughter can hunt elk this year, but I'm not sure she will.
I don't remember the grains but like was stated earlier it used to be published. I would use the 120 get Nosler BT. They opened well and gave great performance on whitetail. The recoil was very similar to a .243.
I’ve used it for this purpose with great success in .270 and .308, but .30-06 gave me a slight hesitation for some reason and I used RL7 instead. Hodgdon recommends using 60% of the maximum load as the starting load for youth loads. I still use a few of these loads with rifles that I have setup for kids, but I have never owned a 7-08 (I need to fix that, I know).
I think I'd lead towards the 120gr Ballistic Tip. It's got a great track record. I think the route you are proposing would be a good one!!

That said, for the species you have listed, I'd not be afraid to have either kid use a 223 or 22-250 if you have one in the house already.

My youngest is more recoil shy than my oldest. For us, I've found that noise is a bigger problem than the physical recoil. So I'd suggest to do everything you can to mitigate noise (plugs + muffs) when practicing.
I bought a 7mm08 for my son when he was 10. Super round for kids or the wife etc. or you. i loved the round so much I bought a Tikka in 7mm08. Great deer round W limited recoil

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