Caribou Gear

One case for all your rifles

Don Fischer

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2017
Anybody have several rifles all based on the same cartridge case? I've got a 25-06, 6.5-06 and 30-06. Awful easy to find case's when I need them. Also have a 243, 260, and used a 308 for years. Again, easy to find case's and if you choose military case's, fairly inexpensive to boot.

Bullets with the 243 case cartridges would range from 58gr up to 200gr for the 308, pretty much anything in North America could be hunted with them. With my 243 I've shot a lot of small sage rat's up to a few deer. 260 hasn't been used yet, brand new sort of. 700 Rem re-barreled. I'm quite sure it could handle the sage rats up to elk very well. Then my old 308 I shot a lot of game up to mostly deer but would have no problem using it on anything in North America with the right bullet.

Using the 308 case you can use bullet ranging from 58gr 24 cal up to 200gr 30 cal and everything in between. Could add a 7mm-08 but think my 260 would handle most everything the 7mm-08 would handle. Range I might shoot and animal wouldn't mean much to me. I won't shoot at a game animal's beyond about 300 yds and have only done that one time in my life! varmint's are pretty small and for most it's either a hit or a miss! Of course with a 243 and a 58gr bullet hit a sage rat in the but and it's pretty much done for.

Shouldn't have though of this. Now I can see myself needing a 7mm-08 and another 308! Not all that bad but income might slow me down, social security don't pay all that well for me!
Ive thought about buying the children of the .30-06. Not wildcats, something like .25-06 thru .35 whelen.
Let’s see -

.308 case family have 7mm08Rem and .308Win
30-06 case family have 25-06Rem, .270Win and 280AI
.30TC case family have 6.5CM
.404 case family have 300 WSM
Ive thought about buying the children of the .30-06. Not wildcats, something like .25-06 thru .35 whelen.
I have a wildcat, 6.5x06. But I've never really understood the need for wildcat's. Shoot I use 140gr bullet's in my 6.5x06 and years ago in a 270 I had I also shot 140gr bullet's! Had a 280 years before that 270 and shot 145gr bullet's in it!

The other night I was loading some 243's and 260's and it occurred to me that if I still had my 308 I could hunt most anything in North America and finding case's would be a breeze! Could do the same reloading with the 30-06 case, 7x57 case and I think you could even with the 6.5x55 case. A 24, a 26 or 7mm and a 30 cal would go a long way in North America!

Then I remembered rifles are the world of shooter's and nobody shooting a wildcat has just one rifle! Shoot most hunter's dream up excuse's to get new rifles!
On the 30-06 case i have (2) 25-06, a 280 Rem and a 270 Win.
Oddly enough all of them are Ruger rifles.

On the 7X57 Mauser case, my daughter is shooting a Mauser in 7X57 Mauser. I have a Ruger in 257 Roberts, and a Savage in 257 Roberts AI.

And now i have 2 Weatherby Magnums also.
Oops... Make that 3 Weatherbys.
I keep forgetting about the 300 Weatherby in the safe.
I don't shoot that one.
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It's funny I never really think about it in terms of cartridge families. In my own mind everything is pretty neatly sorted by caliber and what a particular rifle might do with it. Anyway I have a 30-06, a .270, and a 280AI. For the .308 family I have a .308, a 7mm-08, and a .243.

The past year and a half or so, my favorite has been a .284 Winchester which I guess is really kind of it's own thing. For the most part anyway.
30-06 280AI 6mm-06 338-06 Man a guy could do well with that quartet.

7x57 Mauser 8mm Mauser 6mm Remington Awe heaven here! Crap need to add the 257 Roberts too.
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