Caribou Gear Tarp

5 things about you.

1. Due to an experience on the family farm while I was still toting a BB gun I have a deep hatred for pigeons. Almost get twitchy when I see one and can’t kill it. My neighbors used to say they knew what weekends I was home from college as they would hear me go through a few hundred shotgun shells ridding the barnyard of the demons. Have killed them with everything from BB guns to rat traps and most everything in between. I do enjoy eating them though.
2. Grew up in a house where a murderer held my parents hostage the year before I was born. All my family members made it through the ordeal. Unfortunately so did he.
3. I’ve only owned two vehicles in 18 years since my drivers license.
4. I have two pieces of pencil graphite, one in my arm and the other on my foot for nearly 20 years now.
5. I am remarkably average and love it.

Edit: should have reread the OP. I missed the mark on this one!
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You folks are WAY ahead of me !!!!! but I'll give it a try.
1. Invited to raise the UNPAINTED CEDAR totem pole in STANLEY PARK(Vancouver B.C.) Carved by a friend NORMAN TAIT. my picture on front page of the VCANCOUVER SUN news paper.
2.Met last american indian war chief, JOE MEDECINE CROW, (pres. OBAMA gave him a medal) at HARDIN MONTANA, told my daughter and I ,we were always welcome on CROW LAND...I did not know who he was until a lady close by told me . damn,should have taken a photo.
3. LEN GEORGE,son of chief DAN GEORGE(Slaho) and I were friends when I lived in North Vancouver.
4. Met the crew of ''the BEACHCOMBERS'' over in GIBSONS B.C....Watched the show when I lived back west coast BEACHCOMBERS /LOG Salvage boat # is L.S.4780.
5. Woke up to a black bear sniffing me.......I'm not nearly as brave as I thought I was!!!!!
Oh ya, we buzzed one of the big MARTIN -MARS water bombers on SPROAT LAKE in my friends dad's Piper super-cub on floats......** guy flying the cub was also a back-up pilot of one of the ''MARS''.
Shot 2 Montana unlimited rams

Jumped out of a helicopter onto the backs, wrestled, and tied up most western big game species

Spent time in 38 countries

Saw the sun rise from the top of an active volcano

In high school and while wearing a tux, I jumped from the roof of a mall onto the roof of a brand new Planet Hollywood. Found a hatch to an opening going into a storage room off the kitchen, and snuck into the grand opening party. Spent about an hour drinking beer and BSing with Bruce Willis. He introduced me to Arnold Shwarzenegger and Demi Moore, but I only spent a few minutes talking to them.
Chronological order:
1) expelled from high school in 10th grade
2) climbed a volcano in Guatemala and its sister erupted while I was on the summit
3) lived in Panama for 2+ years in the Peace Corps, had my appendix removed there, owned horses, almost cut my thumb off free diving for shellfish in the Pacific with a machete, ate howler monkey, iguanas, etc...
4) collected, recorded, tagged, and released hundreds of endangered fish from all corners of the upper CO River basin working for USFWS
5) canoed/kayaked 400 miles from Lake Winnepeg to Hudson Bay and encountered wolves and polar bear
  1. I have driven every Toyota pickup or SUV model ever sold in the US.
  2. Cut a Christmas tree from a landscaping planter in front of the main hall on a University campus.
  3. I have sank the same boat 4 times. All with different methods. All unintentionally.
  4. All-American athlete my senior year in the absolute most obscure track and field event ever.
  5. I have maintained a piece of paper in my wallet with the date and time of every instance my wife as admitted she was wrong and I was right, and survived.

Dude you forgot kicked a f@(king cougar!

Keeping with that theme I have:

1. Snuggled a grizzly cub
2. Fisted a mature bull bison
3. Glued radio transmitters on rattlesnakes
4. Helped capture the second spotted bat ever captured in Washington
5. A real redhead--married her of course, 12 years after I scared her off in high-school, 2 kids later, by far my greatest accomplishment.

Jumped out of a helicopter onto the backs, wrestled, and tied up most western big game species

I remember hearing about a crew of Australians that would contract for this kind of work to game agencies, sounds exciting.
1) I'm in my 40's but had a grandfather who served in WWI.
2) Currently raising my five kids as the 5th generation on the family farm.
3) Am a loyal friend.
4) Landed a 108# halibut on a buzzbomb and 20lb test while fishing for rockbass.
5) Still married to the right woman after 25 years.
Those 100#+ 'butts are pretty calm UNTIL they realize they are near the surface...THEN they ''loose it''!!! on the fish boat s(Commercial) we would shoot them with a .22. it worked, ...well Most of the time anyway ...
the ''original'' buzz bombs were made in a guy's garage/ shop, just up the island in COURTENAY.......You could go buy them right there.......... Heck,I even bought a couple at the store at EAST GATE in YELLOWSTONE !!!! they are now sold worldwide...
Since this IS Huntalk... I'll keep mine hunting related.

1. Have hunted from the arctic ocean to the Andes and lots of places in between.

2. At the age of 19 I killed a record book bull, a whitetail and a mule deer with my bow.....all on the same day.

3. Decided it was a real good idea to try and hunt griz with a sharp stick.

4. As much as I hunt my daughter and wife BOTH have bigger mule deer than I do.

5. Almost never miss.... except when I do.....
1. Published two articles in a hunting magazine.
2. Stayed married to my High School girl for 30 years.
3. Had my heart stop for around two minutes after getting stung three times by yellow jackets. Survived that!
4. I met the Big Show and Steve Austin back in the 90’s.
5. I met Dan Fitzgerald….he’s a deer hunting legend if you don’t know him.
A few friends left, and too many for just 5, but here's a sample.

Drowned when I was 5 and survived.

Set the Bell Curve in Science, for the Pasadena school system @ 16 & graduated HS & and Basic @17, then jumped out of a helo into the water and swam to the boat, dropped by the helo, under fire, and got it started. 1 years time.

Smoked joints with Bob Marley & David Crosby.
Surfed Mavericks.
Drank coffee with James Garner, @ the Oscars.

Did 22 years with the ex-Sig.Other and still friends, retired @ 54 after 22 years as a Park Ranger, moved to NM. Had a HA @ 60 for some reason and survived.

Got Cancer @ 67 and almost have that beat now. Hopefully.
-Can ride anything with handlebars ( except unicycle) far better than most. -Especially motocross
-Been married to only one person since I was 19. 34 years now
- coached high level softball. Nationally ranked team
- have too many guns yet I still buy more
-staunch Reagan conservative.
I really respect your second listed accomplishment💯
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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